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- #1
The Flooded Mines (Submitted by Regorty)
• Likelihood to ever be completed (-200 to +200): +200 pts
- Kinda cheatin' here, as it's already in the alphapack, but I'll give it the max. Coulda used more treasure spots, but I can only assume Reg only ever intended the one.
• Playability (-100 to +100): +50 pts
- It works, though there's some serious balancing issues here and there (crazy multipliers making for insta-kill sonic bats and the like). Fixed most of them myself, before its submission to the contest, thus they aren't in the current iteration, so I shouldn't dock it extra for them, I suppose. Nothing terribly special and there's a few "trollolol" moments, but it's good, if straight forward, fun, with some exploration and cheese on the side. Plus it's huge.
• Performance (-75 to +75): +70 pts
- No FPS issues to speak of. Some of the water may have been better trimmed, but fairly negligible.
• Aesthetics (-50 to +50): +0 pts
- Not bad, not great... Nothing wrong with it, and the fact that it's mostly caves and mines limits things a bit (ya guys need to play with mystic underground ruins more). I actually have a hard time deciding which of the MSC maps demonstrates our average for appearance, but if I had to pick one now, this would be it. It's certainly much better looking than mscave or Gertenheld_Caves, but that's not saying much. I know Reg has much prettier maps, but the environmental concept here limited him a bit, I suppose.
• +10 pts (custom music, provided by OysterHippopotami)
Slightly tempted to disqualify it on the basis that I'm basically still guessing it's fmines, and not some other map, despite requests for confirmation - can't really tell from the dark submitted images.
Total Score: 330
Underkeep (Submitted by OysterHippopotami)
• Likelihood to ever be completed (-200 to +200): +50 pts
- Brushwork/lighting done. Some placeholders. Hard to score this though, as despite requests, I can get no details as to what it requires to be completed beyond "some quest NPCs". Also no efforts in the extra two weeks provided to even attempt to script or provide placeholders, or even dialogue, despite requests, or I woulda given it +175. From the silence, I can only assume the answers to these questions would not be in its favor.
• Playability (-100 to +100): +20 pts
- Can't really score the playability for most of the map due to lack of completeness - those bits I can discern look alright though, so I wont dock it. There's enough places to explore to give it some extra points.
• Performance (-75 to +75): +35 pts
- Has some minor poly issues here and there, but it's mostly a town map, so I'm going to be gentler to it than I would be to a heavy combat map.
• Aesthetics (-50 to +50): +30 pts
- It's pretty... Prettiest bits are still by Crow, but certainly can't hold that against the map, and the additions aren't bad either.
• +50 pts (custom music x5, provided by OysterHippopotami)
• +70 pts (14 custom prop models, mostly via Turbosquid.)
• +75 pts (Lore/Concept map)
- Technically a quasi-Lore map, as Underkeep was added to the lore due to Crow having created it back in MS 1.3, but Underkeep certainly qualifies for the bonus.
Fairly lovely attempt at a long awaited map. Just wish I had some clue as to how much longer it'll be awaited.
Total Score: 330
Which makes the winn... Wait... Sh*t.
(Flips coin)
Underkeep by OysterHippopotami!

Gawds... There's still other categories aren't there? Really? I'm the only judge for all of this? Come on! Anyone can judge music! Meh... Hold on, I was working on the patch.
The Flooded Mines (Submitted by Regorty)
• Likelihood to ever be completed (-200 to +200): +200 pts
- Kinda cheatin' here, as it's already in the alphapack, but I'll give it the max. Coulda used more treasure spots, but I can only assume Reg only ever intended the one.
• Playability (-100 to +100): +50 pts
- It works, though there's some serious balancing issues here and there (crazy multipliers making for insta-kill sonic bats and the like). Fixed most of them myself, before its submission to the contest, thus they aren't in the current iteration, so I shouldn't dock it extra for them, I suppose. Nothing terribly special and there's a few "trollolol" moments, but it's good, if straight forward, fun, with some exploration and cheese on the side. Plus it's huge.
• Performance (-75 to +75): +70 pts
- No FPS issues to speak of. Some of the water may have been better trimmed, but fairly negligible.
• Aesthetics (-50 to +50): +0 pts
- Not bad, not great... Nothing wrong with it, and the fact that it's mostly caves and mines limits things a bit (ya guys need to play with mystic underground ruins more). I actually have a hard time deciding which of the MSC maps demonstrates our average for appearance, but if I had to pick one now, this would be it. It's certainly much better looking than mscave or Gertenheld_Caves, but that's not saying much. I know Reg has much prettier maps, but the environmental concept here limited him a bit, I suppose.
• +10 pts (custom music, provided by OysterHippopotami)
Slightly tempted to disqualify it on the basis that I'm basically still guessing it's fmines, and not some other map, despite requests for confirmation - can't really tell from the dark submitted images.
Total Score: 330
Underkeep (Submitted by OysterHippopotami)
• Likelihood to ever be completed (-200 to +200): +50 pts
- Brushwork/lighting done. Some placeholders. Hard to score this though, as despite requests, I can get no details as to what it requires to be completed beyond "some quest NPCs". Also no efforts in the extra two weeks provided to even attempt to script or provide placeholders, or even dialogue, despite requests, or I woulda given it +175. From the silence, I can only assume the answers to these questions would not be in its favor.
• Playability (-100 to +100): +20 pts
- Can't really score the playability for most of the map due to lack of completeness - those bits I can discern look alright though, so I wont dock it. There's enough places to explore to give it some extra points.
• Performance (-75 to +75): +35 pts
- Has some minor poly issues here and there, but it's mostly a town map, so I'm going to be gentler to it than I would be to a heavy combat map.
• Aesthetics (-50 to +50): +30 pts
- It's pretty... Prettiest bits are still by Crow, but certainly can't hold that against the map, and the additions aren't bad either.
• +50 pts (custom music x5, provided by OysterHippopotami)
• +70 pts (14 custom prop models, mostly via Turbosquid.)
• +75 pts (Lore/Concept map)
- Technically a quasi-Lore map, as Underkeep was added to the lore due to Crow having created it back in MS 1.3, but Underkeep certainly qualifies for the bonus.
Fairly lovely attempt at a long awaited map. Just wish I had some clue as to how much longer it'll be awaited.
Total Score: 330
Which makes the winn... Wait... Sh*t.
(Flips coin)
Underkeep by OysterHippopotami!

Gawds... There's still other categories aren't there? Really? I'm the only judge for all of this? Come on! Anyone can judge music! Meh... Hold on, I was working on the patch.