Lol'd @ Sabre's
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha XDSabre said:
"Quote# 62318Echo717 said:
Danny Jung said:To Mary Boyd: intolerant? Looks like you're intolerant of homophobes. I'm going to call you Bitch okay? Bitch, there are many reasons as to why homosexuality is fucked up. Number 1, it's by choice. If it was genetic, hey, not their fault their genes are fucked up, but when a person willingly chooses to become gay that's when I get angry. Not only am I angry that Gay's even exist, i'm pissed that you consider Gays as people. These 'people' want special rights for them and THEM only. Since when has being a fag entitled you to having extra rights?
You know what they did back in the biblical times? They killed gays. That's right, stoned their asses to death. You know why? Because God hates gays. By not hating gays, you're disobeying him, and you don't want to go to hell do you?
Sabre said:|Barnum said:
Not that uncommon actually. I've read case studies on two other instances of parthenogenesis that may not be unique. In one instance, it was caused when a rare'ish type of bacteria penetrated a dormant egg, causing it to divide. The other was caused by odd calcification in the woman's uterus coupled with an electrical shock, causing division. Laboratory produced stem cells are generally created in a fashion similar to the latter (no sperm involved), so it's not that surprising it could happen. Granted, in those cases, both fetuses would have been a clone of the mother, had they been brought to term (didn't make it in either case). More classic and common, is the occasional hermaphrodite that, due oddities in his/her/its condition, self impregnates.Keldorn said:
Thothie said:No, no one has reported it since JAN2010a. *sigh*