For Servers who want Clients: Maps w/Spawns & Helena Fix


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
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Your Basement
If they're computer can't run MS, then its time for an update. My old computer was a 700mhz processor woth 128 ram and a shit graphics card and it could start a server if i waited long enough. That's a 5 year old computer btw. As for not being able to join up with friends, who the hell are you playing with. I have an assload of people that i play with and we have no problem all playign together, ever. Wait in Edana, get your friends, and then go.. If one "pings out" then wait in the map for him to come back. That's not hard at all. Not a problem for you with your fixed maps though aye?


New Adventurer
Jul 23, 2004
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South Africa
Since you missed the point enough to make that statement twice, note I said that I would be willing to throw my support behind a game that endeavored solve the issues I listed. I don't have access to a detailed changelog, so all I can do is ask. It's more concern for the game's success than distress though - but I know better than to just sit back and 'have faith' in anyone. There's no greater crime you can commit against another person or cause.

Note that I said ...

It's good to have suggestions

Check the Half-Life 2 survey, if you can't run MS on your computer, get a new one, almost all the pc's in the survey are more powerful than mine. Games get better, as do computers, gamers will always have to keep up.

Lack of begin points on maps, or any compromise solution, is killing the game's client flow and threatens to continue to do so in the next version, unless action is taken.

I like the way you deem any other solution to yours, a "compromise". Action is being taken and it's not putting spawns in every map. Be disappointed.

- Ewok


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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We're talking about people with 3Ghz P4's and 6800's. It's not lack of power, it's the flaws in the HL engine combined, combined with the flaws of Windows XP, combined with the issues of making the engine do things it simply wasn't designed to do. (Which I applaud the developers for pulling off, insomuch as they have). Tack on network security issues, and lack of technical know how - and there goes half your potential players.

...and I'd only be disapointed if nothing was done at all. :)


"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -R. Buckminster Fuller

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
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Your Basement
I fail to find the game doing something the engine is not designed for. As i remember, the only bug on the engine was the model count when we were on WON, which is what 1.3 was released on, and therefore since 1.35 is just a patch of 1.3, its made for WON. Steam's what fucked up the engine, not the game. If you didn't notice, most games had to release patches to get their game to even work correctly with steam. We got ours working for a fair amount of the time, now Continued is being worked on. As for the people we're loosing, if they can't figure out how to get the damn game to work, or they're to impatient to wait for it, then what kind of community members would they be anyways?


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Apr 8, 2005
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I'll take anyone and everyone I can get. There are a lot of people who don't have much technical skill, or have buggy XP installs, or problematic networks, who are still lots of fun to play with.

IMO, the less people restricted from playing the game, the better. If you only want quality clients - you can do a written test or something, but making your game difficult to use doesn't seem an ideal solution. There are plenty of technical experts who are absolute pains in the ass to have to deal with on-line. (Indeed, llamas seem more numerous among them than amongst the non-techies).

The engine isn't intended specifically for this, anymore than it's intended for the insanity those geniuses at Natural Selection manage to make it do. I'm sure the developers have come across the usual dozens of work arounds they've had to do to accomplish what they have so far. And yes, I forgot to add to my list of problems STEAM - which yes, fuxorz everything six ways till Tuesday, and thus, strengthens my point: why make this game any harder to play than it has to be?

In anycase, Ewok seems to be saying that some action will be taken on the subject. Hopefully it'll help alleviate one of the major issues that has held back this game for so long.


"How often is it that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him?" – Muad'dib

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
Apr 8, 2005
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*doent like popcorn but sits down with the guys and also enjoys the show*


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
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Your Basement
If they're to impatient to play the game, then its their bad that they're not here.. The game is plenty easy to use, play, it works on the engine prefectly fine. The networks problems and such arnt exactly intentional, not like we're trying to make there lifes hard, but do the dev's get paid for this? Do they have to make it for other people? Hell no. Honestly, i've seen more and more jackasses join this community than i've seen that play counter-strike. Better off without them.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Feb 9, 2005
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I think you over estimate how many people will even download the mod once released.

The majority of the Mod community are graphics tards, who think that any mod still for HL1 is old cop and won't bother DLing it.

