Regorty said:I just make my maps big, not so much complex. As you can see with this map, a lot of it is rather simple but spacious, perhaps too spacious, I think I may rework some of the doors to being larger and maybe add carpet and plants.. But its a desert and IDK if Orcs like to garden to have nice things.
Yea. The thing to keep in mind is the goldsource engine was built with tight spaces in mind. It doesn't lend itself well to big open areas, so if you have a lot of them you'll most likely want to add some pillars/ruins/decorative somethings.
You can certainly get away with a fair amount of open space though. I don't think I saw any huge spaces in any of your pictures that need fixing in that way. To me it's purely aesthetic; large spaces need things, which are sometimes hard to define. Since you're a beginner it is expected and forgivable

As an example, this room ... T_Pic8.jpg could use some pillars or whatever.