New Adventurer
Witnessofgod said:This entire topic has ended up a waste of my time.
EXACTLY! You finally got it! It was a waste of everyone's time from the beginning!
witnessofgod said:Thanks for the grammer check Kenguo i really am not to good at some languages right now.
You're not good at English? BUT YOU LIVE IN OREGON!!! Anywho, I just did that because I found it insulting that you'd tell me to use my brain before posting. Some of your sentences I can't even understand, I have to sort of guess from context. But I have no beef with that if you don't. All I'm angry about is your trying to change the way the rest of us have fun playing a video game, and when we tell you we won't change, you go and tell us we're no good, evil, dishonorable people. None of us said that's how we are in life.
Having said that, yes I agree with you that PKing newbs isn't cool, and I also agree that cheating and hacking when not allowed isn't cool. But my argument is that we are allowed to cheat and hack in MS:C, because it won't change our character, and even if it's not allowed in MS, we'll do it anyway because nobody plays MS, and the old maps are getting boring. And about killing newbs, meh, it happens. It has, and will always happen in any online rpg ever. Get used to it.