You powers of perception are damn near noumenal.Stoned said:The quality of this forum has severely deteriorated.
Lucifer Majiskus said:Sometimes I wonder if socializing is taboo in Portugal. Sure aint representing the country well :roll:
Stoned said:The quality of this forum has severely deteriorated.
Thothie said:Can't get a hold of all this fame!
Let me start by saying that I don't agree with every decision Thothie makes regarding MS:C. He can be teeth-gnashingly insufferable at times; rather than actually put up an argument he has a tendency to snub people or talk down to them like they're an ignorant child. (Sorry to throw you under the bus Thoth old boy, but it's true.zeus9860 said:Indeed it is his fault that some sh!t has happened, the last "asshole moments" happened because he indeed has been an asshole towards the very few who still play this game and are active in the forums.
IMO J-M deserved what he got. He is arrogant and sees himself as above everyone around him, woe betide you if you don't snap to attention when he says so, lest you be the worst caliber of drooling simpleton in his eyes. If things aren't going his way, he will make them go his way, by whatever means necessary. MS:C wasn't proceeding the way he wanted it, so he tried to make it the way he wanted it, and he decided everyone had to share in his vision and so actively worked at cross purposes to the development team; making cheats for the game, duping items, and generally opposing everything they did. You don't bite the hand that feeds you and expect to come away unscathed.zeus9860 said:And i'm on my rights to blame him for this as he did so the same sh!t with JM in the not so distant past a couple of times.
What Thothie said, chill the fuck out. If I thought Thothie was serious about his "release date" for MS:S jab, I'd be chewing him out as we speak. Also, you're expressing an opinion contrary to what is held by the majority around here; you have to expect some flak as people jump on the hate-wagon.zeus9860 said:And Lucifer, you should stop posting, this isn't your problem (joke aside). In fact, Thothie jumped in acting like boss for no apparent reason when i was trying to make some humor on the release date for MS:S. Guess he got butthurt towards the responce i gave to MiB, which in fact, was no big deal to my eyes as i've said worst in the past. Owell. :roll:
Thothie said:Maybe I'm misinterpreting your posts, but this is what I'm getting from the last couple posts:
Stoned: When MSS?
Zeus: NEVAH!
MiB: [Makes silly Regex joke]
Thothie: Dude, whai u always gotta be leik dis?
Thothie: [img] Dude!
Lucifer: Dude, srsly.
Stoned: No blasters! No blasters!
Lucifer: No sh*t.
Okay, okay... First off, no one's going to ban you just for being an asshole. J-M went, way, WAY beyond just being an asshole, and it took us almost a decade to finally ban him. I mean no one banned Pimpsta and Cornholio, sfaik - and Zun is still around... Jeeze. We can put up with that, in spades apparently.
Just sayin', chill dude. Tis just a game. Not everything is always gonna go your way, but tis no reason to go around constantly biting folks' heads off. And if this is some valiant effort to replace J-M, it ain't workin' - not that I'd encourage that, of course. So take a deep breath, and enjoy the popcorn.
'sides, I gotta patch to put out today. Dun have time to moderate the drama. ;)[/quote]
Thothie sed my nam... and a pach!?
Thothie said:Maybe I'm misinterpreting your posts, but this is what I'm getting from the last couple posts:
Stoned: When MSS?
Zeus: NEVAH!
MiB: [Makes silly Regex joke]
Thothie: Dude, whai u always gotta be leik dis?
Thothie: [img] Dude!
Lucifer: Dude, srsly.
Stoned: No blasters! No blasters!
Lucifer: No sh*t.
Okay, okay... First off, no one's going to ban you just for being an asshole. J-M went, way, WAY beyond just being an asshole, and it took us almost a decade to finally ban him. I mean no one banned Pimpsta and Cornholio, sfaik - and Zun is still around... Jeeze. We can put up with that, in spades apparently.
Just sayin', chill dude. Tis just a game. Not everything is always gonna go your way, but tis no reason to go around constantly biting folks' heads off. And if this is some valiant effort to replace J-M, it ain't workin' - not that I'd encourage that, of course. So take a deep breath, and enjoy the popcorn.
'sides, I gotta patch to put out today. Dun have time to moderate the drama. ;)[/quote]
That conclusion of my last posts is so out of the chain rofl, the last post actually contains some rage towards the JM bit, not that im asking you to bring him back or anything. Was just neglecting the simple minded thing that lucifer said, it made no sense "lol putting blame on someone else makes u look like a baby", most of the leftover devs that are still around and some members from RIP blamed JM for that, same reason i blame you for having more assholes than quality members around your game. It's like you grow this kind of attitude with the way you act towards the game/community, with all the favoritism going on about.
Ok so JM was more than just an asshole, he was a good mapper with actually good quality mapping skills, yeah you are right. He never cheated on FN since the very beginning i started playing this game (late 2007), he never duped items, he did exploit (oh noes, it's not like the majority of veterans or veteran-wannabe exploit things the sameway he did) and he also advertised (everyone does this, he made a mistake of doing it in the forums which i believe is the basis and only reason you came up with to ban him). The shuriken act, was an asshole move yes, and like you said "no one is going to ban someone for just being an asshole." OK! :roll:
The item duping came from another group of players from another region, a region a bit too far from ours and mostly dead nowadays... i'll leave it at that.
Also never did i say i was looking after a ban, it's like, the last of my worries? I got a huge backlog of games on steam to play, it's not like banning me would make a dent on the active playerbase that still plays this game right? :wink:
[quote]IMO J-M deserved what he got. He is arrogant and sees himself as above everyone around him, woe betide you if you don't snap to attention when he says so, lest you be the worst caliber of drooling simpleton in his eyes. If things aren't going his way, he will make them go his way, by whatever means necessary. MS:C wasn't proceeding the way he wanted it, so he tried to make it the way he wanted it, and he decided everyone had to share in his vision and so actively worked at cross purposes to the development team; making cheats for the game, duping items, and generally opposing everything they did. You don't bite the hand that feeds you and expect to come away unscathed.[/quote]
Orochi, please. You got no clue what is going on. While i do agree to the fact that this mod would have been dead if it wasnt for Thothie to put content towards it, i also think you badmouthing J-M in such a way is a mindless act.
I'm going to leave it here, i wrote down a huge wall of text which i cut off and save off the drama, again it's a waste of time debating with certain people around these parts when they think they are always right, when in fact they are wrong alot of the time and can't accept that without a slap of proof/humiliation to the face.
Well... I'm actually uploading the first rendition of the patch now, but it's getting a bit late in RKS land, I suspect, so this will have to be a Labor Day patch - which is kinda what I figured it'd be anyways. :\Lucifer Majiskus said:
Indeed.Thothie said:Yeah, that's a shame... Can't have a public build of this sorta mod, or you wind up with more cheetos than a Doritos warehouse. :\
I...don't think you quite understand how revision control systems work. The whole point is so that if you ever modify something, you can roll back to an earlier version. In this case, if we were both on GIT I'd just need to do a sync with their hub and sort out any conflicts.Thothie said:Then again, I'm not sure how you make this sort of mod without modifying some source files, so likely, a constantly updating GIT hub might work against you anyways. Best to just grab the master and go, and test updating when you can get away with it, I figure.
GIT seems to be the way of the future, and the above mentioned reasons, that's why I want to use it in lieu of SVN.Thothie said:I dunno if someone makes some sort of SVN<->GIThub plugin to allow your SVN to automagically update from a GIT hub archive though... Seems such a thing would be possible - just dunno if anyone's gone to the trouble of creating it yet.
I just noticed. Hopefully that version of the SDK fixes the menu problems. And yes, you could port it, it would just be a massive amount of work due to the scripting system having its vile tendrils in everything.Thothie said:They setup an HL1 GIT hub just this Friday too... But there's no way we can port to that version of the SDK, with so many modded files. I'm talking with a guy on the Valve Goldsrc crew to see if we can get a detailed changelog, and maybe port some fixes.