This however depends on the scale and quality of media that is released before the game. If a good job is done enough hype will see any mod do well.

I hope that MS:C will do so as I know it can.

And for Newbs playing the game, its not so much of a case of bad XP installs, but people using XP that don't know how to use a PC properly and fill it with shit (very easy to do on XP (Which is total crap IMO)) but anyway. Say they have XP running ok, or whatever other OS running, the average PC user wouldn't even get to install it unless it has an installer as they are total retards.

I think that the community will love MS:C as its a VAST improvement, hell almost a new game.

There will also be many MS old skool players that will hopefully see the media build up, see the quality and then DL the game and play it.

But I doubt any "HL2 roxor HL" people playing due to their mind sets.

And about the engine being "too modded" urm wtf.......If you have a shit PC you can still run NS, true it looks crap, the VGUI is messed up etc, but you'll have to have a gfx card with less than 16mb of RAM, WHO THE HELL has these anymore? (Apart from me that has Crappos for Servers and Pissing about with) The average joe on a PC is:

A) A tard

B) Using it for word only

C) A tard (again) for paying for a system that will never do what its capable of

D) Able to play MS:C or even NS with max gfx (Not that they will, as they just use word)

My point is, 98% of HL users can have HL at full Res and GFX with no problem whatsoever. HL is old, easy to mod and doesn't ask for much to run (Unlike HL2 which is the opposite)

I'll shut up now, I think I sailed a tangent and got lost at sea.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Again, it's certainly not an issue of power. In some cases, it's not even a matter of lack of technical know how... It's very rarely, if ever, a lack of patients. Not that a well written game should ever require patients just to get started.

If your attitude is going to be that you do not care about people who have difficulty playing the game, then obviously you aren't interested in getting any new players for your game. You've no interest in the game's gaining popularity or a fandom, and no interest in its future. As I said before, if that's the case, and you're only writing for your own personal entertainment, I'll sftu.

Plenty of other modders are making games that are much easier to use, also, without pay - games that don't require people to start their own server, just to join someone else's server. The one's that are most successful are the one that are most intuitive to use. Welcome to the modding world.

*I* want to see this game in the top five on the Steam statistics menu. I want to see it populated like WoW and Evercrack. I want there to be people playing on dozens of servers 24/7 - so many, that the Edana bug may not even be an issue. I want to see that baby eating Gabe Newell slobbering over the rights for a retail version. It's a dream, I know - but if its one the developer's don't share - well - I'll bring some flowers to the game's grave. Mind you, I'm speaking of the one it's only just barely managed to crawl out of. If I could stop you from putting it back in, I would - but all I can do is argue for its right to live.

I could tell you what you want to hear, and echo what you seem to be saying. I could say that there's not a single bug, or play style flaw in the entire game; that it’s the most perfect thing to come into existence since God created light. But fueling the delusions isn't going to help the game, so instead I speak the dark truth, which is so vehemently being denied by some of the very few people who are amongst the only ones who can do anything to change it.

Thankfully though, not by all of them.


"Winning an argument on the internet is like winning the special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded." - PSA

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
Apr 8, 2005
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lol see this is what i like about u gaz ur a friggin genius... even tho im stupid i understood what u said for the most part and all i use for my comps is making animation models for school and playing games other than that i have no idea how it works (aside from how to build a comp lol) but the average joe as u put it gaz CAN EASILY run any hl mod... and if u cant manage to run hl mods... well get a new comp lol hell to get a comp that can run hl mods at least costs maybe 2 or 3 hundred dollars AT THE FRIGGIN MAX! but im prob way off even with that oh well im rambling again so yeah lata guys and nice to see that this forum is so alive lol


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Feb 9, 2005
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The games not hard to play......Yes the fact that you have to start in edana unless you allready quit the map you want to join last.

This has changed in MS:C but its not going to be revealed how by me (I don't want beats from Kuroneko). But its better none the less, however don't expect spawning in every map, just yet. Even if it was only if you have been there before, it would eradicate the need for transition points for experianced partys.

The thing I think people find the hardest when they start is the controls. Theres no in game tips or tutorials for this, and this is where I feel the game stumbles. Yes its in the Readme and you can see how to do so in the controls, but thats where I feel people will loose their patience the most and leave the game.

