- Admin
- #1

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Alright, here's a tutorial map, on how to setup the new ms_npc "other/catapault" and script:
1) You will need the latest SC.DLL (released today) from the usual source
2) You will need the map (includes source):
Soon, I suspect very soon, Lord K will get the kinks out of this thing, and we'll have a catapult that doesn't require the feild of env_explosions I've put in here.
So, notes on this map:
- Basically this is a 'catapult' (represented by skull pyramid) - firing at some happless Helena npcs (it can of course shoot anything - but this the most entertaining)
- The catapult boulders do not function quite right ATM - seems they have no radius. Basically, they must make a perfectly direct hit to do any damage. (And then they do 1k hp)
- So, to compensate, I have a feild of random env_explosions. Problem with these is, the MSC engine doesn't view damage quite right - so the worse they'll do to you is knock you down until you recover 1hp - at which point you can duck, and run away again. They will, however, slaughter NPC's just fine.
- The blue ramp is provided so you can get directly on the catapult emitter and see how the damage works when it functions correctly - just jump up and down on it.
- The catapult fires in a 30 degree arc of the ms_npc's angle, with a range of around 1250-1500 units distance
- Breaking the little brown pyramid puts an end to the catapults firing. (It only has 20hp - but could be set to anything and/or replaced by anything)
Here's the important entities (the rest are superfluous to the task):
"classname" "ms_npc"
"targetname" "cata"
"scriptfile" "other/catapault"
"angles" "0 90 0"
"spawnchance" "100"
"delayhigh" "2"
"delaylow" "1"
"origin" "1 -384 -224"
"classname" "ms_npcscript"
"targetname" "openfire"
"eventname" "FiveBalls"
"target" "cata"
"firedelay" "1"
"type" "2"
"origin" "1 -384 -224"
"classname" "multi_manager"
"targetname" "cataloop"
"spawnflags" "1"
"openfire" "10"
"explosions" "13"
"cataloop" "14"
"origin" "-0 -255 -288"
For the field of explosions, I've got a bunch of pairings like these scattered about with varied delays:
"classname" "env_explosion"
"targetname" "exp_a"
"spawnflags" "34"
"iMagnitude" "100"
"origin" "1 -2303 -384"
"classname" "mstrig_relay"
"targetname" "explosions"
"target" "exp_a"
"spawnflags" "34"
"delay" "1.25"
"random" "50"
"origin" "1 -2304 -320"
These will, hopefully, be not needed just as soon as the catapult comes out of beta stage, and works properly. Still, the effect is kind of neat, and the env_explosion has a no-damage flag option - so you might still want use these even then.
Note: you can use "eventname" "OneBalls" on the ms_npscscript to fire one boulder per trigger, instead of five.
PS. This is just a sample test map - but boy is it fun to watch the slaughter!

Ewok: Take note how one inverse linear light illuminates this whole damned map.