

New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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Wait, Beach Boulevard? That's somewhat nearby.


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
Feb 2, 2007
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I was talking to avacado about a book I read for English class and...

8:04 PM - Dridje: "The shroud has gaped open when it fell and, since father was dressed like eve, it was as if we were on first-name terms with his balls. They were all soft and chubby, much bigger than brother's, or mine in the days when I still had them, and they hung there on the stiff body like a bearded baby's face. The sausage had flopped to one side, its mouth agape, looking as if it had been shot. I asked brother if he really believed we came from there, in the manner of calves and piglets. Brother stuck his finger inside the sensitive orifice to see if it could stretch enough to make way for two chicks like us. And the sausage grew and stood up, through the power of magic it became as hard as the theighs it fluttered between like a flag."
8:05 PM - Nineball: god damnti dridje
8:05 PM - Nineball: I was eating a hot dog
8:05 PM - Nineball: I don't want it anymore


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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You are here --> X
Wtf prices?


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
Feb 2, 2007
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Jelly said:
Wtf prices?

That's not so bad, Halflife is still a great game. If you want to rage over prices then take a look at the TF2 store.

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
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Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Related to the above post is a great chat I had yesterday with Max-Ride Hight Wizard.
Great quotes are in bold.

Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Awwww portal 2 is dipshit :C it's apears in Team Fortress 3.
J-M v2.5.5: huh what
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: you'll see after maybe 2 months what I mean
J-M v2.5.5: I don't care about Team Fortress 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: but portal 2 IS team fortress 2. It just modificated.
J-M v2.5.5: no, it is not
J-M v2.5.5: Portal 2 is an entirely different game than Team Fortress 2
J-M v2.5.5: the only similarity they have is the engine they run on; the Orange Box Engine
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Well, let me explain what is Team Fortres 2 is -
J-M v2.5.5: phew, I am glad Portal 2 has gameplay that's 1000x better
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I see you don't get it.
J-M v2.5.5: I know you can buy hats in Portal 2 but only idiots do that
J-M v2.5.5: only idiots waste money on new hats, new skins, new gestures and that other dumb crap they're selling
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Listen. Once time TF2 was a just normal game with hats addons. But once upon a time TF2 had update, where apears a FUCKING hat set that FUCKING affect gameplay. Soon, there will be awaible trade, so most of Portal 2 servers may apears in trade server, that means people there will not play Portal 2 gameplay, they will just trade all their shits. So everytime you may connect on random server, you would just not leave those whiners for trade their shit.
J-M v2.5.5: are you talking about Portal 2 servers now?
J-M v2.5.5: you can't even start a multiplayer server, all you can do is invite a friend to play co-op; one (1) friend
J-M v2.5.5: and if you invite somebody you know in advance that he/she will not be there to trade dumb shit but to play the game
J-M v2.5.5: (assuming you Friends list isn't full of retards)
J-M v2.5.5: so this babby hat shit does not effect Portal 2, not even in the slightest
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: does portal 2 had an random server launcher like in L4D? I mean, this will connect you to a random guy that you don't know?
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: or mutliplayer work only with friends invite?
J-M v2.5.5: yup :D only Friends invites, so I will never accidentally play co-op mode with some stupid idiot who wants to trade a hat :D
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: that kinda... gay... Since your friends not always free to play multiplayer, or they can play multiplayer but only when you're busy... :\ can you play with bot there?
J-M v2.5.5: you can't play with bots
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: :C
J-M v2.5.5: and I have over 20 people in my list who own Portal 2 so there is no problem whatsoever - at least not for me
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: why you hate TF gameplay so much? there was good TF without any addons and not that noob like TF2
J-M v2.5.5: as we speak, 8 of my friends are playing Portal 2
J-M v2.5.5: I didn't say I hate it
J-M v2.5.5: (I think)
J-M v2.5.5: I just don't care about it at all
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: You should try atleast Fortress Forever, most decent TF for HL2
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Well, it's just a matter of time. Maybe soon if you don't own the complete hat pack you won't play the singleplayer\co-op (friendly) mode. :p
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: or some hats will give you +50 movement speed
J-M v2.5.5: wat
J-M v2.5.5: if there's actually dumb-ass hats that give you an advantage in Team Fortress 2, that should tell you what a terrible game it is
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Like I said before, in TF2 apears that hats affect gameplay. And THIS may apears in portal 2
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Once time hats was just an stupid thing in TF2 and everyone ignores it
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: also, Portal 2 may had an fucking man-co box that drops just like every 5 min, and you need buy keys for 2$ to open them.
J-M v2.5.5: huh what
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Dude, just wait.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: and portal 2 will be ruined.
J-M v2.5.5: also, there won't be hats in Portal 2 that enhance skills, because the game is meant to be played co-op
J-M v2.5.5: there is no versus mode so hats that make you faster or whatever are useless
J-M v2.5.5: Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: also, Portal 2 may had an fucking man-co box that drops just like every 5 min, and you need buy keys for 2$ to open them.
I don't even know what this means
J-M v2.5.5: that isn't even English
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Well, if hat gives you +25% faster shot this may makes you easy to complete some missions. OR EVEN you can't complete without those stats, so you would buy hats just to complete the mission.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Portal 2 may get an update, that makes drop man-co boxes
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: as drop I mean they will apears in your inventory.
J-M v2.5.5: LOL faster shot it's not about shooting fast - it's about thinking
J-M v2.5.5: also, once you solved every puzzle, you can pretty much take your time and still beat them, because you'll know how they work
J-M v2.5.5: also what is "drop man-co boxes"
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I think you still don't understand what I mean.... -.- sry mate but it's hard to explain with my english :p
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: in TF2 when you play the game, every 5 min you will get a full-screened message that you get a fucking man-co box. They are absolutely useless if you don't buy keys for 2$
J-M v2.5.5: I still have no idea what a "man-co box" is but OK
J-M v2.5.5: the thing is: Portal 2 multiplayer is *co-op only*, meaning it is *not competitive*
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: man-co box may incluse an hat or an other useless thing
J-M v2.5.5: meaning it is USELESS to have faster sprinting / faster shooting / higher jumping
J-M v2.5.5: so Valve won't do it and I'll bet on it
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: co-op and versus does not changes nothing. Some guy with hat may jump much longer so he would complete missions where without long jump you just can't complete it, so you will need buy hat to complete some of missions.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: J-M v2.5.5: so Valve won't do it
You don't know what valve is now bro, it's worse than activision now. And that fat gay ben jewell makes billions on it.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: ... ideo_title
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Just wait mate, you will see :)
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Also, sorry for disturbing.
J-M v2.5.5: yeah, I'll see if you're right (never)
J-M v2.5.5: also if you hate Valve so much, why do you play Team Fortress 2 all day :p
J-M v2.5.5: also if you hate Valve so much, why do you have a Steam account?
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I have my own TF2 job. Because TF2 is a fucking serious business.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I get about... em... 10 games by trading retarded hats for real games
J-M v2.5.5: what the fuck
J-M v2.5.5: now I've seen everything
J-M v2.5.5: you have a TF2 job
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: and who say that steam does not suck dirty large black cock? It just apears that I can't play some games without steam.
J-M v2.5.5: wow get a real job or go study something or... or something, I mean seriously, gtfo ------>
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: dude, now you just act like a fag. Also who the fuck say that I play TF2 at all nowdays?
J-M v2.5.5: lol a TF2 job
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I just idle in TF2 to get some shit and stuff, and then I trade it for IRL things. and IDLE means that I do not even near my computer when my fucking TF2 is working.
J-M v2.5.5: LOL
J-M v2.5.5: you trade video game hats for real life objects
J-M v2.5.5: like what
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: lke $
J-M v2.5.5: tea cups? bars of soap? broccoli?
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: like*
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: Dude, if you won't handle the joke when I say TF2 is a real business, that means you're retard. Also, if I can make money from fucking non-real pixels from shitty game, that already means it better than just waste life on portal like you. And I never told you I am an TF2 fanboy, but I am also not an fag hater who hate something just because it's popular.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I just wonder, how old you and where you working?
J-M v2.5.5: I'm 22, study chemistry at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands,
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: I'm 16 years old and I am studing for engineer at colledge, and ALREADY get a fucking 100$ from shitty TF2.
J-M v2.5.5: and sometimes I work as a... how do you call it... not a teacher, but I teach middle-school students maths, or rather help them with maths problems, help them prepare for tests/exams
J-M v2.5.5: it's like not a "real" job (it does earn you money though - without having to play TF2)
J-M v2.5.5: in Dutch we call it a "bijbaan" which would translate to "side job", not sure if that's the correct English term
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: it was a fucking joke and it was freaking obviously.
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: it's like if you found 100$ on the street and call it real job
J-M v2.5.5: dude 100$ is not a fascinating amount btw fyi
J-M v2.5.5: well OK maybe it's fascinating for something this fucked up
J-M v2.5.5: hey but if you'll excuse me I'm playing Portal 2 co-op with Tentadrilus
Pr.Jitterskull - best bug fixer: If you would watch your speech I would not drives mad and tell you all this shit. Also, 100$ is ubelieveble a lot from a game that I buy just for 13$ and it's a fucking game, not a fucking office where you waste 2/5 of your life. I have even more hats so I can trade them in to something really especial.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Yeah i heard that alot of people trade hats for real money and other stuff. Its really is stupid (to whoever buys those hats of course). If i had a full time job, and wasn't getting satisfied with my payment, i would probably trade hats too since people are this stupid to waste money on them. I would think of it as an extra bonus payment.

