The Man In Black said:Nice one J-M. I mean really, your cheating posts are more important than the person who is doing the most work for the mod. Who needs Thothie, really?
Thothie, don't quit just because he thinks that he has the right to post every last bit of information. In my opinion, that forum is worse than a cheat map, thus I would almost vote for blocking a certain STEAM_ID from FN. If J-M wants to be a dick and ruin the game for the rest of us by making it easier for everyone else, fine. But who says that you can't just ruin the game for him? ;-)
ManInBlack that is going over the top; banning/deleting J-M's character just because he helps out people in his Guild? I suppose if you ever help anybody out, in the slightest bit within your own Guild, your character should be wiped out & your steamID "blocked" as well?
People who aren't active in BoU and only join to be in it, probably aren't checking the forums too often and looking at that information. Even if they DO see it, who says they will know their way around the map; who's to say that they'll have a character CAPABLE or retrieving the items?