Cutting off the head of the snake...


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Download and Play MSS mod now! (Okay not really...)

Thothie said:
While none of that regarding J-M is true, including the mapping part, when you consider how many non-cheat maps he released in the past ten years (1), and it doesn't even begin to touch the surface of his other behavior that both crippled and nearly killed this mod, several times over...

So he is not an asshole anymore? Make up your mind, LOL! :roll:

Seriously, give me qualified proof that he ever (2007 and onwards):
-duped items or anything alike on FN;
-hacked in anyway while being on FN;
-released a cheat map to use on FN;

No proof = The good ol' BS will crop up from the ground.

While i wait for proof on the 3 things i listed, there are other people from this community who do all of the above and get away with it (this is true, i'm not joking) while JM gets falsely accused of such acts and trashed by a few "higher ups" . The only wrong thing he did since i got here (other than being an asshole in 2008) was the fact he posted something in the forums that he shouldn't have done, it was considered an exploit, not a cheat, since it was a game bug, not something he made of his own and released, right?

Oh Thothie, his mapping skills are really that good i guarantee you that, just because he made cheat maps in an early stage of MS/MS:C, it doesn't mean his quality remained with those, i did see alot of his projects before getting banned, all of them were thrown into a trash bin basically with what you guys have done, hell he was even working on a lore map and had it nearly done, sadly it won't see the light of the day (not by his hand). And he never released any maps because of your acting from behind the scenes, he didn't want you to fuck with his work, it happened with islesofdread2 and a couple of other mappers. Never again would he want you to mess with his work without letting him know and agree with the things you change or not. I think anybody would dislike the fact that someone touches their work without proper authorization and notification about the change. What was the last piece or mapping work you see from him? It was probably islesofdread2, i wonder why. See what i did there? He had plenty of things going...
Guess i'll have to set up my hopes with oyster, as you can see, i do agree with alot of his ideals towards this game, i also dislike alot of other things he thinks and suggests. But given his amount of dedication to his maps, he is pretty much the sameway as JM when it comes to working on a map, he takes a damn long time to "perfect" out his mapping projects.

I myself am against cheating when playing online, i find it dull/dumb and i usually avoid those kind of people, i never avoided JM because i knew he never cheated on FN. He did cheat on lan just for the heck of it, but that's different and most people do it/want to do it anyways.

EDIT: (nearly forgot about this quote of yours, sorry dawg!)

Lucifer Majiskus said:
Zeus chill, no one ever attacked you personally so why do you lash out? Also the irony in your statement, that my post was simple minded... in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend. Sadly, the quote seems to have gone over your head as you're still anger-ing like people are out to get you. You call other people out on being dick to the community members... but read what you say. Let's all just try and get along for the sake of what's left of the mod.... cuz we're all idiots and peons who must bow down to the lord all mighty Suezy :oldcry:

edit: Damn that was condescending. Zeus, we're all friends here. No need to treat anyone as a lesser person. :c
If you want to get a point across, don't do it by insulting the person you're addressing. They'll more than likely disregard everything you say and not even bother reading further. It makes YOU look bad. No one else. Take action for YOU.

no one ever attacked you personally

Thothie said:


in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend

No need to treat anyone as a lesser person. :c


If you want to get a point across, don't do it by insulting the person you're addressing.

LOL RIGHT! When addressing something doesn't work (gets ignored and no feedback returned), insulting comes up next and still doesn't work around here. You want to know why? Because for one, Thothie labeled certain people in this community as "team whine" for whining about nerfs and similiar things, i've always whined about nerfs that i considered to be an awfull impact towards the daily ms:c player (mostly weapons). No matter the approach a certain person in this community makes, they will be treated like sh!t. I know what i'm saying since i date from back to the times when RIP was favoured and everything they said, was top priority over everyone else in the community, reason why this community never had a good balance when it comes to "friendship", this crap dates from long ago before even i was part of this community and the people that joined later were caught in the middle of the sh!tstorm aswell, i was one of them and i'm still around.

Whatever Team Whine says, gets discarded or treated like trash, for one, Avacado made an entry into the ms:c content contest, he was one of the winners for obvious reasons. He made 10 reskins, 2 of which are already in-game, both of them were discarded from what he suggested that could possible be done with them and was never notified what was changed with his skins. It's not like i'm calling Avacado a TW member or that i'm stating that i am one myself (Thothie did say JM was the last member), but anyone who is associated with JM, gets to be treated the sameway, like that one move where the BoU crest nerfed the guild with 300% dmg increase while using the crest. Pretty much a d!ck move, everyone in the guild got treated the sameway for some hatred held towards JM.

They'll more than likely disregard everything you say and not even bother reading further.

Hey, i'm not sure but i could be wrong with the upcoming conclusion.
It seems to be working like a charm when you actually play the asshole!


in-fact it takes a -higher- level of thinking to even comprehend. Sadly, the quote seems to have gone over your head

Lucifer Majiskus said:
Those who blame others for their actions lose the ability to change and grow as a person. 'Cuz everything is always someone else's fault :oldlol:

Thothie said:
While none of that regarding J-M is true, including the mapping part, when you consider how many non-cheat maps he released in the past ten years (1), and it doesn't even begin to touch the surface of his other behavior that both crippled and nearly killed this mod, several times over...

Sorry again, but i couldn't resist doing this, this was my point all along since you (Lucifer) made that "no-sense" reply a few pages back. Hope that clarifies you!

PS: This was never about the JM incident, i'm basically just showing how much of an asshole Thothie can become and reason being why there are still people jumping on him these days. There are other examples of him being an asshole and whatnot, but JM's works like a charm all the time. :mrgreen:


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Moved this for ya...

Hate to bump this thread, but clearly, you are in need of a reality check...

zeus9860 said:
Seriously, give me qualified proof that he ever (2007 and onwards):
-duped items or anything alike on FN;
-hacked in anyway while being on FN;
-released a cheat map to use on FN;
...And how exactly, pray-tell, would I prove that to you? Eh?

He was rolled back for dupping bags on FN, six times - more than any other player. He was the very reason we came up with the item remove on disconnect and exchange cool down and log.

Nearly half the exploits we fixed from 2006 though 2012 were hacks he came up with or spread. His showing people how to alter files is why we came up with the file verification. His mix-matching versions and hosting servers with said mix-matched versions is why we came up with the version verification. Various incidents with him and Steve were also the reason we stopped allowing AMX on the servers. He was also threatening to host Brian's new memory editor, which also lead to a lot of coding headaches.

He was hosting a collection of 96 cheat maps up until 2009 (that's four years under FN), despite my giving him a utility to convert them into regular maps. There was no cheat map protection on FN until that same year (you could run any map, it was just a matter of getting caught). Lots of people were caught running maps from that collection, including, once, J-M himself, but he claimed he was testing "a cleaned up version", and simply forgot to remove it from his server.

But none of it matters...

Because you've developed some bizarre hero worship that, even with the entire development team telling you all this stuff, you think it's a giant conspiracy, and we got rid of him, just because we didn't like him.

You believe that we'd constantly have all these threads begging for it to be done, sit and debate about it for weeks on end, risk both his considerable tenacity for spreading hacks and the community backlash from banning the head of the largest guild, of all time - remove someone who was here (spreading cheats) as far back as MS 1.3, just because we didn't like him... Despite leaving all the other, much less popular assholes, who we had no fondness at all for and for which there'd be no consequences for banning at all, completely unscathed.

There's nothing I can say to break you from that delusion, as in your mind, I'm part of the conspiracy.

I kinda liked the asshole... I kinda miss him - he kept me on my toes. There's a reason I spent so much time trying to force the team to come up with an alternative punishment, a reason I let this go on for so long, despite everything it was doing to the game and all the cries from near every iteration of the dev team to get rid of him. Much the same could be said of Lord K and the previous dev team. But eventually, the venom and destruction outweighs mirth and mercy, and something's gotta give.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Let's see now...

Last i checked, the exploits that crop up with this game have nothing to do with him having the guilt of said exploits being used by many others. He indeed likes to spread things he finds himself to guildmates, which eventually spreads onto people outside the guild and bad stuff happens when it gets noticed by you (he gets the blame, you should be proud that he actually spread alot of the things he did, in a way they got well known by the public which made things get fixed eventually, if it was all kept a secret, most of them exploits would still be around and being abused).
Thing is, just because he does this kind of stuff, that doesn't make him necessarily guilty of every exploit that crops up to be abused untill it gets fixed.

If it makes you happy, there are quite some exploits that were found by me and eventually fixed after many people ended up figuring it out aswell and abusing it. (latest being the slime in deraliasewers, people saw me use it, they followed in my footsteps, it's not directly game breaking i know, but i did found a few others, like the demon blood exploit, affliction staff beam stack with other weapons while in alpha testing and some others i'm not going to bother).
I can also tell you, if i wanted to farm more felewyn shards right now without being held back, i could do it even though you pretty much ruined the quest entirelly. Don't go on thinking JM is the one that comes up with all the workarounds to awfully implemented systems. Alot of stuff that was caught and fixed and you blame him for those things came from many other sources in the community. This workaround is something i came up with and nobody knows (i think), it's not a hack or anything, it's basically just the awfull coding in this game coming into play, opening so many ways to exploit the game and your awfull questing plans.

Since he was around, he had to be the one to get all the blame, it's like orochi jumping on him whenever he posted something related to nerfs, making him look guilty of said nerfs.

Also that "memory editor threat" was something Brian himself said, not him. I remember well that Brian came up with the thing and threatened to put an end to ms:c by releasing it to the public, not JM. Two different people here.

