New Titles

Gandalf the Grey

New Adventurer
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Wow.... I just read all 4 pages of this topic and i must say i am at an absolute loss.... (DarKnyght here) i didn't realize this game had politics more tangled then my sisters attempts at sewing... And i must say i am confused as to what Thothie and MiB are arguing over! But one thing i CAN state with clarity is that something of a new title/class system is sorely needed, and what i saw on Thothies chart thing was enough to make me punch the air and shout "YES! MSC NEEDS SOMETHING LIKE THIS!". In my opinion, there are a few ways this can go about happening:

1. Either have someone begin the gigantic and enormous all encompassing job of creating the coding and, well- coding that is needed to make this idea come true (not to mention the balancing), or-

2. Start with some kind of level where at the end of it you can choose one of say, 3 class armors. These armors would supposedly restrict you from using any of the other classes higher armor tiers/weapons/skills, yet would grant you access to specialist weps/abilities that a generalist wouldn't have. Heck, instead of restricting everything about "classes" to one skill there could perhaps be an option menu that would pop up, say something in the f menu, that would allow you to confirm this class, and subsequently choose a subskill(s?) that you could carry on with you. This option leaves the games previous generalist system still intact while allowing the people who want to specialize that option (without going through enormous pains to do so).

OR (my favorite option)

3. Everyone can continue bitc*ing at each other about what THEY want in the game. Its called COMPROMISE!!!!

As for the statement that this game is dead- WHAT!?

for one, this game has quite a heap more players than a majority of well done hl2 mods i see out there! And believe it or not- this game has community members who actually want to help (for example myself).

so i don't see what the deal is.
Lets agree on a plan and DO it- Granted, that's easier said than done, but we should at least start TRYING
- Thx


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Would having a new class system cause a char wipe?


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
*sigh* Damn necro's...

No... We resolved the issues gone over in this thread long ago.

(Like in 2008)

Although, TBH, I sometimes regret fighting the char wipe. It woulda solved, or at least delayed, some ongoing problems.