... yea...that should let u see...if how to put up pics on ill tell u about this map...well the first wall..behind it is where u spawn and there will rats and boars there...and then past that wall is the orc camp...there will be atleast 1 ofm everytype of orc there... once u kill ALL the orcs..the wall that is red that i selected...will break..and 1 troll and 1 ice troll will come out...and once u defeat both trolls...a chest will drop with items..and then after i finish this map i will start to the map that continues this map.............................. there will be more maps to continue this 1...ok now cuz im bored..i will tell u the story of my whole plan..................K... u are suppose to kill off the rest of the orc army that is outside..but a shock when u have defeated them 2 ice and 1 regular...u must defeat them to venture further into the castle...after killing the trolls..u must venture into the courtyard that has shops a petting zoo a bar and other stuff...but wait..what is this..they are all dead yet moving?..sumthing bad is happening and u kno u defeat all of the orcs and undead that are outside..once u have done that..the barriers around the kings house break...and u can go in there..but when u venture in a GIANT shock is wating for u