Maybe a tutorial area in edana, where you are taught, and then spawned into the temple?

Theres my 2 cents for today :)


New Adventurer
Apr 8, 2005
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yo gaz if u havent noticed thoth has made an very cool tutorial and u can dl it in one of the other forum topics right below this one... if u have noticed ignore this but other than that try and tell all the newbs (if u know any) that are having troubles with the game... ALSO! thoth again i congradulate you lol your maps that u have? i decided to dl them, contrary to my beliefs about editing games, and back up my old maps and omg the crashing problem has been cut down by a good 75% no joke so those who are agrivated by the whole crashing prob lol well thoth has a fix.... (soon tho i will go back to the old ways tho because personally hellena is far to easy with his new map i took them all on by myself and i didnt use a single arrow lol) oh well lata guys


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Feb 9, 2005
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I was talking officailly :)

More of a tutorial, than banners is what I had in mind, but gratz to Thoth for what he's done


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Wait wait wait... Fluffy... You did whaaaa!? :eek:

Jeeze... I mean, I think I could probably save them with my 450hp character, but even then, I'm sure I'd be down to just one civlian, and die like 100 times over. SURELY hordes of Trolls are harder to deal with than Orc Archers and Rangers. How many times did you die?

Feh, I dunno, I'm open to suggestions on how to make it even harder without crashing the server. I tried to replace most of the regular orcs with Berzerkers, but for some reason the change wouldn't take effect. Really, I can only add tougher critters, not more, as any more corpses will crash the server.

As for the help tips - yeah, my banners are kinda obnoxious. It'd be nice have 'tool-tips' like Natural Selection's, where little tips come up the first time you near, see, or trigger certain entities/events. In NS you can toggle these tips with cl_autohelp 0, so once you don't need them anymore, you can turn them off.

Like i said before, Brain Bread has something similar, but it would likely require a custom GUI font. I maybe able to snag it from the unknownworld bois.

I also suppose obnoxious banners like mine wouldn't be so bad if you could toggle them off with a cvar or option.


"Red meat isn't bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is."

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
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Your Basement
Nah, i think its a massive problem of patience as i quit playing when my PC wouldn't load the server unless i wated 5 minutes. Thing is, like i said before, the current build is not made for steam, and therefore causes problems.. Thing is, if somebody can't even figure out how to play the damn game, i don't care for them. Its not that difficult. As for beating helena on ones own, not that hard, on either version i dont think. Thing is, never had a problem with waiting at Edana until you started this post from anybody, and apparently, your the only one who gives a damn about being able to spawn anywhere. As for the bugs in the game, its still in early beta's, handle it. Bug's will be fixed, you don't have to bitch about them like they'll be there forever. Also, Just because a few people don't play the game because they can't spawn anywhere, doesnt mean the mod is going to die. There are still hardcore fans, and just those few fans alone are enough to make this game live forever. Whether its played or not, Mastersword will not die, because its in our hearts & memories, and when we die, there will be no point in the game's "life" anyways.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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More clients > less clients, period :p

If you think I'm the only who has an issue with the lack of spawn points, thou art in denial. Indeed, I'm almost totally unaffected by it - *I* can start servers left and right. I know several people who gave up on it just because of that. This is more the complaint of others than it is of mine. My only complaint is that it stops OTHER people from playing. I'm also not the first one to edit these maps to contain spawn points - just the first one to make them publically available.


"First post in 200 words or less"

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
well i like thoth's ideas and all but if u can lol make it harder omg! when i reached a certain point in the game i just owned ok get this... after helena was done the orcs gave me a Great axe so now i carry that around and im at lvl 20 in my axe mastery... than after that i went to the dark forest found that dumb ring (still cant figure out what it does) than i got than i got the calruin mace thingy... and i got elven longbow... and i got the dagger ALL FROM ONE BOSS! after that i trained all those up to lvl 20 except archery which is now lvl 30! ok ok... skull blade i already had and swordsmanship is lvl 30... omg this char is backed up like u would never believe but its soo boring killin almost everything in one or two hits.... so im just sittin here waitin for ms:c to come out and when it does its time to pwnzors the noobzors lol jk i dont pk but still really depressing how easy it gets when u find urself able to take helena all by urself... anyways im rambling again... all i can say is Please hurry with ms:c but dont hurry so much that u make worse glitches lol


