make an area were there is hard things to kill and one with medium and another with easy stuff. That should work. keeps everyone busy.
"origin" "320 -448 48"
"killtarget" "serrold_death"
"spawnchance" "100"
"targetname" "Serrold" //1 of six npcs in helena
"angles" "0 245 0"
"scriptfile" "helena/serrold"
"delayhigh" "2"
"delaylow" "1"
"classname" "ms_npc"
"origin" "320 -448 128"
"target" "deathnotice"
"targetname" "serrold_death" //six like this
"angles" "0 0 0"
"classname" "trigger_relay"
"origin" "248 32 248"
"target" "kickplayers"
"targetname" "deathnotice"
"classname" "multisource"
"origin" "280 32 248"
"backtothornlands" "6"
"losemsg" "0"
"targetname" "kickplayers"
"classname" "multi_manager"
"origin" "344 32 248"
"desttrans" "NE-A3"
"destmap" "thornlands"
"targetname" "backtothornlands"
"classname" "mstrig_changelevel"
"origin" "312 32 248"
"messagevolume" "10"
"targetname" "losemsg"
"spawnflags" "3"
"classname" "env_message"
"origin" "312 32 264"
"rendercolor" "0 0 0"
"renderamt" "255"
"holdtime" "15"
"duration" "3"
"targetname" "losemsg"
"classname" "env_fade"
"model" "*50"
"fireallperish" "wave2"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"spawnstart" "1"
"spawnloc" "1"
"targetname" "wave1"
"classname" "msarea_monsterspawn"
Crow said:In my map, monsterclip blocks seemed to be brushed aside by boars. they just plow right through it. why is this?
The next map im working on has run into a really strange problem. When i run it without rad or vis on, (and even when they are on) it takes a REALLY long time for some reason. Which it shouldn't, because there are hardly anything in it yet.
@echo off
set WADROOT=G:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\xxxx\dedicated server\valve
title Compiling %1.bsp
hlcsg ""
hlbsp ""
hlvis -full ""
hlrad -chop 128 -texchop 128 -low -verbose -lights oldlights.rad -extra ""
copy %1.bsp "G:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\xxxx\half-life\valve\maps\%1.bsp"
copy %1.bsp "G:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\xxxx\half-life\ms\maps\%1.bsp"
notepad %1.log
G:\Games\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 70 -game valve
"origin" "320 -448 48"
"killtarget" "deathnotice" //Have then all target one thing
"spawnchance" "100"
"targetname" "Serrold" //1 of six npcs in helena
"angles" "0 245 0"
"scriptfile" "helena/serrold"
"delayhigh" "2"
"delaylow" "1"
"classname" "ms_npc"
"origin" "-4096 -4096 -4096"
"target" "kickplayers"
"targetname" "deathnotice"
"count" "6"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"classname" "trigger_counter" //Only need one of these puppies and not 6 different trigger_relays
"origin" "280 32 248"
"backtothornlands" "6"
"losemsg" "0"
"targetname" "kickplayers"
"classname" "multi_manager"
"origin" "344 32 248"
"desttrans" "NE-A3"
"destmap" "thornlands"
"targetname" "backtothornlands"
"classname" "mstrig_changelevel"
"origin" "312 32 248"
"messagevolume" "10"
"targetname" "losemsg"
"spawnflags" "3"
"classname" "env_message"
"origin" "312 32 264"
"rendercolor" "0 0 0"
"renderamt" "255"
"holdtime" "15"
"duration" "3"
"targetname" "losemsg"
"classname" "env_fade"
Crow said:Can you even tell rar to put stuff in different places when you unzip?