the game gets better as you go. something i had fun with was a car chase ur in the back of a van and the police are chasing u and u gotta shoot them down before they destroy the van, then theres a sniper level then levels where u have to be quite which i like least then the regular game play i didnt get the far so i dont know if theres any other type of game play in it.
rumor has it that kane and lynch got gamespot's best editor fired, because he gave it a low score and the publishers were going to stop paying for advertisements on gamespot's site (lots of money) unless he was fired or the score was changed.
dunno if its true but its made more than half the community give the game a "abysmal" rating ( a 1.0 )
-The editor gave the game a 6.0, which he did, believed it to be a fair score.
-The publishers of the game had been paying for advertising on gamespot.
Now, if you had a game that you wanted to sell millions, and millions of people that go to gamespot saw that it sucked (6 out of 10) then wouldn't you probably bribe the staff to either change the score or fire the man in charge? And wouldn't removing their advertising (which gamespot uses to pay for their site, aside from gold memebers) be a good threat?
He was working there for years and suddenly got fired after that review was made.
Could be coincidence but Idk. Like I said, check out the user ratings for the game on gamespot, they all seem to think it is true.
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