Truth or deception. You decide!


New Adventurer
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Jun 14, 2006
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The video is quite long (An hour and 28 minutes) but VERY interesting. Really a must watch.

Please only discuss if you have seen the video. Don't ask what its about, just watch it.



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Apr 8, 2005
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*sigh* This guy is quoting, almost verbatim, from a really stupid, and old, book called “Space Gate”, by Gyeogos Hantonn – A SELF PROCLAIMED ALIEN. I happen to have it here. It basically collects every conspiracy theory, ever, and ties them all together with aliens, which makes them all, effectively, bunk. I’ve had the damn thing since college, and I can tell ye, it is an excellent book for demonstrating flawed logic. One of my classmates used it as part of his thesis on logic (ie. fallacies thereof). Almost every nutty alien-government conspiracy theory is derived from this book (including the X-Files), and it immediately cues you as to who is pulling your leg, for as the alien Akbar said, “It’s a trap!”

I won’t bother lecturing about logic – but basic science, at least, tends to appeal to the UFO conspiracy folks, so lets take that route. 99% of all alien conspiracy theories are all shot down by one simple genetic fact: The odds of any aliens being humanoid, to even have four limbs and head, are so astronomical as to be non-existent. It was, from science’s view, an insane fluke that it even happened here (one molecule to the left in the primordial soup and all life on the planet would look very different.) The only way that such beings could exist, is if they were from here, or genetically engineered all life on this planet themselves. Our definition of intelligent life is so narrow, I personally figure if we ever came across a real alien life form, we’d be lucky recognize it as alive, never mind intelligent. Anything we can recognize as intelligent in any of these alien stories is always an offshoot of something human: an extension of our own imagination. Aliens, as they are commonly known, are a modern day projection fantasy.

“Without aliens you cannot make sense of anything else that’s been happening for the past 44 years.”

I think with that statement right there, he destroyed any hope of your reaching the truth about anything that’s happened in the world in the past forty-four years.

Other things I remember thinking while I cleaned the house with this crap in the background:
• Binary is not a language, no matter how mathematically oriented your species maybe.
• Aliens have flags just like ours, and uniforms to boot? ><
• Anything that can be downed by intense radar cannot fly in space, period.
• The world didn’t end in the year 2000.
• Mars rotates. We’ve telescopes powerful enough to make out structures as small as 10
meters on the surface. If there was a USA/USSR/Alien base there, you could see it at several, publicly accessible, observatories. Don’t believe me? Google Mars

True, scary, but utterly irrelevant tidbits:
• The NSA is, effectively, an independent government by law (there are other, smaller intelligence groups of which this is true - temporary ones are spawned on a regular basis where independent free-action is seen as desirable.)
• Truman gave a ridiculous amount of power to the Rockefeller family, as have subsequent administrations. Probably because they are disgustingly rich, and largely responsible for stabilizing the country.
• The Bilderberg group has been, similarly, given a disgusting amount of economic power, worldwide. – because all its members are disgustingly rich and powerful to begin with, hence its existence.
• The CIA has sold drugs to children (albeit, not directly), they’ve been caught dealing drugs, there were trials, people went to jail – this is no longer conspiracy, this is public record – but the CIA and other intelligent agencies are often asked to fund projects without government support by “any means necessary” – hence the Iran-Contra affair, various other minor spillovers, blow back, and corruption scandals in the world bank. If you look into the amount we’ve influenced foreign governments, economies, media, and mafia you can plainly see, there’s no money left over for any moon bases. Black-Ops is only $30 billion a year, which is squat, given our international presense, hence the desperate measures.
• The power of the people has been given up to the economic engine, albeit that happened shortly after we invented the plow. The only thing that’s changed since then is the scale.

So yes, the only conspiracy is the economic conspiracy. Ie. Groups of people who make money and have power aim to make more money and have more power, and when groups of said people get together, they form larger groups with that same goal. This has always been the case since the dawn of civilization, and it will always be the case. There’s no secret to it, no sinister conspiracy, it’s just human nature. No aliens required.


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
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Very well put Thothie. I see there is no fooling you :wink: .

The video did have its weak points. As you mentioned, the Mars base along with the world ending in 2000. And when he brought in the discussion about religion, I was about to close the video thinking this was turning out to be a little too fiction for me.

Other topics that he mentioned that I believe to be fake would be the JFK assassination, who he states to be preformed by the driver. I have seen many videos of it and cannot see any indication that the driver could have done it.

He did talk about Mars having a base (or many) on its surface. But he also mentioned the Moon having, not only base, but an atmosphere, man-made lakes and plant life (in a certain area). This I strongly believe is fake.

Key notes I believe to be true:
The government having technology far more advanced than what the public knows.
We are or have been in alien contact (I am a strong believer in UFOs and intelligent life).
The President does not have absolute power in the US.
Government (all sorts) has, is and forever will keep secrets from the people they govern.

Frankly, I don't know what to believe anymore. There are so many arguments on both sides to make a person go insane. The only true way of knowing is when you die. Even then, it could be an eternity of nothingness. I loved watching this video (and others like it) because of the some what knowledge it provides.

