Ah, don't worry about it. I have enough things to keep me busy on the game for nowThothie said:Should explain that the Christmas gift I had originally planned (ie. the patch), has not come to fruition for a number of reasons.
⢠Misgivings from fellow developers about my epic lore plan, some involving other potential plans for the maps involved, but also the possibility of an alternative map being available in the near future.
⢠The Man in Black re-introducing me to Natural Selection (damn you MiB!). This has only eaten a smidgen of free time, however, and I am rapidly being reminded as to why it was I quit playing...
⢠Stupid friend getting herself jailed for life, and her drug-thug life spilling over on her well to do, but not particularly sane/mobile parents, as a result - so a good deal of my time has been dedicated to making sure they secure their senile asses proper.
⢠Last, though certainly not least, my father collapsed this Christmas, so my mumsi is going to be needing me around nearly full time, for at least the next few days, while he is in the hospital, and they figure out exactly what is wrong with him... Way to go Santa.
As lists of excuses go that's pretty good, but still... I'm not sure when all this **** is going to calm down enough for me to actually work on MSC proper.
Thothie said:We've got some new scripters in training, so hopefully they take some of the overload off me.
Thothie said:Hunderswamp is all brushed and just needs to be populated. It's one of the most beautiful damn maps I've ever seen, so I wanna work up some unique scripts for it, if at all possible.
Shrinkspell's been on the to-do list forever. Have a map source, just needs to be tweaked up, ton of scripts to do though, so it's kinda like Hall of Deralia in that it keeps getting back burnered for time consumption. Hunderswamp only needs maybe three or four scripts, and I'm hoping the new scripters can do at least one.zeusi said:I thought shrinkspell was next on the list?
Stage IV cancer is almost always fatal... But he's doing better than I thought - it's just a matter of how many years he has left, and how much help he's going to need during that time. So far all the Chemo's done is make his hair fall out, but he isn't very mobile and can't be left alone. Mum is old and can't lift more than twenty pounds, so I gotta be there to help him move about and watch him most of the time. (Thothie is old, but Thothie's parent's are ancient.)zeusi said:Hope it's treatable and not so serious of a health problem
For Hunderswamp I have the poison vine done I just need to test it. Hmm, I also have almost all of Oyster's cave orges done they just also need to be tested. If you send me the other NPCs that needs to be done Hunderswamp i'll give them a try.Thothie said:Shrinkspell's been on the to-do list forever. Have a map source, just needs to be tweaked up, ton of scripts to do though, so it's kinda like Hall of Deralia in that it keeps getting back burnered for time consumption. Hunderswamp only needs maybe three or four scripts, and I'm hoping the new scripters can do at least one.zeusi said:I thought shrinkspell was next on the list?
Stage IV cancer is almost always fatal... But he's doing better than I thought - it's just a matter of how many years he has left, and how much help he's going to need during that time. So far all the Chemo's done is make his hair fall out, but he isn't very mobile and can't be left alone. Mum is old and can't lift more than twenty pounds, so I gotta be there to help him move about and watch him most of the time. (Thothie is old, but Thothie's parent's are ancient.)zeusi said:Hope it's treatable and not so serious of a health problem
Gods, I'm actually going to have to watch the Superbowl with him - this sucks. :\
Thothie said:Stage IV cancer is almost always fatal... But he's doing better than I thought - it's just a matter of how many years he has left, and how much help he's going to need during that time. So far all the Chemo's done is make his hair fall out, but he isn't very mobile and can't be left alone. Mum is old and can't lift more than twenty pounds, so I gotta be there to help him move about and watch him most of the time. (Thothie is old, but Thothie's parent's are ancient.)
Gods, I'm actually going to have to watch the Superbowl with him - this sucks. :\
Thothie said:Would like to get another summon thingie into this new staff, but I think it might be good to go as is...
Thothie said:If you do get this, feel free to post... At least I'll have a gauge on how many folks are aware of the .net domain.
Hi.Thothie said:If you do get this, feel free to post... At least I'll have a gauge on how many folks are aware of the .net domain.