We have torkalath blade for fast swinging anyway
Thothie. Don't nerf the dark sword.Thothie said:Doubtful.
That is not helping your case, as I translate that as "This is the ultimate weapon in this game" - and well, it ain't supposed to be.I would really hate it if you nerfed the last truly useful weapon this game has.
You don't seem to have a ****ing clue how this game plays out (example below) and that's why you say stupid crap like this. Runegahr is hard enough with six level 40+ players (all with swordsmanship 30+) dark swording him.Thothie said:That is not helping your case, as I translate that as "This is the ultimate weapon in this game" - and well, it ain't supposed to be.I would really hate it if you nerfed the last truly useful weapon this game has.![]()
Thothie said:Any item inspiring that much passion, short of an apostle weapon, is clearly too desireable,
1) I did admit that the Orion bow was overpowered, but I'm not going to lie and say that the dark sword is overpowered.Thothie said:Plus J-M does tend to make a good guage as to when something's gotten out of hand.
1) Please excuse me for using a weapon that's in-game. I am terribly sorry.Thothie said:and the thought that six players with DS is the way to go against the meanest boss in the game suggests it is being seen as the ultimate weapon.
Yes, the changes in FEB2008b were very dramatic, like, totally world-opening. Every server hoster should say "Fuck you, pig" to all dark sword wielders and update to FEB2008b.Thothie said:Especially so, when server hosts are willing to screw their clients just to get the sixth charge.
Question: did you nerf it on purpose (break the final charge), hoping someone (me) would complain, finally giving you a reason to scrap the weapon?Thothie said:Originally it was just I was sick of hearing complaints about it being bugged, and I wanted to setup some more predictable behavior for it, but now that I see all this clamor, I suppose more drastic measures were in order.
The nerf god, who else? Are you sure you read all the replies? This 'selective reading' (only listening & accepting when you agree) stuff is getting tiresome.The Man In Black said:Who said anything about rapid fire![]()
Thothie said:Doubtful. More likely take the opposite approach and give it a rapid attack, or some similar such that's already working on another weapon. It doesn't really have the proper pierce anim for its trick anyways. I don't want it to be a motivation to screw clients out of their votes and such, so I want something that'll be dependable and not have to f*ck with it anymore.
J-M v2.5.5 said:The nerf god, who else? Are you sure you read all the replies? This 'selective reading' (only listening & accepting when you agree) stuff is getting tiresome.The Man In Black said:Who said anything about rapid fire![]()
The Man In Black said:I've read all arguments, agreeing on some points and not others.