Sorry, I wish I could discuss it more and in great detail but I saw the video 2 days ago and a lot of it has escaped me!


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Apr 8, 2005
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The government having technology far more advanced than what the public knows.
I dunno about *far*… But I know there’s a lot of semi-hush weapons technology and there’s a lot of semi-hush commercial technology out there. My friend, who used to work for Northrop, has catalogs for orbital x-ray lasers (an x-ray laser, basically works by setting off a nuclear explosion inside a magnetic bubble, and letting all the energy escape out a hole.) I find it hard to believe that anyone would be trying to sell them to the military without having had built one.

You can dive through the patents and find a lot of stuff that would turn the economic world on its ear that’s owned by large corporations that would be damaged by such: Long ranged electric cars that do 0-60 in 10 seconds, cars that use no fuel other than their own inertia after a few pumps on a peddle, light bulbs and tires that never wear out, a self-sustaining, zero waste, nuclear reactor that once existed in Arizona, 100% clean generators that work on chemical or gravitational basis (some of which are in small scale use in other countries). I’ve a friend who works for GE labs who showed me these nifty bio-electric light strips, that have the life of LED bulbs, and have several times the illumination of a standard bulb for about a hundredth of the energy use – plus you can cut them into any shape, so the decorative applications are limitless. That was ten years ago – still not seen em on the market. That sorta thing is pretty common.

But no space ships, no moon bases, no base of operations at the center of the Earth, no secret underground cities. No grand designs along those lines. Sadly, most of our wasted money goes towards bribing/arming groups and governments, rather than expanding the frontiers of mankind, and even in that vein, we tend to be short handed and overstretched, even with $2 trillion dollar payoffs to our own industries. The government is primarily a tool for redistributing money, and its reach always exceeds its grasp.

We are or have been in alien contact (I am a strong believer in UFOs and intelligent life).
I find it hard enough to believe in intelligent life on Earth. ;) It’s funny how all these UFO crash stories start about the time the concept entered popular culture. Come up with stories of little green men, and sure enough, within a few years, you have conspiracy theories about little green men. It’d be a lot more convincing if the cultural time-line suggested that UFO’s started the alien mythology, and not the other way around, but it doesn’t. Never mind the basic biological and technological flaws with the idea.

I’m fairly certain there’s life out there, but how much we would recognize as life, and how much we’d recognize as intelligent life – I’d be guessing next to none, and none, respectively. Certainly there is nothing in our galactic neighborhood compatible enough to make intelligible contact with us when no species on our own planet seems to live up to that expectation, even when trained to do so. We’ve got apes and dolphins that communicate so well that they’ve described their concepts of god to us, and we still consider them animals, so I don’t think there’s any other species that would satisfy our requirements for sentience; if not here, certainly not anywhere else.

• The President does not have absolute power in the US.
He’s not supposed to. He has a hell of a lot more power than he should though. Seems every term he manages to grab some more power. Line-item veto under Clinton, signing statements, and the ability to nullify any treaty at will under Bush, never mind the emergencies powers act. The guys who came up with checks and balances must be spinning in their graves.

• Government (all sorts) has, is and forever will keep secrets from the people they govern.
Kinda hard to run a government any other way, especially one feigning democracy.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 11, 2004
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Knee deep in shit
I legally can neither confirm or deny any statements, so this is all I will say on this matter. Thoth has a good grasp of reality.

Government (all sorts) has, is and forever will keep secrets from the people they govern.

Common knowledge. There are some things the general populace is better off not knowing. A lot of information that is kept secret is done so for a reason. Security reasons for example. A lot of methods, and intel, is sensitive info. There is a lot of info the enemy could gather from just one tidbit of info, and use that against us. If all people were decent hard working folks, and never had any violent tendencies, and if there were never any wars or weapons, then information wouldn't need to be kept secret, or collected.

Kinda hard to run a government any other way, especially one feigning democracy.

Ouch. :p

I do love it when I watch movies and they refer to the NSA in extravagant ways, and say stupid things like "...requires a clearance above Top Secret."

Hello... TOP SECRET? TOP? Yeah. Clearance != Access or need to know, surely, but there is nothing above Top Secret.

i serious.

As far as alien contact. I highly doubt it. Not within a few million light years, and if there were any further than that, there would be no chance of ever meeting with them. Unless their lifespan is greater than a few million years and they can travel at the speed of light. If there is life out there (On planets that have the right conditions) it will probably be in the form of plant life, algae, etc. I am no ecologist, so I am probably wrong.

We’ve got apes and dolphins that communicate so well that they’ve described their concepts of god to us

LOL Really?

There are PROVEN inventions that are more efficient and effective than what we currently have, but the only reason they aren't widespread is because of greed, more or less. Thoth touched on this a bit. As far as military weaponry goes - don't count on anything as amazing as you would read in a sci-fi novel. Actually, don't even put that much faith in concept designs.

Thoth, the x-ray laser mentioned would be interesting, but how practical is it really? I can't imagine a use for it. Maybe if you wanted to radiate just one person on ground from space... nuke their junk to keep them from reproducing maybe...


For the record, I have not seen that video as I can't view it on these terminals. When I come back to the states I will try to remember to watch it. I could use a good laugh.