Oh look cheatmaps, you are speaking like he is the worst person in the world for hosting probably ancient projects he held onto since the early days of MS. Remember that one time Mikkel was hosting a cheatmap on FN while being the FN admin? I'm pretty sure you do since you caught me using it along with a few other players and got butthurt (and i'm pretty sure it's the main reason why i can't get access to FN, not like i care tbh), i'm sure aswell that was the reason why Mikkel quit the cargo and left the community, i had some guilt in that but it was his mistake for hosting a cheatmap on FN, not mine. Him being the administrator and hosting the map, pretty much showed that the map was legit to play. That's actually when the new system kicked in, where maps needed to be approved in order to be played on FN. (also said cheatmap wasn't JM's doing, just a fyi).

Because you've developed some bizarre hero worship that, even with the entire development team telling you all this stuff, you think it's a giant conspiracy, and we got rid of him, just because we didn't like him.

Yeah it is, and yeah i do believe that last statement to be true. For one MiB never liked him, Orochi never liked him, i'm pretty sure you never liked him either (reason: you creating the TW faction and doing some favoritism rather than workout things, you pretty much torn the community apart with that even more), FER and Dridje are the neutrals. I'm not sure who else is considered to be part of the dev team, but as you can see, the majority of them doesn't like him and wanted him gone. Same fact i never liked Brian nor Mouse (TFL guild member) and i wanted them gone, which eventually happened.

Also, like i said before, there are far worse people out there playing this mod without getting banned or caught. Just like the recent dupe casualities, there was quite a nice number of people abusing the thing from the looks of it, then again i only saw two of them getting caught and banned publicly (Msyeria and Kemper).


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Apr 8, 2005
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zeus9860 said:
Yeah it is, and yeah i do believe that last statement to be true. For one MiB never liked him, Orochi never liked him, i'm pretty sure you never liked him either (reason: you creating the TW faction and doing some favoritism rather than workout things, you pretty much torn the community apart with that even more), FER and Dridje are the neutrals. I'm not sure who else is considered to be part of the dev team, but as you can see, the majority of them doesn't like him and wanted him gone. Same fact i never liked Brian nor Mouse (TFL guild member) and i wanted them gone, which eventually happened.
MiB and J-M were always at each others throats, though it was, for the most part, a friendly rivalry - unlike your posts to other members, they never got personal. Orochi was the only other member of the developer team to suggest doing something other than ban him, but changed his mind a few posts later (the dev thread's still there). Of the then eleven members of the developer team, only one voted taking no action (dunno who, just the poll), two voted to do something else (one of which was me - the other likely was Orochi, who again, changed his vote), and, in two weeks of debate, none of us came up with any alternatives - not that there were any remaining that hadn't been already tried.

...and there was no satisfying TW, despite being given exponentially more power, they whined and whined, often even describing boosts as nerfs, and swore to fight the dev team any way they could - tis why the faction was so designated. Without J-M to egg them on, they fell apart pretty quickly.

Brian and Mouse were never banned, but Brian was rolled back pretty far, and when he quit, his guild fell apart. Msyeria and Kemper were never banned either SFAIK, just rolled back and driven out by community rage. Their situations were made public by other players, not the dev team or [FN] host.

I usually wind up rolling back one or two people a month (I think eight this year, albeit it's been a slow one). I don't announce rollbacks for obvious reasons (usually not worth the mass ostracisation the community will bring down on them). We've only had six or seven permanent bans in as many years (and none this year - granted we were a lot quicker to perma-ban when FuzzyFish was in charge). I sometimes announce perma-bans, if an FN host was involved, but only J-M's banning required a post, that goes on to haunt us, two years later.

Again, it's insane to think that any of us would go through this much trouble just to deal with someone we didn't like, given the people we've let hang around who we clearly don't like, have no potential skills to be turned to better use, and would have been no trouble at all to axe.

Hell, I've kept people on the developer team in the past that I like less than J-M, that were far bigger assholes, but they were constructive rather than destructive, however aggravating they sometimes were to work with. That's where the real difference lay.

*sigh* If only he would have used his powers for good instead of evil, none of this would have had to have happened. :oldcry:

zues9860 said:
He indeed likes to spread things he finds himself to guildmates, which eventually spreads onto people outside the guild [...] Thing is, just because he does this kind of stuff, that doesn't make him necessarily guilty of every exploit that crops up to be abused untill it gets fixed.
No, not every exploit, but at least half the ones we've had to fix. We don't have to fix ones that don't get spread. There's a ton that'd take huge efforts to fix, but we don't waste our time with, as they aren't well known. His guild thread was very useful for tracking exploits, more so than most, so I suppose that might have been a good ulterior motive for keeping him around, though it certainly wouldn't have been worth it. Just before he was kicked out, he deleted every thread in it, so it was pretty obvious he knew we were onto him at that point anyways - leaving a statement saying as much (which I think you can access).

zeus9860 said:
Whatever Team Whine says, gets discarded or treated like trash, for one, Avacado made an entry into the ms:c content contest, he was one of the winners for obvious reasons. He made 10 reskins, 2 of which are already in-game, both of them were discarded from what he suggested that could possible be done with them and was never notified what was changed with his skins. It's not like i'm calling Avacado a TW member or that i'm stating that i am one myself (Thothie did say JM was the last member), but anyone who is associated with JM, gets to be treated the sameway, like that one move where the BoU crest nerfed the guild with 300% dmg increase while using the crest. Pretty much a d!ck move, everyone in the guild got treated the sameway for some hatred held towards JM.