Now that i read all that chat, Portal 2 also sells hats? Rofl, now i have seen everything. I'm already expecting episode 3 to have a store for special ammo and weapons, moar skins and hats, silly voices to replace your own... Valve is turning games into sh!t imo.

Note: People who waste more money in these items are freaking retarded. There are better things to use it on other than virtual hats....

+1lol in so many ways i guess.


Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Jun 15, 2008
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Somewhere over the rainbow.
It's called spoiled rich kids, or people with jobs and money they don't mind investing in pleasures they see fit.


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
Feb 2, 2007
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Age said:
It's called spoiled rich kids, or people with jobs and money they don't mind investing in pleasures they see fit.

They don't buy these items for their own pleasure, they buy them to get an e-peen enlargement. They always have to be superior to the other guy. Regardess of reason, it still doesn't change the fact they're morons. Although it works out pretty well when some Indie developer and Valve strike a deal. Valve gets money, Indie Developer gets money, the consumer buys a hat and gets a free game! I must be honest though, I think this whole TF2 hat business has potential for advertising products. Imagine if some huge company like Pepsi paid Valve to make 2000 Pepsi hats and distribute them to various players. Then again, any smart person would probably know when to stop playing Product Placement Fortress 2.

I was rather disappointed when I heard about the Portal2 in-game store, since this content was already made and purposely put in the store on day one. I'm wouldn't say I hate Valve for this random crap (not buying anything anyway), I really hate the community. These fanboys defend Valve only because they are Valve. They would sing a different tune no doubt if it was, for example, Infinity Ward.
~~~~~Back on topic~~~~~
I took this picture a while ago. I <3 New Vegas.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
Rofl, which area was that picture taken? I still haven't found all locations (NV is kinda boring compared to fallout 3).

+1 for Dridje :wink:


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
Feb 2, 2007
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The picture was taken at the bench beside the strip entrance.