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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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-You can't put backpacks on. Threw everything off me then tried, said I can't put it on (for whatever reason I don't know)

-Crashing happens when armor is to be dropped then picked up again, regardless of armor type. Sometimes this doesn't occur, but when you try to put on removed armors it crashes.

Hmm... First shoulda been fixed in the 22nd patch... I'd say the second could be related to attempts to fix the armor display bugs, but I just recently realize I commented those bits out before I put them up. I shall look into both.

You may hit the summon limit unexpectedly (I put a max summoned pets limit of 10 to stop server murder via summon) - that bit at least I know what the problem is, and it's completely server side, so I can fix it up soon.

Seems for everything I fix, somethin else breaks - think I recall the original MSC team making a similar observation. Omlet, eggs, somethin like that....


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2005
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Watching the Ultimate Showdown
wait thothie, I don't think they're bugs...I went on your server today and everything worked out fine :roll: Must've been something happenin with was crashin a lot


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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05.30.06 Ultra-Beta SC.DLL

Was going to hold off another day, get in those orc shammans, and summon spider scrolls - but too many people screamin' for this, so... Here it is.

Go to the usual place:

Again, waaay too many changes to list (I keep a complete developer's log though) - here's some key things to look for:

- New spells: Frost Bolt, and Rebuke Undead. Frost Bolt is a low level support spell available at, at least, one store in the game. Rebuke Undead is in, what should be an obvious place, but I'll only say that, it's not Keledros. (He's getting farmed enough damnit!)

- Poison should level better (although it's still not perfect)

- Poison does not affect undead, Frost does not affect cold-adapted creatures (such as Polar Bears, Ice Trolls, or the upcoming Snow Boar). Frost also does quarter damage to undead, but still slows them.

- Envenomed arrows, fire arrows, fire darts, fire balls, etc, now all report their secondary damage properly. Tweaked fire arrow lighting effects some more.

- Potions heal by a % of health (or a by minimum amount, whichever is greater), and have more drinks in them, but pauses between drinks are longer, and the prices for the bigger ones have gone way up (but you shouldn't need to carry so many, being the primary point). I've also renamed them weak/medium/strong for ease of identification (I never could figure which was > Reviver or Rejuvenator, or whatnot)

- Similar with Manapots, that also now have their own icon. (As do spell books)

- Scimitar now looks like a scimitar again... We have a new mid-range sword called Katana, which can be purchased at some out of the way store...

- Pet summon limit getting hit falsely fixed.

- Summons no longer respond to orders from players who are not their masters

- Longsword parries, and has a charge attack, but still not workin quite right, and can't figure how to get into the old style 'parry mode'.

- Pack nad Sheath changes discussed in yonder thread current system is:
Backpack - Anything but shields
Leather Back Strap - Any weapon (can be stacked with a quiver)
Dagger Sheath - Daggers
Belt Swordsheath/Snakeskin back/belt sword sheaths - Swords
Leather Belt Strap - Axes/Blunts
Quiver of Arrows - Arrows
Quiver of the Archer - Arrows, Bolts, and Bows
Large Sack - Everything but weapons, arrows, and shields
Small Sack - As it was (I can't change this) ie. Everything but weapons, arrows, shields, and armor
Spell Book - The ONLY container to hold the new scrolls - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ONE BEFORE YOU USE ONE OF THE NEW SCROLLS

- Belt/back sheaths clearly identified by their icons (and by names, where it would fit)

- Reduced the weight of some of the sheaths so nubs can put their weapons away. (Seems I may need to 0 weight a sheath from some reports I've been getting)

- All merchants should sell sheaths appropriate to the weapons they sell.

- Lots more treasure chest debuggery (so go check em all again) ;)

- Calrian has a new trick up his sleeve.

- Lots and lots of other stuff...

This patch now includes some models and an ms.dll. The ms.dll doesn't affect clients, but it allows servers to upload weapon/sprite models to people who do not have the full patch. Future releases will include more custom models and sprites. (If it gets out of hand, I may have to separate client and server side patches)

The patch contents is on the content server, so those who connect without the update sc.dll won't have to wait forever, feel free to share the content server by adding it to your server.cfg, if you run the beta, via the line below:
sv_downloadurl ""


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
May 21, 2006
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YAY for THOTHIE!!! Now I must host my severs 24/7 ^_^!


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Watching the Ultimate Showdown
damn, and as always, I've got a problem of some sort :oldcry:

Whenever I try to connect to an FN server it has a C++ runtime error leak or's just me, but I think it might be because I carry 80% of my stuff in my belt sheath o_O

I donno if it's got to do with my character or with steam, I'll check out the other steam games and see if it's OK.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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If ya got a LOT of stuff, sometimes you get the overflow error that has deleted so many characters. (Although usually that's an Edict Alloc error you get with that).

You can try using the character recover map, load it up, dump out your excess stuff, and resume normal life. Has worked for some people.

