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lol 4chan hotlinking
Thothie said:While none of that regarding J-M is true, including the mapping part, when you consider how many non-cheat maps he released in the past ten years (1), and it doesn't even begin to touch the surface of his other behavior that both crippled and nearly killed this mod, several times over...
Lucifer Majiskus said:Zeus chill, no one ever attacked you personally so why do you lash out? Also the irony in your statement, that my post was simple minded... in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend. Sadly, the quote seems to have gone over your head as you're still anger-ing like people are out to get you. You call other people out on being dick to the community members... but read what you say. Let's all just try and get along for the sake of what's left of the mod.... cuz we're all idiots and peons who must bow down to the lord all mighty Suezy
edit: Damn that was condescending. Zeus, we're all friends here. No need to treat anyone as a lesser person. :c
If you want to get a point across, don't do it by insulting the person you're addressing. They'll more than likely disregard everything you say and not even bother reading further. It makes YOU look bad. No one else. Take action for YOU.
no one ever attacked you personally
Thothie said:
in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend
No need to treat anyone as a lesser person. :c
If you want to get a point across, don't do it by insulting the person you're addressing.
They'll more than likely disregard everything you say and not even bother reading further.
in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend. Sadly, the quote seems to have gone over your head
Lucifer Majiskus said:Those who blame others for their actions lose the ability to change and grow as a person. 'Cuz everything is always someone else's fault![]()
Thothie said:While none of that regarding J-M is true, including the mapping part, when you consider how many non-cheat maps he released in the past ten years (1), and it doesn't even begin to touch the surface of his other behavior that both crippled and nearly killed this mod, several times over...
...And how exactly, pray-tell, would I prove that to you? Eh?zeus9860 said:Seriously, give me qualified proof that he ever (2007 and onwards):
-duped items or anything alike on FN;
-hacked in anyway while being on FN;
-released a cheat map to use on FN;
Because you've developed some bizarre hero worship that, even with the entire development team telling you all this stuff, you think it's a giant conspiracy, and we got rid of him, just because we didn't like him.
MiB and J-M were always at each others throats, though it was, for the most part, a friendly rivalry - unlike your posts to other members, they never got personal. Orochi was the only other member of the developer team to suggest doing something other than ban him, but changed his mind a few posts later (the dev thread's still there). Of the then eleven members of the developer team, only one voted taking no action (dunno who, just the poll), two voted to do something else (one of which was me - the other likely was Orochi, who again, changed his vote), and, in two weeks of debate, none of us came up with any alternatives - not that there were any remaining that hadn't been already tried.zeus9860 said:Yeah it is, and yeah i do believe that last statement to be true. For one MiB never liked him, Orochi never liked him, i'm pretty sure you never liked him either (reason: you creating the TW faction and doing some favoritism rather than workout things, you pretty much torn the community apart with that even more), FER and Dridje are the neutrals. I'm not sure who else is considered to be part of the dev team, but as you can see, the majority of them doesn't like him and wanted him gone. Same fact i never liked Brian nor Mouse (TFL guild member) and i wanted them gone, which eventually happened.
No, not every exploit, but at least half the ones we've had to fix. We don't have to fix ones that don't get spread. There's a ton that'd take huge efforts to fix, but we don't waste our time with, as they aren't well known. His guild thread was very useful for tracking exploits, more so than most, so I suppose that might have been a good ulterior motive for keeping him around, though it certainly wouldn't have been worth it. Just before he was kicked out, he deleted every thread in it, so it was pretty obvious he knew we were onto him at that point anyways - leaving a statement saying as much (which I think you can access).zues9860 said:He indeed likes to spread things he finds himself to guildmates, which eventually spreads onto people outside the guild [...] Thing is, just because he does this kind of stuff, that doesn't make him necessarily guilty of every exploit that crops up to be abused untill it gets fixed.
zeus9860 said:Whatever Team Whine says, gets discarded or treated like trash, for one, Avacado made an entry into the ms:c content contest, he was one of the winners for obvious reasons. He made 10 reskins, 2 of which are already in-game, both of them were discarded from what he suggested that could possible be done with them and was never notified what was changed with his skins. It's not like i'm calling Avacado a TW member or that i'm stating that i am one myself (Thothie did say JM was the last member), but anyone who is associated with JM, gets to be treated the sameway, like that one move where the BoU crest nerfed the guild with 300% dmg increase while using the crest. Pretty much a d!ck move, everyone in the guild got treated the sameway for some hatred held towards JM.
It has always been quite clear that when content is submitted, the submitters' suggestions will be taken into account, but not necessarily followed to the letter.zeus9860 said:See the thing here is... you used his reskins and altered his suggestions to your own liking. He suggested the bow to be a holy bow reskin, i highly doubt you spoke with him about changing it into the new orion bow. It's not like i care as to where it ended up, really. You just did something different from what he suggested in his thread and that's where my concerns are.
