Alright, I've been mapping for about a year at the most, I'm not too good; But I know some of the basics which makes me roughly decent. But I've got myself a bit of a noob question to ask, I'm using hammer 3.5 and I'd like to know what render mode must these fences be set to so that they're not oddly blue like that in-game; Note: I've currently got them set to that of texture atm, But I'd like to know what setting to actually have them set to.

And if you're curious about what this map is, It's currently a WiP map that I'm making all on my own from scratch, But I've yet to come up with a name for it yet (I'm bending towards canyon atm; But I'll wait to see if I can come up with a better name.)
Things about it: A fairly mild leveled map, 20-30 with a couple of surprises to give level 30+'s a run for their money. I was originally making a map similar to that of this, But had to do it over because of (Mistakingly) letting my friend finish the map; Thus resulting in a massive amount of invalid structure errors.
Upon that, Most monsters in the map would be skeletons (Ghastly knights, Fallen, Guards and some others that I can't think of off the top of meh head.) But one thing's for sure, I'd like to have Lord Undamael as the MAIN boss for the map; The other sub bosses being Bloodreaver, And Flesh eater. Why? Because, I've NEVER seen this guy ingame before, And I'd think it'd be delightful to have him as a boss; Only from what I know, The closest thing to Undamael is Gahronroth.
And No, The map has no errors what-so-ever with brushes or invalid solid structures so far if you're wondering.
But anyhow, Not to babble; This thread is also going to be my future section for this map to give updates and other such things.

And if you're curious about what this map is, It's currently a WiP map that I'm making all on my own from scratch, But I've yet to come up with a name for it yet (I'm bending towards canyon atm; But I'll wait to see if I can come up with a better name.)
Things about it: A fairly mild leveled map, 20-30 with a couple of surprises to give level 30+'s a run for their money. I was originally making a map similar to that of this, But had to do it over because of (Mistakingly) letting my friend finish the map; Thus resulting in a massive amount of invalid structure errors.
Upon that, Most monsters in the map would be skeletons (Ghastly knights, Fallen, Guards and some others that I can't think of off the top of meh head.) But one thing's for sure, I'd like to have Lord Undamael as the MAIN boss for the map; The other sub bosses being Bloodreaver, And Flesh eater. Why? Because, I've NEVER seen this guy ingame before, And I'd think it'd be delightful to have him as a boss; Only from what I know, The closest thing to Undamael is Gahronroth.
And No, The map has no errors what-so-ever with brushes or invalid solid structures so far if you're wondering.
But anyhow, Not to babble; This thread is also going to be my future section for this map to give updates and other such things.