Oh God

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Red Cell

New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 22, 2005
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Isn't it the greatest feeling when you take a huge dump and feel 10 pounds lighter?


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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J-M v2.5.5 said:
The Man In Black said:
I don't think that even I would have been bold enough to type that.

Ah well, at least it's not Goatse.

Amen to that.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 11, 2004
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Knee deep in shit
I would have rather not seen that; much like I would have rather never seen Goatse. There is a lesson to be learned from all this. It might have something to do with anatomy, it might have to do with the maturity of the individual who posted it, and it may also have to do with the moderator who hasn't acted upon the event that is currently happening. It may in fact teach us all 3 things, and more. There was a time when I would have seen that and been disgusted, and that time was 5 minutes ago. I am disgusted. I mean come on. Ew. Seriously. Ew. With today's major advances in medical science, such as artificial hearts and lungs, microchips being placed in quadriplegics brains that allow a cursor to be moved by just their thoughts, hell, we've even had successful head transplants using monkeys. In the not too far future I bet they'll even have complete robotic bodies. This would be fucking awesome. You could probably customize your robot body to your own preferences just like you can with you car. To start off with, I'd want the strength of at least four, no five full grown gorillas, x-ray and laser vision would be cool and maybe even detachable chainsaws for arms. Kickass, right! Did I mention the strength of five freakin' gorillas? Would this utopian robot society even last? Probably not with mans warlike nature. It wouldn't be long until we had a full blown out war between humans and robots. I wonder which side I would be on? I guess I would still be technically a human since I would still have my human brain. But Mans' prejudges and jealousies would soon get in the way. They couldn't possibly accept me because of my awesome robot body and super gorilla strength. I'd be a pariah, an outcast. Even if my robot body looked human. I bet the dogs could tell. That's how they would hunt me down, with their goddamn robot hating dogs. I should kill them all before they can get me. Down with all humans! Death to Humanity! Death to Goatse posters! (and all things similar) Anyways the world hates me and i'm beginning to hate it back. i don't understand what's wrong with me. to me i don't feel like there's all that much wrong with me. i'm brutally honest at times, sometimes overrly sensitive, and socially uncomfortable. i guess i can be self-serving too. most of the people i see around me have much worse problems, and many have the same types of problems but they have friends and significant others. why don't i deserve to have anyone in my life except my mother? i try to be kind, funny, interesting, original, but no one likes me. my best friends don't answer or return my phone calls. my so-called ex-girlfriend wants absolutly nothing to do with me. i try and try but i always seem to fail. i've tried counseling and drugs and just trying some more but nothing works. my own family avoids me a lot now. not so much my immediate family but everyone else. brothers-in-law, cousins, and the rest. how can someone like me who truly wants to be liked and accepted can be so disliked and even hated by everyone i know? what exactly do i do to everyone i meet that makes me such an unlikeable person? for years i've made excuses but i can't pretend anymore. i used to say it was him or her or this type of person. but it's not them. everyone i know doesn't like me. people i work with, people i went to school with, people i meet at bars or through so-called friends. especially girls that i have even a slight interest in. i moved to f**** because i was tired of screwing girls who meant nothing to me, sometimes i wasn't even slightly attracted to them. my ex-girlfriend actually has some sort of connection with me. i'm not even sure why or what it is exactly, i just know it was there and is when i see her. i know i love her but she wants nothing from me. i'm just so lonely. i often want to die. i just want to give up. i'm so tired. but no one wants to hear it. no one cares, unless i pay. my mother does but i'm sorry mom i can't live just for you. as much as i love you too. my sister's care too but really only when i reach out for help or when its convenient. they're loving people they just don't have time to worry about me or the large majority of people in their life in the average day. how can i blame them? who does? i just say these things to straighten them out for myself. i accept responsibility. it's no one's fault but mine. i'm the one who feels this way. i'm the one who acts in such a way to make the world hate me, though i'm not sure exactly what it is that i do. at least if i die then there'll be this and i won't be someone who killed themself and no one knows why. thats looking on the bright side of life. Huh? No, none of it is true. I just wanted to see if anyone reads all this crap. You suck!
When you know you are. You are indeed it? Right? But if being who you know you are gurantees you the right to be you then how can you know that you are who you say you are if you don't know? I don't know!

The Man In Black

Staff member
Jul 9, 2006
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I got too bored to read that all, but you stole that from SeaLab 2021 =|

Red Cell

New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 22, 2005
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Yeah I just read the first two words. LAME.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Yea, I just read Red's name, and had a rapid glimpse of what he posted; somebody should stick an axe in the back of his head for that :/
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