So... yeah, finnaly decided to map something for MSC >.>
Not quite sure of the name yet, but im thinking of Enchanted Groove or Forest.
Will be 2 maps, first whit them main monster battles and puzzles and a second map whit the final battle and a boss. Will also inlcude a mine for the ever-so-future-to-be-made mining system. Oh and an easter egg for the upcoming Christmas and New Year
Yes, this is my first map.
Comments, suggestion, critizm and even hate are welcome.
Well, whitout further adue, enjoy the pics which dont say much.

Not quite sure of the name yet, but im thinking of Enchanted Groove or Forest.
Will be 2 maps, first whit them main monster battles and puzzles and a second map whit the final battle and a boss. Will also inlcude a mine for the ever-so-future-to-be-made mining system. Oh and an easter egg for the upcoming Christmas and New Year
Yes, this is my first map.
Comments, suggestion, critizm and even hate are welcome.
Well, whitout further adue, enjoy the pics which dont say much.