Plenty of other games have useless items that their creators probably regret (TF2 for example). While it's a sad state of affairs and shouldn't happen, it does. Either work to change it or don't, but don't sit and bitch that no one does anything.zeus9860 said:Also the corrodinator, he asked "innie" instead out "outie", as in increasing acid/poison damage by a %, not increasing the dot duration. Right now corrodinator is a waste of space since the best tool to train affliction is dark staff and it's not really hard to get one, most 500hp+ players have one already, goes to show that the dot duration boost is useless, unless it works with acid lance (haven't tested) which would be the only worthwhile combination with the helmet.
Are you kidding me? I used to think you were just mad about J-M being gone; now I'm starting to think you may actually have some dissociative disorder and are completely misinterpreting things. You seem to have it in your head that you (and J-M before you) are some kind of misunderstood hero, rebelling against the tyranny of the dev team. You also seem to imagine a conspiracy that conveniently got rid of people who don't like the mod (Spoilers: many probably left) or who agree with you, neither of which actually happened. Given that the job you're referring to is "Town Crap-disturber" I can say that no, no one needs to do that job.zeus9860 said:Y'know, nobody else has the balls to stand up against what goes wrong anymore, or could be the fact that most people just vanished all of a sudden (you should know why). Someone has to do the job eventually. Just saying.
Actually... Bloody hell, he has a point.Zeus Troll said:Also the corrodinator, he asked "innie" instead out "outie", as in increasing acid/poison damage by a %, not increasing the dot duration. Right now corrodinator is a waste of space since the best tool to train affliction is dark staff and it's not really hard to get one, most 500hp+ players have one already, goes to show that the dot duration boost is useless, unless it works with acid lance (haven't tested) which would be the only worthwhile combination with the helmet.
What reality are you living in, and how to do I get there? Gah, if only that were the case... Sadly, there's no shortage of folks more than eager to inform us as to what exactly is wrong with the mod, every effing day. Granted, we've had a few more than usual at least able to articulate their issues in some civil way lately, oddly enough. But we always have plenty foaming at the mouth angry as well, no need to add to that.Zeus Troll said:Y'know, nobody else has the balls to stand up against what goes wrong anymore
Meh, I wanted to give him the opportunity to vent, even at the risk of bringing up old bad blood. He's been snapping at folks in lots of forum threads, and I made the mistake of asking why, and here we are.Truewarrior said:it's in your best interest to not let it escalate more
Dickhead Majiskus said:![]()
Hey guys i'm Lucifer and i'm a dickheaded freak who makes up lies to the community to try and get away from bad fame and i also choke on other people's dicks. I bet that dickhead of yours is clogging up your brain, reason being you think you are coolbeans with all the "learn about irony" posts, when infact you look like a retard most of the time thinking that you actually have any knowledge to throw out into the arena. And please, take your awfull practises away from me, i already told you, i'm not gay and i'm not giving you the D either.
Captain Obvious said:Actually... Bloody hell, he has a point.
Trollth said:But the rest still stands, he's gotten better treatment than any of the other contest winners, so I dunno why ya think we're out to get him. And yes, the helm's effect stacks with all poison/acid DOT's, regardless of their source, so long as the owner gets credit for the damage. Additionally, it's on the global treasure list, and thus can be found just about anywhere, which makes it a *lot* easier to get than the Staff of Affliction.
Trollthie said:What reality are you living in, and how to do I get there? Gah, if only that were the case... Sadly, there's no shortage of folks more than eager to inform us as to what exactly is wrong with the mod, every effing day. Granted, we've had a few more than usual at least able to articulate their issues in some civil way lately, oddly enough. But we always have plenty foaming at the mouth angry as well, no need to add to that.
SaruThoth said:Meh, I wanted to give him the opportunity to vent, even at the risk of bringing up old bad blood. He's been snapping at folks in lots of forum threads, and I made the mistake of asking why, and here we are.
jon50559 said:Shaddup
I call it the Corrodinator Outy instead of inny, increased poison or affliction damage
Lucifer Majiskus said:
I make up lies? Where have I said anything that wasn't true?
Also my point has kinda been made. :roll:
and I mean recently c:
'cuz no one 11 year old says silly things on the internet, right?!
Seriously man you should look after yourself and take responsibility for your own actions before you accuse anyone else of theirs. *sigh*
Also Zeus.... What is knowledge? How is it that we can truly "know" something? Do you know what transcendental idealism is? Or Epistemology? Your argument (?) isn't a valid one.... nor your attack on my character. How can I be the dickhead when you type 100000000 word essays explaining why you dislike someone and why everyone else should follow suit (cuz clearly you're never wrong) ^_^
Echo717 said:Also, whenever zeus posts something I find myself just skipping over it. :3
Thothie said:Still wondering where I read that idea to increase DOT durations though.
Echo717 said:Also, whenever zeus posts something I find myself just skipping over it. :3
Fashion Police said:....some condescending arrogant bullshit......