Eh, okay this is a bit more interesting. Avocado never had his skins discarded. The one skin we officially put in, "The Corrodinator", did EXACTLY what he wanted it to do (increase poison DOT duration), and we even kept the silly name. The other one I put in as an afterthought, and used it as an Orion reskin, because it seemed appropriate. It was so purty, I didn't want to leave it on hold until we finally manage to make room for some new holy bow so many ages from now. (And I already apologized for that, and thought you were satisfied. >_>)

In fact, Avocado is the ONLY contest winner who has seen ANY of his work in game so far... Because Oyster hijacked all the maps not being worked on for his project, demanding they all be released as a group or not at all, and because we've had no place to put Ceriux's hammer yet (not that we need a new super blunt anymore than we need a new super bow ATM). So if anything, we've been favoring Avocado above and beyond everyone else. ...Not that I ever had him labeled as TW, or had any other problem with him. Jeeze.


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Jun 12, 2006
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On a Bus
Believe it or not I actually liked J-M. He was an obviously intelligent person and a talented mapper, and he was on my friends list for quite a while (still is actually), but he was a pain in the ass to be around; you always had to watch what you said because he was temperamental as hell and if you said one wrong thing he'd be up your ass about it for a long time. I was neutral about the whole thing; like Thothie said, I didn't want to get rid of him at first, but I eventually saw no other way to deal with him, as he was polarized as all hell towards the dev team and we have repeatedly tried to get him to stop. Sometimes tough decisions have to be made even if you don't hate the person overall.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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See the thing here is... you used his reskins and altered his suggestions to your own liking. He suggested the bow to be a holy bow reskin, i highly doubt you spoke with him about changing it into the new orion bow. It's not like i care as to where it ended up, really. You just did something different from what he suggested in his thread and that's where my concerns are.

Also the corrodinator, he asked "innie" instead out "outie", as in increasing acid/poison damage by a %, not increasing the dot duration. Right now corrodinator is a waste of space since the best tool to train affliction is dark staff and it's not really hard to get one, most 500hp+ players have one already, goes to show that the dot duration boost is useless, unless it works with acid lance (haven't tested) which would be the only worthwhile combination with the helmet.

Y'know, nobody else has the balls to stand up against what goes wrong anymore, or could be the fact that most people just vanished all of a sudden (you should know why). Someone has to do the job eventually. Just saying.


New Adventurer
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MSC Developer
Jun 12, 2006
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On a Bus
zeus9860 said:
See the thing here is... you used his reskins and altered his suggestions to your own liking. He suggested the bow to be a holy bow reskin, i highly doubt you spoke with him about changing it into the new orion bow. It's not like i care as to where it ended up, really. You just did something different from what he suggested in his thread and that's where my concerns are.
It has always been quite clear that when content is submitted, the submitters' suggestions will be taken into account, but not necessarily followed to the letter.

zeus9860 said:
Also the corrodinator, he asked "innie" instead out "outie", as in increasing acid/poison damage by a %, not increasing the dot duration. Right now corrodinator is a waste of space since the best tool to train affliction is dark staff and it's not really hard to get one, most 500hp+ players have one already, goes to show that the dot duration boost is useless, unless it works with acid lance (haven't tested) which would be the only worthwhile combination with the helmet.
Plenty of other games have useless items that their creators probably regret (TF2 for example). While it's a sad state of affairs and shouldn't happen, it does. Either work to change it or don't, but don't sit and bitch that no one does anything.

zeus9860 said:
Y'know, nobody else has the balls to stand up against what goes wrong anymore, or could be the fact that most people just vanished all of a sudden (you should know why). Someone has to do the job eventually. Just saying.
Are you kidding me? I used to think you were just mad about J-M being gone; now I'm starting to think you may actually have some dissociative disorder and are completely misinterpreting things. You seem to have it in your head that you (and J-M before you) are some kind of misunderstood hero, rebelling against the tyranny of the dev team. You also seem to imagine a conspiracy that conveniently got rid of people who don't like the mod (Spoilers: many probably left) or who agree with you, neither of which actually happened. Given that the job you're referring to is "Town Crap-disturber" I can say that no, no one needs to do that job.


MSC Developer
Blades of Urdual
Jan 5, 2006
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I did get owned very bad for a few days when I got caught in the crossfire and was inflicted with the 300% debuff without having anything to do with it. but whatever, if you get caught in a circle of hatred, it's in your best interest to not let it escalate more. I check the forums often without posting anything, and probably will give the game another try with all the added bonus and the bug fixes (I saw thothie's post about getting valve to fix their stuff, gj)

edit: oops, sorry for posting in a 3 days old thread, looks like it's already over


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
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Apr 8, 2005
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Zeus Troll said:
Also the corrodinator, he asked "innie" instead out "outie", as in increasing acid/poison damage by a %, not increasing the dot duration. Right now corrodinator is a waste of space since the best tool to train affliction is dark staff and it's not really hard to get one, most 500hp+ players have one already, goes to show that the dot duration boost is useless, unless it works with acid lance (haven't tested) which would be the only worthwhile combination with the helmet.
Actually... Bloody hell, he has a point.

Someone came up with that idear (it was kind of a pain to pull, so it wasn't me)... But searching the forums, I guess it wasn't Avocado... Granted, he wanted x4 poison damage, and while that obviously isn't going to happen, I may come up with a "Greater Corrodinator" or something down the road, closer to what he was after. (Maybe upgrade poison to acid damage too... Or something.)

But the rest still stands, he's gotten better treatment than any of the other contest winners, so I dunno why ya think we're out to get him. And yes, the helm's effect stacks with all poison/acid DOT's, regardless of their source, so long as the owner gets credit for the damage. Additionally, it's on the global treasure list, and thus can be found just about anywhere, which makes it a *lot* easier to get than the Staff of Affliction.

Zeus Troll said:
Y'know, nobody else has the balls to stand up against what goes wrong anymore
What reality are you living in, and how to do I get there? Gah, if only that were the case... Sadly, there's no shortage of folks more than eager to inform us as to what exactly is wrong with the mod, every effing day. Granted, we've had a few more than usual at least able to articulate their issues in some civil way lately, oddly enough. But we always have plenty foaming at the mouth angry as well, no need to add to that.

Truewarrior said:
it's in your best interest to not let it escalate more
Meh, I wanted to give him the opportunity to vent, even at the risk of bringing up old bad blood. He's been snapping at folks in lots of forum threads, and I made the mistake of asking why, and here we are. ;) You're right though, I should really just learn to leave things alone. I just kinda loathe locking threads and deleting posts left and right, when rational explanations are available - but yes, sometimes, they don't help, and it's better to just put a lid on it.

...but not *this* thread - not locking this two year old thread of hate, as well, this is what it was made for. :\


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Dickhead Majiskus said:

Hey guys i'm Lucifer and i'm a dickheaded freak who makes up lies to the community to try and get away from bad fame and i also choke on other people's dicks. I bet that dickhead of yours is clogging up your brain, reason being you think you are coolbeans with all the "learn about irony" posts, when infact you look like a retard most of the time thinking that you actually have any knowledge to throw out into the arena. And please, take your awfull practises away from me, i already told you, i'm not gay and i'm not giving you the D either.

Captain Obvious said:
Actually... Bloody hell, he has a point.



You are funny, you know that? The last two confrontations about something that is/was ingame, i pretty much showed you the truth and here you are thinking that you knew everything about what goes in and out of the game. (Pretty much shows that you need people's help to find exploits, since we get at least one exploit guaranteed per patch and you seem to never have a clue how they got ingame, just on how to fix them, good guy Thothie!)

Trollth said:
But the rest still stands, he's gotten better treatment than any of the other contest winners, so I dunno why ya think we're out to get him. And yes, the helm's effect stacks with all poison/acid DOT's, regardless of their source, so long as the owner gets credit for the damage. Additionally, it's on the global treasure list, and thus can be found just about anywhere, which makes it a *lot* easier to get than the Staff of Affliction.

Then again, nowhere did i say you *were* jumping on him, fact here is you touching people's work without giving notification of that. Avacado's was the last one, i spoke with him and he never knew what you had originally planned for the reskins. He should have been given a notification as to what plans you had for them, incase they differ from his.

As a contest winner, he should have had the chance to state his own suggestions like the mappers did, and try to accomplish the best out of them, not the other way around. Again, i'm all fine if you change things that people make, as long as they are given a heads up and a chance to neglect the chance and not release the content if they aren't happy with it.

And to nullify your statement a tad more, indeed the staff of affliction is a bit more difficult to come by compared to the helmet, then again, like i said most 500hp players that play regularly, have one and the only worthwhile spell that might go with the helmet right now is still harder to come by compared to the staff itself. See what i did there? And no it's not poison scroll. :roll:

Trollthie said:
What reality are you living in, and how to do I get there? Gah, if only that were the case... Sadly, there's no shortage of folks more than eager to inform us as to what exactly is wrong with the mod, every effing day. Granted, we've had a few more than usual at least able to articulate their issues in some civil way lately, oddly enough. But we always have plenty foaming at the mouth angry as well, no need to add to that.

Hey perhaps you should check what you do before you actually patch a game, it's common sense right? This patch (not the SEP2013) pretty much pissed me off big time in the beginning, not only me (just a fyi), it also did the same effect on a couple of more active players who just decide not to play the new content, because you know, bad content is actually that bad and people avoid it.
I don't know if you read chatlogs or not, but if you were to read most of them when i was playing around with people on my main character, quite alot of people got pissed at the things you have done lately (both new players and old alike), none of which were capable of coming in here and zap your @ss for doing such a thing. Reason being why i am here, if J-M was still around he would be the one doing it, again he was banned, so here i am doing his job in a more aggressive way.

Also for the record you probably driven away a potential modeler from this game with the things you do (again, the reasoning i gave with Avacado, never touch a person's work without giving a heads up or chance to debate it out with the creator). Because said modeler saw the entries Avacado made and saw where they ended up at, making him a bit shaky as to what he should do with his work, either finish it and give it a shot or just quit it and move on.

I know you did debate a few times in the past about people's work via PM, like Caluminium's Phlames and Phobia, i was behind the tracks reading what you two were discussing. The item requests were sidetracked a bit from the original request, but hey, they actually got in-game which is what i was looking forward to (yes the staves suggestions were mostly mine), though they seem to be awfully broken right now or a bit misleading (dark staff not included).

SaruThoth said:
Meh, I wanted to give him the opportunity to vent, even at the risk of bringing up old bad blood. He's been snapping at folks in lots of forum threads, and I made the mistake of asking why, and here we are.


So this is vent thread #2 now? Oh boy, i get to have two threads now!

"Snapping at folks in lots of forum threads"

Lolwut. I'm most of the time just being annoying, and i only do that to forum casuals that i somehow have had a little connection ingame with. Not that big of a deal. Last i remember, the only two people i actually been zaping in the forums was you and Dickhead Majiskus (osnap, it begins!). MIB's latest situation is not the samething, people just assume things way too fast and take dumb conclusions, this be the way of the typical human being in society, taking conclusions too soon and applying them early on without having a clue about it (i was never raging at him from the beginning, i only did a bit when you posted that one image, that being the reason why it went this far, you should be proud of yourself granny). :wink:


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
I make up lies? Where have I said anything that wasn't true?
Also my point has kinda been made. :roll:
and I mean recently c:
'cuz no one 11 year old says silly things on the internet, right?!
Seriously man you should look after yourself and take responsibility for your own actions before you accuse anyone else of theirs. *sigh*

Also Zeus.... What is knowledge? How is it that we can truly "know" something? Do you know what transcendental idealism is? Or Epistemology? Your argument (?) isn't a valid one.... nor your attack on my character. How can I be the dickhead when you type 100000000 word essays explaining why you dislike someone and why everyone else should follow suit (cuz clearly you're never wrong) ^_^


The True Followers of the Lost
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Mar 6, 2010
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New Adventurer
Socialist Guild
Aug 22, 2008
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Hrmm, I seem to recall putting somewhere +50% or was it 20% damage was a good number for the corrodinator, ah but I don't remember where or if I put it somewhere, woopsy.

But as it stands the duration is not very useful atm because most poison attacks such as poison cloud, affliction spears spinny spinny poison, and the affliction spears acid dot are going to be reapplied periodically when you use them, might have a little utility if you're using the affliction spear then switching for the damage buff. But yeah atm the added duration is of little use, perhaps if it's length was increased a ton, it'd be better.

Also, whenever zeus posts something I find myself just skipping over it. :3

ah here from my contest thread
I call it the Corrodinator Outy instead of inny, increased poison or affliction damage


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Yeah, I'll consider adding a Greater one... Granted, I wasn't aiming at the high levels with it, which is why it isn't a unique and has no affliction level requisite. If yer on poison spells, envenomed weapons, and snake staffs (like most of my characters are), it's pretty darn useful.

With mappers, I usually run alterations by them for final approval... With modelers, not so much so, as long as I'm not changing the aesthetics. Usually, I just try to get it to the intended theme. (In this case, poison+ hat)

Still wondering where I read that idea to increase DOT durations though.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Lucifer Majiskus said:
I make up lies? Where have I said anything that wasn't true?
Also my point has kinda been made. :roll:
and I mean recently c:
'cuz no one 11 year old says silly things on the internet, right?!
Seriously man you should look after yourself and take responsibility for your own actions before you accuse anyone else of theirs. *sigh*

Also Zeus.... What is knowledge? How is it that we can truly "know" something? Do you know what transcendental idealism is? Or Epistemology? Your argument (?) isn't a valid one.... nor your attack on my character. How can I be the dickhead when you type 100000000 word essays explaining why you dislike someone and why everyone else should follow suit (cuz clearly you're never wrong) ^_^

There you have it, the way you speak, you think you are clever and all that, also fancy gif, too bad you got a bad taste in colors. :roll:

Do i really need to go "deeper", "wordor"? :wink:

Oh and you are probably right, i'm an asshole because i want to act like one for no apparent reason, oh your logic is killing me!

