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New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 22, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Huge petition - remove or reduce heavily the points for ice shielding people - this is very exploitable and I can PM you (Thothie) how, because right now a lot of people know about this and there has been a lot of arti ninjaing going on.


New Adventurer
Nov 21, 2006
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

I agree with Belmont, I'd explain why but I'd rather not see this ice shielding crap continuing. :|


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

I second that.

Also since the release of the steam crossbow is getting near, it would be fair to slow down the reload of the heavy crossbow

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
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Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

FER said:
I second that.

Also since the release of the steam crossbow is getting near, it would be fair to slow down the reload of the heavy crossbow
Or, alternatively, keep the heavy crossbow reload at what it is right now, and make the steam crossbow even faster...

... :idea:


New Adventurer
Aug 28, 2004
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

J-M v2.5.5 said:
FER said:
I second that.

Also since the release of the steam crossbow is getting near, it would be fair to slow down the reload of the heavy crossbow
Or, alternatively, keep the heavy crossbow reload at what it is right now, and make the steam crossbow even faster...

... :idea:
I agree with J-m
Upgrades are supposed to be upgrades not replacements.


New Adventurer
Jan 13, 2006
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Gurluas said:
J-M v2.5.5 said:
FER said:
I second that.

Also since the release of the steam crossbow is getting near, it would be fair to slow down the reload of the heavy crossbow
Or, alternatively, keep the heavy crossbow reload at what it is right now, and make the steam crossbow even faster...

... :idea:
I agree with J-m
Upgrades are supposed to be upgrades not replacements.

I don't have a heavy xbow so I don't know what the reload is like. You could have the heavy xbow deal slightly more damage and reload a little slower but if the damage is very close, say within 30, the hxbow shouldn't reload at half the speed because that's an obvious upgrade. I'm for making them two distinguishable weapons where one is slightly better by dps.


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Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

J-M v2.5.5 said:
Thothie said:
• monsters/wizard_normal – Generic variant of Keledros, goes straight into combat, you provide drops
What does this mean?
Couldn’t think of a concise way to say, “He doesn’t drop treasure, so you supply it.” – ie. Generic Keledros doesn’t drop scrolls. This allows mapper's to place him without worrying TOO much about how exploitable he might be in a specific location.

Edit: Shahaddar archer (as seen in Aleyesu) script name?
Hah! You forgot to mention a script! Gotcha!
Bah, probably not the only ones either, but:
• monsters/sorc_archer1 – Shahaddar Scout – a notch above the standard orc sniper
• monsters/sorc_archer2 – Shahaddar Archer – this meaner looking variant packs more punch and a quiver of lightning arrows, which he may drop

Huge petition - remove or reduce heavily the points for ice shielding people - this is very exploitable and I can PM you (Thothie) how, because right now a lot of people know about this and there has been a lot of arti ninjaing going on.
I’ll look into it futher, but I’ve a feeling you folks are on t3h cr4ck. Have you actually ever tried to keep up with damage via iceshield on a level with an Artifact Chest?

Seriously, I did my damnedest to ice shield everyone at level 30, and could never get past 4th place – even then, most of the points I had were from damage. Usually by the end of an level with an AC points are in the 100,000’s – so the 1000pt ice shields, that you can only do once per player who hasn’t already done it to himself, every 75 seconds or so, don’t mean much.

Or, alternatively, keep the heavy crossbow reload at what it is right now, and make the steam crossbow even faster...
That would be more likely… If I wanted to nerf the HXbow, I’d do it on the damage end, but I’d really rather not, beyond making the level limit work.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 22, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Thothie, did you get the exploit I sent you?

And yes, I did test it, I got in first place with a 50k difference, I can explain how via PM's if you want.


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Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Yeah, said exploit is an Easter egg - although it wasn't supposed to be of that magnitude (will fix).

You'll have to PM me how to sploit the ice shield.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 21, 2008
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Mouse's Complaints List:
-Blood Axe? Its hit rate is miserable.
-The Thorn Bow.. shoots like 5 feet.
-The HXBow needs to shoot 5 times faster now that the SXBow is coming out. The SXBow shouldn't be an improvement or a replacement. It should set new standards for excellence.
-Summons are too weak. We need Belmont of Urdual summons... as long as they don't take the artie on every map.
-Bludgeon Hammers.. they should grow on trees in thornlands. (BTW, one of TFL's clan members lost his BH after he ticketed it :( )

And Durak, if you see me in game, I have an extra hxbow you can have. You won't want to nerf it. You also have to take into account that you can't move very fast when you're reloading.


