Snow Wolf / RaZoR


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jan 10, 2007
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So if you go to an X-rated movie, that means that any kids caught in there are "fair game"?

The Man In Black

Staff member
Jul 9, 2006
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No. Kids shouldn't be allowed in in the first place. In my view, you need to take that game away from her. She obviously isn't mature enough to be on a mature game/server.

Besides, if a 14 year old gets into an R-Rated movie, who are you going to yell at? The people who sold her the ticket, the company that made the movie, the community of people who like the movie, or the people who were in the movie theatre at the time?


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Apr 8, 2005
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Picadilly said:
So if you go to an X-rated movie, that means that any kids caught in there are "fair game"?
No, it means if you give your kids tickets to an x-rated movie, it's your fault they're fuxed up, not Ron Jeremy’s. ;)


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
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Picadilly, she isn't even your kid. Shouldn't her parents be the ones to moderate what content she is exposed to?

I am not saying not to care or anything but is it really affecting yours and her relationship or is it affecting your personal beliefs?


New Adventurer
Nov 2, 2007
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For the people who cant be bothered to read more than four sentences, just read the last paragraph.

So basically most people here agree to say that they think fourteen year olds shouldn't be playing MSC because its content and players are as "bad" as pornography and the people who go to X-rated theaters. And that if 14 yos do play and get exposed to "all manner" of nastiness, it's the parents' fault for letting them play in the first place.
I had no idea MSC was so risqué.

Seriously, Picadilly wasn't condemning Razor for having said fùck or for insulting/teasing his niece in whatever led up to those few lines of conversation, after all, as everyone here rushed to say, there is much worse on the net (but why do people seem oddly proud of that fact?), he was merely telling razor that the person he was talking to was a young child so that he would know for future reference.

Personally, I think both of them were rude, but quite within the standards of chat in MSC and society in general.

Whatever, that is done and over with... Only it's not. Razor is using it as a sig.
Perhaps he hasn't seen this thread yet.
Perhaps he wants to advertise that he was being unpleasant to a child (I don't believe that) and share with us the joys of his witty repartee.

Now that we know, it wouldn't cost us to tone it down a little in the presence of that player, who is probably old enough to swear but not necessarily old enough to take some of the animosity that some people exhibit (not talking about razor, whom I don't know). Do we really want to get rid of Aza because she's fourteen? I've played with her, I've seen her politely ask for advice, help some beginners, and grind away at mobs of skellies for exp. Overall, she seemed to be what I'd call friendly constructive player.
I don't know Razor, and I don't know what led to their verbal confrontation and I imagine it was both trivial and casual.

I do think that MSC could be played by by a 14 yo (regardless of whatever official ranking it has, besides if we want to go down that thorny path game rankings don't mean much one way or the other except for maybe G which means Generally Insipid and Saccharine)... I understand that people don't want to start censoring themselves all the time when they chat on the servers, however as a community of players would it be too much of an effort to tone it down in the presence of a junior member? Or do you really think that MSC is too damaging for kids to play... or is it our MSC community that is toxic?

The thread has shifted from a discussion of behavior towards a child to one of whether or not the child should be playing games that are too "Mature". MSC isn't such a game. That isn't the issue.
The issue is whether or not we as a community can show some consideration for a junior member who may blossom into a full friendly and helpful high levelled player, certainly looks that way from the way she works at levelling and the way she acts in game; or whether we claim that, if she is too young to take our verbal barbs, then she should get the hell off our servers because MSC isn't meant for her.


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Apr 8, 2005
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Meaning, at its base it's 17+

"Game Experience May Change During Online Play" means there are kids like THIS out there who make it rating "A" and above. Nevermind all the beastality pr0n spray tags.

Now, ESRB can be overrated… Depending on how sheltered the girl is or isn't, she may hear things on par with this at school on a regular basis. But if that isn't the case, and this level of protection is warranted, then ye could at least get some parents to read some labels.


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
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Thothie, that was rad.

Moira, you raised some good points. Though I am sure you know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions/beliefs/thoughts/ect. No one will change how they are on the internet nor in-game because of one player. That is just how it works. But your post was a good read none-the-less.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
He made me realize something....
This is off-topic, who gives a shit if we change the topic of the thread midway through. Somebody may start off talking about giving a guy a warning, asking him not to do it again... but if people like MiB or Thothie feel like talking about maturity instead, then so be it. This is the off-topic section, anyways. And, no matter what, Picadilly has already given his warning... so why does it matter if we drag this off-topic? (note, I've changed the topic yet again...) 8)


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
The Pirates of Dreadwind
May 24, 2006
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Eugene, OR
oh this crazy place we call the internet, it knows neither age or decency.

and thats why if you google "oatmeal enima" you may see things you never wanted to ever see. (I have not actually googled it)


New Adventurer
Nov 2, 2007
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Thothie: yes yes, of course everything you said is true (but is it pertinent?)... For the sake of argument: does the rating for half life apply to msc which is a very different game? No one said anything about the kid playing Half life. Maybe her parents don't let her play that. ; j. Also, no one said there wasn't vulgarity online, in online games, and in HL mods. But is it as true in MSC, do we want it to be? Maybe from here on in the kid should only play on the servers that have no vulgarity rules in their MOTD (don't know which those would be though :p). And were I to host a server, I'd kick the dude from the you-tube you linked to for general all around nastiness once, twice and ban him the third time. I guess it's a good thing I'm not a server admin! o_O It sure as hell wouldn't be a democracy and I'd very much lose all the popularity contests. Oh well, you'll just have to cancel my tiara or whatever and try to get your money back.

P|barnum: that was a very diplomatic post there! :} Incidentally, though I don't expect most players to do so, I know several players online who do change the way they act (note the word act instead of "are") in game for one player. I try to. Don't we, for example, make allowances for a new player who doesn't know the strings yet? Or put things simply for our guildmate who is a bit hard of thinking? ; j

that's pretty much all I have to say about this...


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Thothie: yes yes, of course everything you said is true (but is it pertinent?)... For the sake of argument: does the rating for half life apply to msc which is a very different game?
Hell yes. In many ways, MSC is much worse than the core game it’s built on – ie. the only thing the parents have to purchase and has a box they’ve gotta read. We’ve got corpses, up close and personal blood splurting combat, blood sacrifices, and pagan gods, FFS! Hell, we even have some semi-nude floating chicks who make “suggestive” sounds when ya set em on fire. We may not have the realism of Half-Life 2, but the only thing Half-Life1 has on us is guns and the occasional swearing grunt, and I think we gottem beat hands down with all that.

Maybe from here on in the kid should only play on the servers that have no vulgarity rules in their MOTD (don't know which those would be though :p).
Aw hell nah, don’t start that crap. There’s nothing more hypocritical than no-swearing servers. Tis one of the reasons I quit playing DoD, is that the last of the servers with map rotations had no swearing policies, which is absolutely appalling when ya think about it. Here we are, in what was at the time, one of the most realistic combat environments available, fugging killing one another, and you're worried about your kid hearing a swear word? Pretty much frames everything that’s wrong with the kids today: lazy ass parents who think it's more important that they don’t hear their kid say a swear word, than preventing them from being indoctrinated into and numbed to violence.

Parents who worry more about their kids swearing, than partaking in simulated murder, need to be shot. Server hosts who enable that sort of parenting should be next up against the wall! :evil:

In the case of the server hosts, it’s almost invariably about power mongering, inane self-righteousness borne from the need to have power over others. In the case of the parents it’s just shear laziness, as they figure the murder is less likely to come back and haunt them in the immediate future than the swearing. Either way, that sort of ass-backwards sense of responsibility is pure poison for children, and has gotta go if they hope to have any sort of a future.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Jun 29, 2007
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Moira said:
Seriously, Picadilly wasn't condemning Razor for having said fùck or for insulting/teasing his niece in whatever led up to those few lines of conversation, after all, as everyone here rushed to say, there is much worse on the net (but why do people seem oddly proud of that fact?), he was merely telling razor that the person he was talking to was a young child so that he would know for future reference.

I lol'd because Picadilly could have sent Razor a PM asking him to remove that from his sig and telling him the age, and maybe brought it to kuro if he really felt it all that offensive, but instead he posted it on the forums.

I dunno. Kinda smells like intent to start a crapstorm to me.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 11, 2004
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Knee deep in shit
Just so you know, this is probably one of the most "toxic" communities on the net. You won't get anywhere arguing decency with us.

i serious


New Adventurer
Nov 2, 2007
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Thothie: I am not going to publicly post about this anymore because clearly we aren't going to get anywhere with this conversation except making an pointless argument out of it.

Homestar: this is far from one of the most toxic communities on the net. I mean any one of the chans beat us hands down... And have you ever been to the my little pony Forums? Wow... Talk about toxic.

CMD: I don't know, this seems to have gone from a minor comment about one player acting unpleasantly to another to full scale indictment of parenting/gaming/people, complete with summary executions. Frankly I wouldn't have expected this kind of reaction from the crowd here, but then again, I haven't know the people here for very long. I do agree with you that this whole issue is tedious.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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You can read the third or last lines(of text), for an abridged version.
I have an idea:

Lock this thread.

As far as I am concerned, if you are deemed mature enough by someone else to play this game, then you should also be able to slough off what others may say or do, that may not necessarily be mature. I like how azaria hasn't said a word about this; I'd be getting a forum account and expressing my opinion if there were a 3 page thread about me(basically). Inevitably you are going to run into some real stupid, real profane people on the Internet, and, Picadilly, if you think your niece isn't suited for that, I'd brace her for it, or cut off her means of interaction.
However, from what I do know, razor isn't quite the epitome of what people in the MS:C community should be acting like, and I haven't played enough with azaria enough to know anything much about her, so I guess it boils down to whether or not you want an apology. But, like I said before,

Lock this thread.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
All this nonsensic rage toward snow wolf remembers me of Pimpsta.

OH WAIT........


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jan 10, 2007
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Sorry for the crapstorm guys, but...
Just so everyone knows, Aza didn't even bring this up to me. I don't even think she knows this forums exists. This is her first computer game.
Someone told me about this incident about a week ago (in fact two incidents of guys, kind of, stalking her in the game...)
The only reason why I know about the particular incident framed here is because a friend of mine pointed out Snow Wolf / RaZoR / Banana Steak's sig to me.
As you may or may not know, I admin a couple of servers (well, one's currently running an experimental N.S. mod) and I haven't banned, nor threatened to ban anyone. I haven't talked about changing any rules of any kind. My intention was to simply point out (publicly, I might add), that Aza is a young lady. I guess I figured that's all I would have needed to do for most decent people to know how to respond.