The changes behind the sit heal time and potions were, in part, to cut down on these sorts of issues (ie. to encourage people to carry less stuff).

Shouldn't affect the current sc.dll though anymore than it does the old one. It doesn't matter how many of the wrong items you have in the wrong packs - they'll still be there. You just won't be able to put them back in after you remove them.


New Adventurer
May 27, 2006
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every time i log on it says im ITS'aME'aMARIO and i dont like it :( also it boots me every 2 secs :D
EDIT: the booting me is steam saying my steam id is wrong...ill try to restart it


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Watching the Ultimate Showdown
Jax said:
damn, and as always, I've got a problem of some sort :oldcry:

Whenever I try to connect to an FN server it has a C++ runtime error leak or's just me, but I think it might be because I carry 80% of my stuff in my belt sheath o_O

I donno if it's got to do with my character or with steam, I'll check out the other steam games and see if it's OK.

Damn, and it seems that all I need to do is restart steam....false alarm :oops: Works now


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Haiku For Windows #4-
Chaos reigns within.
Reflect, repent, and reboot.
Order shall return.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Fuzzy himself may fix that up soon...

As for my own debuggery...

Minor update to the server today, it only affects those of you who summong rats, and have Spell Casting above 7.

The giant rats you l337 casters summon were causing server crashes due to a boffo screw up on my part (again, why this patch is not on the main downloads page).

You *may* need to update your own sc.dll to be able to summon giant rats again without making either you or the server go *poof*.

Update usual place:

Thank Nil for the report.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Watching the Ultimate Showdown

Thothie....I don't know how much to thank you....

[awestruck]WHEN DID YOU PUT IN WORKING FIREWOOD!!!!11[/awestruck]

The stuff is frickin awesome, soooo cool....I've always dreamed of settin up camp in Daragoth/Thornlands. Keep up the good work, dude.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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lol... 16th of May I think it was... Just thought'd be a nice touch...

Anyways... Bugger with Keledros, just to warn ya all. Do not stand in the indicated locations to avoid Keledros:
Click to enlarge

I've not figured a way around this so far - but if he casts lightning storm at you up there, there's a very good chance the server will go crashie.

I'm trying to hunt down the problem, but TBH, I'm not perfectly sure what it is. Players can duplicate this bug themselves by casting lightning storms at around the same location repeatedly (easiest to accomplish by firing from the landing on the opposite side).

To be perfectly safe, I'd avoid going up there at all while Keledos is still casting lightning storms.

I'm *guessing* that beams (lightningbolts) are being created and both start and end point are landing perfectly inside those pillars. But I couldn't recreate the incident in an empty map with similar pillars and split levels. I can only recreate it on this map, so far. There are no breakables or models or other factors that may cause this here.

Two fixes I'm looking into: 1) have Keledros cast another spell other than lightning storm when the target player is above him - which, I'm not enitrely sure how to do... or 2) Remove the spell from his repetoir entirely, and add something else. (Rather not do that)

I'll play with it some more... It seems to happen under the old SC.DLL as well... Just for now, for all of you are farming Keledros, remember, don't hide up there (at least not if he can see you.)


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Alright... I've a fix for this... Not sure if you sploiters will like it though. ;)

Seems you found a safe zone to snipe Keledros behind those pillars, and that's what uncovered this odd bug.

If Keledros spots you up there (or is up there and spots you on the floor) - he will do one of two things:
1) Throw a really nasty fireball up at you - which if yer lucky, might miss you.
2) Throw a really nasty lightning bolt up at you - which if yer lucky, you might surive. (That one, won't miss)

As a further experiment, probably a foolish one, I've given him back his summoned archers. They don't add to his threat rating much, but they do add another minor aspect to the battle. Be very careful if you go up there to take them out, lest Keledros pull out the killazap gun.

He's getting farmed so much, and has the potental to drop so many more nice things, I think it's time for an slight upgrade.

Main reason why his old summons would cause brain death so often, is because the January script system that kept them in check always let him summon at least 1 extra... And that added up after awhile.

But, if these three extra archers generate too much lag, or he does get the BD again, I'll take em out, so this is just experimental.

(On a side note, the archers work on a seperate system from the Infernal Armors - he can summon more archers before they all die - but there will never be more than three, total.)

The patch is on the beta server, and will take effect when next it restarts. It's crowded right now, so I dun wanna reset it atm... I've not uploaded this patch yet for the same reason - but it's strictly a server side update. Only people who might need it are those also running ultra-beta servers.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2005
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Watching the Ultimate Showdown
I have a suggestion...

Maybe increase the magic level required for the higher-level spells...lots of people now can use firewall, blizzard, etc. and I'm beginning to find it kinda cheap...farming Keledros (not to mention other bosses) is incredibly simple now. All you need is a wizard and a guy.

For Lord Calrain, you use the guy as a meat shield (usually with an iron shield too), then get the wizard/caster to dish some fire walls. And Keledros (1st phase) can be totalled in about 2 minutes with the appropriate spells, and the 2nd phase can be taken out in almost the same amount of time (a little longer)

Now don't get me wrong. I am a swordsman, but for balance issues maybe it should be done. Sure, those magic improvements you made kick ass (and are attracting players to it), but having most of the players lean to one skill (a la 1.35's hordes of archers) sorta screws with the game's feel and all. Aaand, not to mention, the casters keep stealing my kills :oldlol:

However, it's up to you Thothie, keep up the good work :wink:


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Been considerin nerfing the firewall... Probably be cutting the live time in half and damage by another quarter. Tis the result of my foolishness causing me to neglecting setting up my test char with more reasonable stats. Shields seem to be continually getting nerfed slightly with each revision - but I'm also updating the Calrian map, so both he and the blacksmith won't be so easily delt with (or in the case of the blacksmith, incredibly boring). Also going to see about making monsters who cannot flee, move away from firewalls, volcanos, and other hazards, since most bosses can't flee.

I did raise Lightning Storm and Volcano.... I intend to get a bunch more spells in there too - but I think I've got all the level'able categories you're going to see. Hoping I dont have to raise the levels on any more, as at least two of the ones I put in are incredibly weak. I also know how pissed people are going to be when they wip out their favorite spell and get the dreaded 'you lack the arcane knowledge to activate the scroll's magic' error.

Just as fair warning, Rebuke Undead is next in line for a level requirement increase.

Also adding more monsters, and trying to make the existing ones a bit smarter.

Keledros got a bit meaner... But everyone seems to be hunting him on Unrest2_beta now... Since he's stuck in position there, doesn't have his minions, and won't use his stronger spells (except in case of spell spam), since the players are always eye level.

...If Jester doesn't give me a final version of that map by the end of this week. I'm either going to declare it a cheat map and rip it off my server... Or replace Keledros and Calruin with something less rewarding - but just as mean... I got a lot of unused monsters sitting around...

I'm all open to reports of imbalance and suggestions... I'm trying to rectify as fast as I can, since I'm running the beta server on the [FN] network, and people are essentially getting artificial boosts from any lack of balance I stick in.

I'm also considering nerfing my AMX vote system to not allow warps to any map with a farmable boss or map that should be relatively hidden. (specifically: challs, calruin, and keledrosruins) - I think we are, for the first time, getting Keledros campers who do not actually know how to get to him... I'll have to setup more explicit crash warnings first. (God we gotta fix that...)


New Adventurer
Jul 28, 2004
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hah, um so is it possible to get the granite mace again in deralia?
i know its in a previous .dll but does anyone still have it?
(i just want to use a nice 1 handed mace so i can use a shield too)

or thothie, maybe it might be possible to make granite mace a drop from a boss or something


New Adventurer
Jul 28, 2004
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few things that i noticed, may need fixing...

um, bastard sword and 2h sword dont show w animations (do you know what i mean?)
and scimmy appears to be in left hand when it is actually in right

i hope solving these problems doesnt make a new one like...
volcano spell hurts players and monsters, so some powerhouse is showing off to some noobs, and melts them all hahaha


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Granite Mace is either going to get nerfed, or it's stats will be swapped with the Mace of Calruin. Most likely it'll go back on sale afterwards. ...I keep not getting around to that.

There's at least two new blunt weapons coming soon that'll replace it as a title weapon:
Dark Maul
Raven Mace

At least one of those will make an appearance in the game after I make some modifications to one of the existing maps. (There are also new weapons of every catagory on their way.)

As for the developer changelog, it lists every script I've modified. It's getting to the point where it's nearly a complete script list - and only people who have submitted a complete half-way decent map get access to a complete script list, so I dun wanna throw it all over willy nilly.

Although, that old temple map of yours - if you still have the source, I bet you could convert it to a non-cheat map without much effort. Then I'd give ya the script list and the dev log [provided you promise not to put them on your site]. ;)

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Thothie said:
As for the developer changelog, it lists every script I've modified. It's getting to the point where it's nearly a complete script list - and only people who have submitted a complete half-way decent map get access to a complete script list, so I dun wanna throw it all over willy nilly.

Although, that old temple map of yours - if you still have the source, I bet you could convert it to a non-cheat map without much effort. Then I'd give ya the script list and the dev log [provided you promise not to put them on your site]. :wink:
Yes, I thought you would have a large amount of scripts on that developer changelog, so that's why I assumed you'd rather keep it secret. Understandable, of course.

And that old 'temple' map of mine... there's no story behind it whatsoever. If I were to convert it into a legal map (I lost the RMF years ago, so RipEnt is my only chance) it would have tons of empty cages and an empty room (where the chests would be). So I don't think I'll ever convert that. I'd rather make a real map.

Also, this list looks familiar: