- Thread starter
- Admin
- #576
Er, well, it is on the top thread post, and this IS a sticky.That would be easier than having to track it down...like post a sticky on future updates and the link followed by simplified information on how to download the link.
Also don't know anyway to make it any simpler:
It's true I should try to arrange for an alternate link. Lord K USUALLY puts up a download link to the patch on the front page pretty promptly - although after the character corruption fiasco in January he maybe more reluctant to do so promptly. It is the first time anything like that happened in almost a year of beta updates, and hopefully the last.I f the link dont work try to have a back up and also ive noticed some things dont really work out so try to have something to fall back on like a fix for the patch just in case ^_^.
My test character does up to 1500 damage to skeletons at skill 30 with the Golden Axe. I don't intend to make it easy to find.BTW keep up the good work on the mod and please make the craplag golden axe a lil easier to get just so that people like me can actually see how much it sucks when they use it and not learn by the he said she said stuff :3. Just something to think about too hehe great work with the mod.
I do intend to release a FEB2007B patch within the next few days - but it's only server side, and only for better backwards compatibility with older clients. Nothing too critical.
However, through Sunday, I got a bunch of RL crap to deal with, so it'll be delayed. Dun expect much help from me till then either. :/
PS. If you had trouble getting onto Keledrosruins on my server earlier, it's because I accidentally deleted it, instead of the old Keledrosprelude. ><