Echo717 said:
Also, whenever zeus posts something I find myself just skipping over it. :3

Don't make me bully you now. >_>

Thothie said:
Still wondering where I read that idea to increase DOT durations though.

You missread, you made it up or you messed it up. I have no clue. At the end of the day, what Avacado suggested differs from the real thing and he had no voice of opinion.
And you should probably skip the additional newbie items of this kind, because there is a FN bonus for a reason right? Basically you just keep adding content into a trash bin with hope it's going to be used, when in fact it wont (unless lan). The logic here is off the charts too! :wink:

The newbie rant is related to items only, don't go on taking conclusions i'm ranting about all the low level content, when in-fact i'm not, you are pushing the game towards medium-high level at a good pace, lower levels will never use such items when they come by resistance items that are actually better, and by the time they are actually of some use to very high level players, they will have much better gear to use.


New Adventurer
Socialist Guild
Aug 22, 2008
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Honestly when I made it the only real goal was hat + poison which was accomplished, any suggestions I make as to what it will do are just suggestions. You're making it out like I'm being bullied and thothie's some sort of evildoer here.


from a recent steam chat I had ~

J-M v2.5.5: sometimes when zeus makes a post I just have literally no idea what he means



Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Echo717 said:
Also, whenever zeus posts something I find myself just skipping over it. :3

Fashion Police said:
....some condescending arrogant bullshit......
...also fancy gif, too bad you got a bad taste in colors. :roll:

Owie my pride


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 12, 2006
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On a Bus
zeus9860 said:
You are funny, you know that? The last two confrontations about something that is/was ingame, i pretty much showed you the truth and here you are thinking that you knew everything about what goes in and out of the game. (Pretty much shows that you need people's help to find exploits, since we get at least one exploit guaranteed per patch and you seem to never have a clue how they got ingame, just on how to fix them, good guy Thothie!)
You arrogant douchenozzle, he already admitted you had a point, what more do you bloody well want? Oh, I forgot, you want "MS:C according to Zeus". Congratulations, you're certainly filling the "argumentative prick for whom nothing is ever good enough" void that J-M left nicely. Also, as MS:C has no QA beyond the cursory stuff the dev team does to ensure the game doesn't crash horribly, of course we need people's help to find them you simp. That's generally how feedback works.

zeus9860 said:
Then again, nowhere did i say you *were* jumping on him, fact here is you touching people's work without giving notification of that. Avacado's was the last one, i spoke with him and he never knew what you had originally planned for the reskins. He should have been given a notification as to what plans you had for them, incase they differ from his.
People submit the work with the expectation it will be used in the game eventually, and all stat decisions are made by the dev team. While I agree he should have gotten a notification, the process has been quite clear for several years now.

zeus9860 said:
Hey perhaps you should check what you do before you actually patch a game, it's common sense right? This patch (not the SEP2013) pretty much pissed me off big time in the beginning, not only me (just a fyi), it also did the same effect on a couple of more active players who just decide not to play the new content, because you know, bad content is actually that bad and people avoid it.
You arrogant, knuckledragging reprobate, take a flying leap off a building. You know nothing of programming or how hard it can be to find the cause of bugs, so kindly stop running your mouth on matters which you know nothing about. Thothie isn't even a programmer by trade like MiB or myself, and yet what he's managed to do on ghetto-rigging alone is astounding. If people don't like what is patched it, it can be patched out.

zeus9860 said:
I don't know if you read chatlogs or not, but if you were to read most of them when i was playing around with people on my main character, quite alot of people got pissed at the things you have done lately (both new players and old alike), none of which were capable of coming in here and zap your @ss for doing such a thing. Reason being why i am here, if J-M was still around he would be the one doing it, again he was banned, so here i am doing his job in a more aggressive way.
Who are these "alot" of people you mention? Don't use weasel words, thanks. Maybe if they weren't so wishy-washy they'd come and actually voice their concerns. It's the only way anything changes. However, you are doing a job that no one wants or indeed needs done, so please don't make it out like you're doing the community a service because you're not.

zeus9860 said:
Also for the record you probably driven away a potential modeler from this game with the things you do (again, the reasoning i gave with Avacado, never touch a person's work without giving a heads up or chance to debate it out with the creator). Because said modeler saw the entries Avacado made and saw where they ended up at, making him a bit shaky as to what he should do with his work, either finish it and give it a shot or just quit it and move on.
Again, who is this supposed modeler? You seem to have an awful lot of friends who could fill key roles if only that pesky Thothie weren't around to drive them away! :roll:

zeus9860 said:
Lolwut. I'm most of the time just being annoying, and i only do that to forum casuals that i somehow have had a little connection ingame with. Not that big of a deal. Last i remember, the only two people i actually been zaping in the forums was you and Dickhead Majiskus (osnap, it begins!).
Get over yourself, you arrogant pissant. Just because you give a disclaimer doesn't entitle you to act like an asshole in front of everyone else.