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Mouse said:
Mouse's Complaints List:
-Blood Axe? Its hit rate is miserable. It is supposed to hit like sh*t unless you're a highlevel, go figure.
-The Thorn Bow.. shoots like 5 feet. You know that if you aim at a degree higher than 0, it is likely to shoot longer, right?
-The HXBow needs to shoot 5 times faster now that the SXBow is coming out. The SXBow shouldn't be an improvement or a replacement. It should set new standards for excellence. This has been discussed before. SXBow is supposed to be better than HXBow so why would you buff HXBow? That is stupid. You are a dumbass.
-Summons are too weak. We need Belmont of Urdual summons... as long as they don't take the artie on every map. You are obviously also retarded but it's probably so bad that you haven't noticed it yourself.
-Bludgeon Hammers.. they should grow on trees in thornlands. (BTW, one of TFL's clan members lost his BH after he ticketed it :( ) Why don't you just disappear forever. Leave & never come back? Please?

And Durak, if you see me in game, I have an extra hxbow you can have. You won't want to nerf it. You also have to take into account that you can't move very fast when you're reloading.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 21, 2008
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Roflcakes. More flaming. I try to avoid it, but it just comes to me.
Jelly said:
Mouse said:
Mouse's Complaints List:
-Blood Axe? Its hit rate is miserable. It is supposed to hit like sh*t unless you're a highlevel, go figure. Really? From what I've heard, the hit rates are constant. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you're hitting less than a fourth of the time at level 20, something is wrong. Like your face for instance. Lol. Dumbass.
-The Thorn Bow.. shoots like 5 feet. You know that if you aim at a degree higher than 0, it is likely to shoot longer, right? This again. I could hit an orc from across the map with the elven bow. You can't do that with the thornbow. Let me spell this out for you since you obviously have no knowledge of elementary physics. Once you hit 45 degrees, YOU WON'T BE SHOOTING ANY FARTHER. Dumbass.
-The HXBow needs to shoot 5 times faster now that the SXBow is coming out. The SXBow shouldn't be an improvement or a replacement. It should set new standards for excellence. This has been discussed before. SXBow is supposed to be better than HXBow so why would you buff HXBow? That is stupid. You are a dumbass. Did you not sense a joke? Obviously, humor can't be used with weak minded fools like you. Dumbass.
-Summons are too weak. We need Belmont of Urdual summons... as long as they don't take the artie on every map. You are obviously also retarded but it's probably so bad that you haven't noticed it yourself. Again, it was a joke. The point was, Belmont gets rares like candy (And he gives them away to clan members too. I respect that. I don't, however, respect you. You're a dumbass.).
-Bludgeon Hammers.. they should grow on trees in thornlands. (BTW, one of TFL's clan members lost his BH after he ticketed it :( ) Why don't you just disappear forever. Leave & never come back? Please? Where did that come from? Are you farking retarded? Its ok, when your post has an ounce of content in it. But pointless flaming is for.. dumbasses. Like you. Dumbass.

And Durak, if you see me in game, I have an extra hxbow you can have. You won't want to nerf it. You also have to take into account that you can't move very fast when you're reloading.

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
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Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Well, Mouse, your list of "complaints" turned out to be 40% complaints and 60% really stupid jokes ("Bludgon hamors shud gro on tries" LOL U SO FUNY), so I guess you should have seen this reaction coming.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 21, 2008
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Lol, I did see that coming. I added the obviously stupid jokes under the impression that people would take my previous complaints less seriously. Because self-acclaimed veterans and experts have flamed me in game for my (I think reasonable) complaints. But.. I guess not... just more flame-happy assholes. It would be nice if people could keep their nasty comments to themselves. Maybe I should frame this better then:

-In my humble opinion as a newbie and a dirt-ridden rabble rouser, the blood axe misses to much. I'm level 20 for axe handling, and I can't hit a fourth of the time. This is a statistic. For data. And stuff.

-Once again, in my humble opinion (and I am probably wrong and/or stupid), I think the thornbow has just become melee weapon with extended range. Yes, I know how to aim up, but even still, its a bow. And I think (and I could be wrong.. again. I usually am of course) bows are supposed to shoot pretty far (?).

-Durak, you can have my hxbow. I have an extra. You can't move very fast when you shoot it. This may or may not be a disadvantage. Please ask Jelly if it is.


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Mouse said:
Roflcakes. More flaming. I try to avoid it, but it just comes to me.
Jelly said:
Mouse said:
Mouse's Complaints List:
-Blood Axe? Its hit rate is miserable. It is supposed to hit like sh*t unless you're a highlevel, go figure. Really? From what I've heard, the hit rates are constant. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you're hitting less than a fourth of the time at level 20, something is wrong. Like your face for instance. Lol. Dumbass.How cute, you're trying to be funny.
-The Thorn Bow.. shoots like 5 feet. You know that if you aim at a degree higher than 0, it is likely to shoot longer, right? This again. I could hit an orc from across the map with the elven bow. You can't do that with the thornbow. Let me spell this out for you since you obviously have no knowledge of elementary physics. Once you hit 45 degrees, YOU WON'T BE SHOOTING ANY FARTHER. Dumbass.I didn't say that there was a better angle then 45 degrees, I said there was a better angle than 0 degrees. Also, spelling it out is not very likely to make someone understand a sentence better. D O Y O U U N D E R S T A N D T H I S A N Y B E T T E R? No, didn't think so.
-The HXBow needs to shoot 5 times faster now that the SXBow is coming out. The SXBow shouldn't be an improvement or a replacement. It should set new standards for excellence. This has been discussed before. SXBow is supposed to be better than HXBow so why would you buff HXBow? That is stupid. You are a dumbass. Did you not sense a joke? Obviously, humor can't be used with weak minded fools like you. Dumbass.Wow, you really DO think you're good at insulting. Well I guess if you believe in it enough something has got to happen.
-Summons are too weak. We need Belmont of Urdual summons... as long as they don't take the artie on every map. You are obviously also retarded but it's probably so bad that you haven't noticed it yourself. Again, it was a joke. The point was, Belmont gets rares like candy (And he gives them away to clan members too. I respect that. I don't, however, respect you. You're a dumbass.). obvious.jpg
-Bludgeon Hammers.. they should grow on trees in thornlands. (BTW, one of TFL's clan members lost his BH after he ticketed it :( ) Why don't you just disappear forever. Leave & never come back? Please? Where did that come from? Are you farking retarded? Its ok, when your post has an ounce of content in it. But pointless flaming is for.. dumbasses. Like you. Dumbass. Actually, it's spelled f-u-c-k-i-n-g. You learn something new every day. It seems that I have become your idol because I mentioned the word "dumbass" once and now you're writing it all over the place because you noticed that I am so cool and awesome and so you want to be cool and awesome too. Can't blame you for trying though.

And Durak, if you see me in game, I have an extra hxbow you can have. You won't want to nerf it. You also have to take into account that you can't move very fast when you're reloading.

EDIT: Slow movement while reloading is a disadvantage, yes, but it is supposed to be like that. :mrgreen:


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Dont bring jokes into a serious thread


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 21, 2008
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

I didn't say that there was a better angle then 45 degrees, I said there was a better angle than 0 degrees. Also, spelling it out is not very likely to make someone understand a sentence better. D O Y O U U N D E R S T A N D T H I S A N Y B E T T E R? No, didn't think so.
-Actually, its quite difficult to read words that are typed out like that. I like spaces between my words, not my letters. And I never said I couldn't aim up. I don't know where you read that...

Wow, you really DO think you're good at insulting. Well I guess if you believe in it enough something has got to happen.
-I wasn't insulting anybody in that first post. I believe you started it. The irony is just burning.

Actually, it's spelled f-u-c-k-i-n-g. You learn something new every day. It seems that I have become your idol because I mentioned the word "dumbass" once and now you're writing it all over the place because you noticed that I am so cool and awesome and so you want to be cool and awesome too. Can't blame you for trying though.
There's a swear block in case you didn't know that. And that was mocking.

EDIT: Slow movement while reloading is a disadvantage, yes, but it is supposed to be like that.
-Thanks genius :D . Why, you're just a regular dumbass.


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Mouse said:
I didn't say that there was a better angle then 45 degrees, I said there was a better angle than 0 degrees.
Also, spelling it out is not very likely to make someone understand a sentence better. D O Y O U U N D E R S T A N D T H I S A N Y B E T T E R? No, didn't think so.
-Actually, its quite difficult to read words that are typed out like that. I like spaces between my words, not my letters. And I never said I couldn't aim up. I don't know where you read that...
Yes, but I assumed you couldn't since that would explain why you only were able to shoot 5ft. I also assumed that you thought sv_gravity was set to 0. :D You said "let me spell it out" so I wondered how you'd do it and then wrote according to that.

Wow, you really DO think you're good at insulting. Well I guess if you believe in it enough something has got to happen.
-I wasn't insulting anybody in that first post. I believe you started it. The irony is just burning.
Well it wasn't the first post, it was the second.

Actually, it's spelled f-u-c-k-i-n-g. You learn something new every day. It seems that I have become your idol because I mentioned the word "dumbass" once and now you're writing it all over the place because you noticed that I am so cool and awesome and so you want to be cool and awesome too. Can't blame you for trying though.
There's a swear block in case you didn't know that. And that was mocking.
Obviously you have to make spelling errors if there's a swear block. I mean, anything else would be completely insane. One does not simply "spell correctly" inside Mordor.

EDIT: Slow movement while reloading is a disadvantage, yes, but it is supposed to be like that.

-Thanks genius :D . Why, you're just a regular dumbass.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Apr 30, 2007
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Riverside, New Jersey
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Ok since people can't control themselves i'll just ignroe the last 5 or 6 posts and get to whats relevant.
Also since the forums crapped out while I was trying to post a longer, more detailed and more percise version of this, it's going to be short and I don't care if it's sweet or not.

Mouse said:
Mouse's Complaints List:
-Blood Axe? Its hit rate is miserable.
-The Thorn Bow.. shoots like 5 feet.
-The HXBow needs to shoot 5 times faster now that the SXBow is coming out. The SXBow shouldn't be an improvement or a replacement. It should set new standards for excellence.
-Summons are too weak. We need Belmont of Urdual summons... as long as they don't take the artie on every map.
-Bludgeon Hammers.. they should grow on trees in thornlands. (BTW, one of TFL's clan members lost his BH after he ticketed it :( )

1. At level 27 it hits just fine for me, about 1/2 of hte time and honestly that's good enough seeing as how thothie has stated over and over again the big axes are for lvl 30+

2. As has been said before angles. Not all bows have "super uber zomg i hit how far?" range. I've been able to learn the angles enough to sit at the gate of foutpost and hit the trolls up top, and orcs down bottom. Infact, with walls, learning the angles is an even bigger advantage as you can drop and arrow pretty much right over the wall.

3. No. Even if this is a joke, no. The HXbow is a killing machine that simply shoots across the world in a straight line doing about double damage (or more) of the original bolt. If it was turned into a non stop machine gun, I would plead with thothie for a "nerf hammer" as it, as is, has turned my fighting style on it's ear.

4. Summons aren't ment to be big bad spells of dewm. They can be used strategically. You know this because I've seen your guild spam as many undead guardians to protect the villagers in old_helena as was possible, effectively adding to the edict count and crashing the server.

5. It's pretty well known that you shouldn't ticket items that were just released within a patch. As soon as I'm able to code more and obtain the scripts I want to take on the responsibility of adding new items to the bank and hopefully that will no longer be an issue.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Jelly had me prepare a response to Mouse's lack of grammar usage.
If this thread weren't so important, I'd imagine that this would end it :oldlol:


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Yeah, most of the time you have to have good grammar before you have the right to insult someone. :roll:


New Adventurer
Jan 13, 2006
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Mouse said:
And Durak, if you see me in game, I have an extra hxbow you can have. You won't want to nerf it. You also have to take into account that you can't move very fast when you're reloading.

No thanks. I like finding my items. I hope my post didn't sound like I wanted one.

Also, is there a beta pack scheduled for release near the start of april or just one later? Personally, I don't care because my lectures are finishing up and then I'll be writing exams until late april.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

Probably, but as Thothie said, it will be mostly bug fixes and support for some maps


New Adventurer
Jan 13, 2006
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

FER said:
Probably, but as Thothie said, it will be mostly bug fixes and support for some maps

Bug fixes are my favorite :D. However, I prefer having less patches since it is annoying for everyone to update their maps three times a month as well as two beta packs. Not to mention the difficulty added for people trying to start playing MS and keeping other sites up to date.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: Beta-package Update News & Discussion

I'd like to keep it to once a month as well, but I don't think it's going to work out this month either. I suspect new patches will just coincide with new maps again.

I'd hope to have a patch out today, but in addition to the fact that everything's been thrown off scheduel by consolidation, a bunch of RL stuff came up today. Maybe, if we're lucky, I'll get a release today, but more likely the 2nd.