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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MS:C sounds like it'll be a bigger world, so there will likely be something for the high level characters to do (when they get there). It is true that, under the current game, you get to the point where nothing's a challenge real fast. Granted, given the AI's - if you're patient, nothing's a challenge, period. ;)

I dun think Calrian drops a dagger - but a Skull Blade. It is a bit much though - dropping the best mace, the best bow, an SB, and a few thousand gold all at once. Plus, if yer tricky, you can get limitless training on him that works better than any cheatmap I've ever seen. (BTW - Hell's is running Easylevels - wtf?)

Tell me you at least died a lot in Helena though - really, short of crashing the server, at your level I can't do more than make you die a lot. :\

I spend most of my time just running around and helping the n00bs with my higher level chars. Well, that and looking for the Elven Long Sword... As I recall in WON, I think I was level 35 in everything before I finally found that blasted thing. *sigh*

Keep finding that rune sheild in MSCave, but I can't take it out of the chest - says I don't have the cash - but I think that's a bug.

The ring doesn't do much of anything useful, given your level and equipment, but I suppose you don't want spoilers... I'll hint though: try talking to NPC's in Thornlands.


"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath. At night, the ice weasels come."

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Your Basement
Methinks you mean the Elven Short Sword... Meh, i played some 1.35 today, with Thothie and some others.. it got boring fast. Mostly because i was a low level, i'm used to my high level, and the people on the server weren't that fun.. (not like Longdale when he's being a major flamer) Anyways.. More Clients isnt allways better than no clients in a free game, and if you think that then take councilling. I'd rather have few clients than a community of asshole pricks that hack all the time and make the game suck for all us old members.


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Apr 8, 2005
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Well, those who are patient enough to hack the game aren't the ones who are going to have the harder time playing, and I personally feel the pricks are more commonplace amongst the technically elite, for whatever reason. ...and I took counseling - a decade ago, but I took it. ;)

If you don't want players, just make a password protected server, but me, I want players. :D


"Never do anything that you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics."

Saint Thoth


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
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Your Basement
I love playing with people, but if those people are pricks, they can get their asses off my server or be banned because i don't put up with it. As for the people we were with today, nothing wrong with them, but i'd rather play solo than play with them


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Well, then, if don't want to play with the current crew, obviously we need new players, so you'll have someone to play with. ;)

Heh, I get anti-social from time to time myself. I have a two "Saint Thoth Jr." characters going in hopes that I can find regulars who are willing to make a pact to level up together or something.

Hell's Diner has PK enabled, I notice, which doesn't exactly encourage comradely, so the server you play on maybe tainting your taste of the current players (or simply attracting the wrong ones). Come Monday I'll move my server to MS. I've had a few regulars who I really like to have around who are probably just weekend players, maybe they'll come with. Come on in and see if you tolerate any of them then. You never know. ;)


"I've argued in front of every judge in this state. Often as a lawyer." -Lionel Hutz

Saint Thoth

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
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Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Tradion said:
The game is plenty easy to use, play, it works on the engine prefectly fine.

Why hello Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf, Iraqi Minister of Information. :oldlol:

Thothie said:
(BTW - Hell's is running Easylevels - wtf?)

Screenshot? I saw a different server on a few cheatmaps but Hell's Diner MS? Are you absolutely sure?


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Not that I care enough to narc on them, really, since I dun care about the cheaters so long as ms_pklevel works. Then again, that's about half the time, so then again... (BTW! PKLEVEL ISSUE IS NOT A MAP BUG!) (lest all the maps have the same bug)

Your server? If I see it again, I'll SS it for you. Maybe someone took your hostname in order to defame you. ;) Hell's Diner (keep wanting to say Kitchen, since I use to admin a HellzKitchen) - needs updating - my dark helm don't look right on that server. ;)


"It takes hundreds of geniuses to make a complex thing simple."

Saint Thoth

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
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Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
I don't own Hell's Diner MS. I own J-M's MS realm. It's just that Hell's Diner MS never plays custom maps so I'm wondering if you didn't see a different server on a cheatmap.