...also fancy gif, too bad you got a bad taste in colors. :roll:
You arrogant douchenozzle, he already admitted you had a point, what more do you bloody well want? Oh, I forgot, you want "MS:C according to Zeus". Congratulations, you're certainly filling the "argumentative prick for whom nothing is ever good enough" void that J-M left nicely. Also, as MS:C has no QA beyond the cursory stuff the dev team does to ensure the game doesn't crash horribly, of course we need people's help to find them you simp. That's generally how feedback works.zeus9860 said:You are funny, you know that? The last two confrontations about something that is/was ingame, i pretty much showed you the truth and here you are thinking that you knew everything about what goes in and out of the game. (Pretty much shows that you need people's help to find exploits, since we get at least one exploit guaranteed per patch and you seem to never have a clue how they got ingame, just on how to fix them, good guy Thothie!)
People submit the work with the expectation it will be used in the game eventually, and all stat decisions are made by the dev team. While I agree he should have gotten a notification, the process has been quite clear for several years now.zeus9860 said:Then again, nowhere did i say you *were* jumping on him, fact here is you touching people's work without giving notification of that. Avacado's was the last one, i spoke with him and he never knew what you had originally planned for the reskins. He should have been given a notification as to what plans you had for them, incase they differ from his.
You arrogant, knuckledragging reprobate, take a flying leap off a building. You know nothing of programming or how hard it can be to find the cause of bugs, so kindly stop running your mouth on matters which you know nothing about. Thothie isn't even a programmer by trade like MiB or myself, and yet what he's managed to do on ghetto-rigging alone is astounding. If people don't like what is patched it, it can be patched out.zeus9860 said:Hey perhaps you should check what you do before you actually patch a game, it's common sense right? This patch (not the SEP2013) pretty much pissed me off big time in the beginning, not only me (just a fyi), it also did the same effect on a couple of more active players who just decide not to play the new content, because you know, bad content is actually that bad and people avoid it.
Who are these "alot" of people you mention? Don't use weasel words, thanks. Maybe if they weren't so wishy-washy they'd come and actually voice their concerns. It's the only way anything changes. However, you are doing a job that no one wants or indeed needs done, so please don't make it out like you're doing the community a service because you're not.zeus9860 said:I don't know if you read chatlogs or not, but if you were to read most of them when i was playing around with people on my main character, quite alot of people got pissed at the things you have done lately (both new players and old alike), none of which were capable of coming in here and zap your @ss for doing such a thing. Reason being why i am here, if J-M was still around he would be the one doing it, again he was banned, so here i am doing his job in a more aggressive way.
Again, who is this supposed modeler? You seem to have an awful lot of friends who could fill key roles if only that pesky Thothie weren't around to drive them away! :roll:zeus9860 said:Also for the record you probably driven away a potential modeler from this game with the things you do (again, the reasoning i gave with Avacado, never touch a person's work without giving a heads up or chance to debate it out with the creator). Because said modeler saw the entries Avacado made and saw where they ended up at, making him a bit shaky as to what he should do with his work, either finish it and give it a shot or just quit it and move on.
Get over yourself, you arrogant pissant. Just because you give a disclaimer doesn't entitle you to act like an asshole in front of everyone else.zeus9860 said:Lolwut. I'm most of the time just being annoying, and i only do that to forum casuals that i somehow have had a little connection ingame with. Not that big of a deal. Last i remember, the only two people i actually been zaping in the forums was you and Dickhead Majiskus (osnap, it begins!).
Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. I believe you share a sameness of hue.zeus9860 said:MIB's latest situation is not the samething, people just assume things way too fast and take dumb conclusions, this be the way of the typical human being in society, taking conclusions too soon and applying them early on without having a clue about it (i was never raging at him from the beginning, i only did a bit when you posted that one image, that being the reason why it went this far, you should be proud of yourself granny).![]()
You arrogant douchenozzle, he already admitted you had a point, what more do you bloody well want?
People submit the work with the expectation it will be used in the game eventually, and all stat decisions are made by the dev team. While I agree he should have gotten a notification, the process has been quite clear for several years now.
Again, who is this supposed modeler? You seem to have an awful lot of friends who could fill key roles if only that pesky Thothie weren't around to drive them away! :roll:
Who are these "alot" of people you mention? Don't use weasel words, thanks. Maybe if they weren't so wishy-washy they'd come and actually voice their concerns. It's the only way anything changes. However, you are doing a job that no one wants or indeed needs done, so please don't make it out like you're doing the community a service because you're not.
Get over yourself, you arrogant pissant. Just because you give a disclaimer doesn't entitle you to act like an asshole in front of everyone else.
You arrogant, knuckledragging reprobate, take a flying leap off a building. You know nothing of programming or how hard it can be to find the cause of bugs, so kindly stop running your mouth on matters which you know nothing about. Thothie isn't even a programmer by trade like MiB or myself, and yet what he's managed to do on ghetto-rigging alone is astounding. If people don't like what is patched it, it can be patched out.