zeus9860 said:
MIB's latest situation is not the samething, people just assume things way too fast and take dumb conclusions, this be the way of the typical human being in society, taking conclusions too soon and applying them early on without having a clue about it (i was never raging at him from the beginning, i only did a bit when you posted that one image, that being the reason why it went this far, you should be proud of yourself granny). :wink:
Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle. I believe you share a sameness of hue.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
You arrogant douchenozzle, he already admitted you had a point, what more do you bloody well want?

I want you to shut up and go work on ms:s rather than waste your time with something that isn't related to you, that's what some people want. (just a fyi)

People submit the work with the expectation it will be used in the game eventually, and all stat decisions are made by the dev team. While I agree he should have gotten a notification, the process has been quite clear for several years now.

Hey, i never said i wanted to see things as people suggest them to be, what i want is that people get notified with the possible changes that could happen with their suggestions and whatnot before they are applied to the game, so they can have a chance to debate on things and accept/decline the changes, it's their work afterall.

Again, who is this supposed modeler? You seem to have an awful lot of friends who could fill key roles if only that pesky Thothie weren't around to drive them away! :roll:


Both people representing that thread said they were about to give up the project, one of them being a veteran player, he knows what is going on with this mod as much as i do, we share the same feelings at the end of the day as players, the guy who was working with said veteran player figured his time would probably come to being a waste and both of them asked me if they should give up on the project entirelly, to which i responded (you should give it a shot, by the time you hand it over to Thothie, make sure he doesn't fuck it up his way), something along these lines.

Now follow your own advice and do a leap off a building, preferably an extremelly high one. Thanks.

Who are these "alot" of people you mention? Don't use weasel words, thanks. Maybe if they weren't so wishy-washy they'd come and actually voice their concerns. It's the only way anything changes. However, you are doing a job that no one wants or indeed needs done, so please don't make it out like you're doing the community a service because you're not.

Yes, of course. Because everyone likes to join forums, more even dead ones with a few leftovers that are not even worth the time nor patience to debate with. Game is in a near-death status and you expect people to play this game and join the forums to make rants about what they dislike? Get real. Chance that will happen are like 1 in each 10 new players, and most of them post about 5 times before leaving entirelly.

Get over yourself, you arrogant pissant. Just because you give a disclaimer doesn't entitle you to act like an asshole in front of everyone else.

"B!tch please."
The amount of times i spoke with you in the past while in-game, you are even more arrogant than i am and more of a ball licker aswell just like Lucifer. I would even give a few more words about this matter, but i'm not going to stab you in the face, for now. :mrgreen:

You arrogant, knuckledragging reprobate, take a flying leap off a building. You know nothing of programming or how hard it can be to find the cause of bugs, so kindly stop running your mouth on matters which you know nothing about. Thothie isn't even a programmer by trade like MiB or myself, and yet what he's managed to do on ghetto-rigging alone is astounding. If people don't like what is patched it, it can be patched out.

And this is why i never liked you. You go on running your mouth without having a f*cking clue what's going on. You are simply an idiot who joins a confusion without having a f*cking clue why it's happening and go on running around with words thinking you know what's going on.
This "bad content" has nothing to do with the difficulty in coding since it's already implemented and nothing uncommon to the eyesight, it's plain and simple AWFULL BALANCE and retarded gameplay strategy he implemented that he thinks it's legit. Remember when everyone was flaming ingame about the_wall having shitty gameplay and i was one of the very few who actually liked it? Ok, picture this but even worst to the point of me calling it BS entirelly.

Oh and before you go on pointing fingers saying "LOLS I CODE SO U DON'T KNOW NOTHING", check again, i've been to coding class for a couple of months a few years back, then i switched areas, because, fuck coding and the class was awfully organized back then (22 students 1st year, only 5 made it through untill the end, 1 of which got enough average to get in university and he went for it). Just goes to show, that not everything goes as planned, if the class wasn't such a mess on it's own (eg: head-programmer in class had little to no knowledge in c++, most of the evaluations as consequences from this impact were done as group rather than individual for the 3 years), also i had that set up in mind in order to see if i could actually do something related to gaming, since i never went far enough with coding, i tried mapping and found out it was freaking annoying to learn tutorials with a broken like hell software. Reason why i never went far with hammer either.

Now you should go hide yourself or jump of a building too, because:


And here's a last tip Orochi, how about you work on Ms:s and mind your own business? From yours truly, the arrogant asshole. :wink: