Revenir said:As for loots:
Dark armor *Keeping, was present*
Ice Blade *Keeping was present*
Seph Helmet *Borrowing from Squirrel*
Gauntlets of Fire * Borrowing from Squirrel*
Great Axe....thing *Keeping was present in the room, ran upstairs to do a dew run*
Golden Axe *Was present on the map while they raped zombies xP No one needed it so I was told I could take it*
Carn mace *Sp?* *Keeping was raped by a bunch of rats over and over 3;*
Rune shield *Squirrel said it was an extra so I get to keep it*
FER said:I was playing there too, and I welcome the new recruits. however they'll have to wait for their crest until 1st of June and prove their worth until that.
FER said:here the images:
FER said: