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The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
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Feb 28, 2008
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Age said:
Usually I wouldn't really care about your comments because I realize you don't really care about being gentle, but generally when someone acknowledges that "This is who/how I am now" it's a personal decision, indicating they CAN be gentle, but don't really bother trying. I'm fine with that, because I know the zeus equation (level of insult/infinity/0), but newcomers might not be so welcoming to crass comments, so you might want to watch what you say around the forums a bit closer.

Yes, it is a personal decision. And the decision i made took effect in so many ways, nowadays i'm probably the same person on the internet and real life, and guess what, most people that i keep seeing in my daily routine is what makes me change alot, because i change according to the people i am with most of my time.
Also, i'm not the type that insults newcomers without a reason to. I even like to help people most of the time, i guess this is the only gentle thing about me.

Now lets put an end to this conversation, too much offtopicness and i think i made my point clear enough already.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Thothie comes home from a painfully long day and night of alien drama, anxious to settle down to a few relaxing hours of coding and scripting for MSC.

Thothie sees a half-dozen posts of this crap. >_>


/me decides to go shoot some zombies.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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On the plus side, 10 days have passed since the patch, and no one's mentioned "The N-Word".

Trillian said:
[Tuesday-14:20] ms_Gurluas: Hey up for some msn roleplay?
[Tuesday-14:20] ms_Gurluas: Its with dogcats and stuff


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Very minor server side patch fixes the ms_reset_if_empty bug: ... _patch.rar
Shut down server, extract to msc/dlls, then restart. Doesn't change the version registration.

Servers will reset ms_timelimit minutes after the last player leaves, unless the server is on Edana, in which case no reset will occur.

This also increases the time before clients reconnect to the server rather dramatically.

Has a few other very minor changes, but doesn't fix any other major outstanding issues, save maybe XP on boars and fire giants, and stare-contest goblin throwers. Catacombs treasure maybe *slightly* more kind, and the spiders may cocoon you a bit more quickly, if they are level adjusted. One possible issue is that this also adds frost bolt and rebuke undead tomes, but I don't think it'll be a major problem if the client lacks the item (just won't be visible).

I do NOT recommend downloading this for clients, however, as if you do get one of those tomes, and go to a server without this patch, then the tome will vanish.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Mar 8, 2010
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Edana, Georgia
The (hot-fix?) patch solved 2 of my problems: 1) The disabled auto-restarting, and 2) The Steam validation error.

Thanks a lot, Thothie! :D Servers are back up to peak efficiency!!


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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March fools?

Just thought I'd give the heads up that we, (sadly as per usual), will be expecting MAR2011 to be a bit late. We've actually had requests to delay the patch by certain mappers, but I'm also still populating/tweaking/testing orc_for, amongst other things, so ya can't blame them. Hopefully we can still pull it off in the first week or so... Probably... So long as I don't get lured away by sexy zombies.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Mmmm... Sexay zombies...

Right now I have the zombie virus, and it be slowing things down quite a bit. Shoot me if I start to turn - but not if only my beard starts to turn.

All that's complicated, that remains, is a boss/sequence for the high end of Orc_for. But I think I OD'd a bit on the decongestants. Having to rely on more "herbal" remedies now. ><


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Apr 8, 2005
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Expect patch Sunday. Live in fear.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Jan 7, 2006
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Its 1:30 AM! Where is patch! [Welcome, to the world of Tommorow~~~~~!, if your not on the Eastern coast and a night owl]



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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Happy birthday then...


Only rednecks hunt with automatic weapons

New Maps
• Dragoon Caves (dragooncaves) by Furion [Medium-High] (connects via The_Keep)
- Beyond the bandit keep lies the hidden home of dreaded dragoons.
- A large winding map that's friendly to the graphics card, of about the same difficulty as The_Keep

• Idemark's Tower (idemarks_tower) by jon50559 [Medium-High] (disconnected*)
- The wilderness and ruins that surround the fallen tower of the fallen Apostle Idemark.
- Not so friendly to the graphics card, but very pretty. Some wilderness and ruins to explore.
- This map is currently disconnected, but to connect via Keledrosprelude2 and orc_for in the future.

• Orkat Forest (orc_for) by Sgt Rehab [Self Adjusting, Low-Very High] (disconnected*)
- This forest is infested with tribes of goblins and orcs. A stronghold of the Blackhand lies hidden within, where it is said that sinister plots are beginning to take shape.
- The map self adjusts, from, roughly, 15 to 40+, based on the strength of the players present, both in terms of the strength and types of monsters, experience, and in terms of treasure.
- Final boss is balanced to deal with four players the current tier, and which monster he is will vary with the strength of players present.
- BEWARE: The Goblin Pouncer, and the Hobgoblin Lightning Shaman. One will ride you like a pony while pounding the sides of your head, and the other will trap you in a lightning cage. If either of these things happens, you are dewmed, until another player saves you. So beware the snicker, and keep an eye out for the glowing fist.
- You gain 2000 dmg points for rescuing another player from a Lightning Shaman or Pouncer.
- This map is currently disconnected, but to connect via Thornlands and idemarks_tower in the future. (Pending real-world balance tests.)

Updated Maps
• The_Keep - Connected to Dragoon Caves, and fixed the dreaded chains of FPS dewm.
• Catacombs - Fixed an exploit or two, re-balanced for lower levels (min ~20), boosted treasure
(PS. If there's a texture missing from Lodagond-4 still, sorry, forgot to fix that... :\)

New Mapper Toys
• reqhp property on msmonster_xxx/ms_npc can now have a minimum and a maximum by adding a semi-colon and a second value. eg. "1000;3000" will cause the monster to spawn ONLY if the total HP of players present is ranged from 1000 to 3000.
• Monsters with reqhp property will no longer spawn later, should they suddenly qualify after more players join. (ie. their spawn is only checked once)
• Gold now multiplies with set_self_adj flag (at the same ratio that XP does)
• Additional Parameter: set_non_agro
- Will cause most creatures to remain calm until attacked. However, once attacked - by anything, they will go agro on any and all non-allied targets until slain, regardless of actual guilt. (Much like a real wounded animal, I suppose...)
• Additional Parameter: set_no_avg
- Self adjusting monsters (set_self_adj) with this parameter won't count their death against the global average. This is handy if you have a weak monster near the spawn who maybe slain before all the characters connect.
- (If you have developer on, you'll get a pop-up tracking your current average.)

Nerf Log
• The level cap has been raised from 40 to 45
• MP to Damage ratio doubled for Infernal Claws
• Shadowfire Blade Burst now repels
• Improved firewave on Shadadow Fire Blade/Infernal Claws
• Added what should be the last of the missing tomes

Bug Fixes and Other stuffs
• Fixed arrow/bolt stacking issues
• Fixed various inventory icons (be sure to report any that we missed)
• Fixed some issues with pouches of coins in chests (picking up with full hands, etc.)
• Fixed MSCave Zombie Archer attack range and "Zombie Zombie"
• Fixed some Pharaoh Lance Force Cage issues (somewhat)
• Fixed some boar issues
• Fixed mayor quest in Edana
• Fixed the ocean crossing cannon (*hopefully*)
• Fixed boars/firegiants and a few others lacking XP
• Fixed Jade/Emerald key for gay men
• Fixed ms_lildude using wrong gender
• Fixed chest skins on bloodrose
• Updated the Edana help sprites. They'll now auto-activate at anything under 100hp.
• ...and the usual 10,000 bug fixes and balancing tweaks I'm not bothering to write about.

Spoiler Section Begin

New Weapons:
• Fire Star [Req: Bluntarms/Fire: 20/20]
- A morning star forged with elemental fire
- Chance of Fire DOT (100% on full charge + stun). Burst of repelling fire when striking the ground fully charged.
- (p_model, inv icon, and viewmodel do not match up, we know...)

• Dragon Lance [Req: Polearms: 15]
- A lance forged with elemental fire
- Polearm Features: Charged_Thrust, Block, Backhand (blunt+stun), Charged_Throw
- Chance of Fire DOT (100% on power thrust).
- Charged throw projectile creates a burst of flame on impact, if thrown a fair distance.

• Steam Crossbow [Req: Archery: 35]
- A strange dwarven contraption, designed to fire multiple bolts
- Fires six crossbow bolts in rapid succession. Then takes a painfully long time to reload.
- You can "fire on the run" with this weapon (attacking with it will not slow you down).
- Beware that storing the weapon mid-reload may cause strange issues, but that you should be fine after reloading the weapon again. (In the more extreme situations, you may also need to change ammo type by tapping "4").
- Firing dwarven bolts very rapidly sometimes causes some not to register, but you can still fire them off fairly quickly without wasting any.
- First of the level 35 line

New Critters:
*deep breath*

• monsters/abomination_bone - Bone Abomination [Very High]
- A huge necromantic construct of miss-matched bones and dark magic in the form of some giant beast
- Meant to be one of a series, this one has a lightning field, blinding acidic breath, and an AOE stun attack. Beyond that, he attacks at two separate ranges for differing amounts of damage, and is just an all around tough bastard.
( orc_for/abomination_bone_sa - is the self adjusting Orc For variant, ranging in difficulty from High to Very High Boss [30-40+], but it cannot be used elsewhere without a also using orc_for/orc_summoner.)

• monsters/djinn_ogre_fire - Lesser Fire Djinn [Medium-High]
- Ogre variant of the Fire Djinn. No summons. Can create bursts of flame and shoot flames from his hands, plus Fire DOT, and the usual stunning headbutt.
( orc_for/djinn_ogre_fire_sa - is the self adjusting Orc For variant, ranging in difficulty from Medium to High Boss [25-30+], but it cannot be used elsewhere without a also using orc_for/orc_summoner.)

• monsters/boar2 - Greater Boar [Low]
- It's a big boar. Mind you, these are hostile by default, the ones on orc_for are flagged to be docile.
- orc_for/boar2 = self adjusting variant (though set_self_adj may work just about as well), their collision boxes had to be adjusted to deal with the trees.

• monsters/skeleton_spartaaa [Medium-High]
- Giant skeleton with greek style armor as seen in Catacombs (forgot to add it to the old changelog, me thinks). I *think* it'll come up with Geric's name, if you fail to give it a custom one.

• monsters/spider_webber - Constrictor Spider [Low-Medium]
- This is more or less the same as the snow spider, sans cold resistance, and white fur.

• monsters/troll_armored - Battle Troll [Medium-High]
- This is a heavily armored troll. Additionally, he can throw giant spiked metal balls that bounce around and explode.

• orc_for/bgoblin_archer_sa - Blood Goblin Needler [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Fire DOT. At the higher adjustment levels, arrows have an AOE burst effect.

• orc_for/goblin_archer_sa - Goblin Needler [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- At the higher levels the arrow gain a knock-back effect.

• orc_for/goblin_pouncer_sa [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- This creature will periodically latch onto the back of opponents, rendering them helpless against him until either he or they die. He gives fair warning, at which time you can either dodge or get out of sight, and he'll need a few moments to "recharge" and try again. Summons make good decoys here, as he'll just as happily ride them.

• orc_for/goblin_sa - Goblin [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- It's a goblin. It's also fairly dexterous, and good and navigating heights.

• orc_for/hgoblin_lshaman_sa - Hobgoblin Lightning Shaman [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- This dreaded would-be chieftain is too busy learning to harness the power of the storms to be bothered leading his people.
- Periodically, he can trap opponents in lightning cages, rendering them helpless until they die. However, if he can't see you, he can't trap you, and he'll need a bit of time to recharge.

• orc_for/orc_demonic_sa - Demonic Blackhand [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- This orc has made an evil deal, with something...
- Fire DOT, fire immune, and can periodically toss fire balls. Slightly holy vulnerable.

• orc_for/orc_flayer_sa - Orc Flayer [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Same as the old orc flayer - just a different range of adjustment than you'd get with the default set_self_adj addparam.

• orc_for/orc_fshaman_sa - Orc Fire Shaman [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Same thing...

• orc_for/orc_poisoner - Orc Poisoner [Self Adjusting, High-Very High]
- Same as the usual Orc Poisoner (eg. Voldor), but with a rather odd self-adjusting range. Note that the horrors he spawns do not self adjust, but they still provide good cover.

• orc_for/orc_pshaman_sa - Orc Venom Shaman [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- Same as the venom shamans on Wicard Oven, but self adjusting. (This script was never actually used, I don't think.)

• orc_for/orc_sniper_sa - Blackhand Elite Archer [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Higher levels have some knock back.

• orc_for/orc_summoner - Orc Summoner [N/A]
- This isn't a monster, it's just a special NPC script for dealing with summoning the final boss on orc_for. With the map's aid, he summons either an Ogre Fire Djinn or a Bone Abomination, then is promptly eaten by it (rather gruesomely, in the case of the Abomination).

• orc_for/orc_warrior_sa - Blackhand Warrior [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Self adjusting orc warrior. Has a better hit chance than the standard orc warrior.

• orc_for/sgoblin_sa - Shadow Goblin [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- No one's used the original Shadow Goblin script, so I'll refresh your memory: This goblin can vanish at will.
- At the lower levels of self-adjustment, he's renamed "Shadow Goblin Trainee". Trainees are not invulnerable while invisible, and leave trails of blood when wounded, allowing you to see where they are.

• orc_for/skeleton_archer_fire2 - Demonic Archer [Self Adjusting, Medium-High]
- Same as monsters/skeleton_archer_fire2, but tweaked to deal with lower level ranges.

• orc_for/vgoblin_archer_sa - Vile Goblin Needler [Self Adjusting, Low-High]
- Same as monsters/vgoblin_archer, but with a wider range of self-adjustment than set_self_adj could supply.

• furion/dragoons/dragoon - Dragoon (random) [Low-Medium]
- Dragoons are, more or less, the same as bandits, but they have random elemental DOT effects. They are usually also vulnerable to the opposing element that they use, suggesting that they are somehow infused with the element, rather than just using an elemental weapon. They are color-coded by element. You can set them in fixed versions as follows:
• furion/dragoons/random_archer - Dragoon Archer, random element
• furion/dragoons/random_axe - Dragoon Axeman, random element (+HP)
• furion/dragoons/random_mace - Dragoon Berserker, random element (+Stun)
• furion/dragoons/random_sword - Dragoon Swordsman, random element (faster atk speed)
• furion/dragoons/random_unarmed - Dragoon Brawler, random element
• furion/dragoons/random_mage - Dragoon Mage, random element (Casts deluxe Ice Shield - may also cast Blizzard, Poison Cloud, Fire Wall, or Lightning Storm, depending on element.)
• furion/dragoons/random_random - Same as furion/dragoons/dragoon >_>
• furion/dragoons/random_random_nm - Random Dragoon, Random Element, but never a mage
• furion/dragoons/fire_archer - Dragoon Archer, fire element
• furion/dragoons/fire_axe - Dragoon Axeman, fire element
• furion/dragoons/fire_mace - You get the idea...
• furion/dragoons/fire_mage - " "
• furion/dragoons/fire_random - " "
• furion/dragoons/fire_random_nm - " " (never a mage)
• furion/dragoons/fire_sword - " "
• furion/dragoons/fire_unarmed - " "
• furion/dragoons/ice_archer - Dragoon Archer, ice element
• furion/dragoons/ice_axe - You get the idea...
• furion/dragoons/ice_mace - " "
• furion/dragoons/ice_mage - " "
• furion/dragoons/ice_random - " "
• furion/dragoons/ice_random_nm - " " (never a mage)
• furion/dragoons/ice_sword - " "
• furion/dragoons/ice_unarmed - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_archer- Dragoon Archer, poison DOT
• furion/dragoons/psn_axe - Again, you get the idea...
• furion/dragoons/psn_mace - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_mage - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_random - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_random_nm - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_sword - " "
• furion/dragoons/psn_unarmed - " " (never a mage)
• furion/dragoons/zap_archer - Dragoon Archer, lightning element
• furion/dragoons/zap_axe - And again...
• furion/dragoons/zap_mace - " "
• furion/dragoons/zap_mage - " "
• furion/dragoons/zap_random - " "
• furion/dragoons/zap_random_nm - " " (never a mage)
• furion/dragoons/zap_sword - " "
• furion/dragoons/zap_unarmed - " "
• There is also a random dagger-wielding Dragoon known as a "Rogue", but he can't be called up individually.

• furion/dragoons/dragoon_elite - Elite Dragoon (Random) [Medium]
- Similar to Elite bandits, these Dragoons have honed their skills to the point where they can create many of the same secondary effects that players can with their weapons, and then some. They also carry magical weapons with effects similar to those players are familiar with. In similar fashion to the lesser Dragoons, they are infused with an element and are vulnerable to its opposite. They are color-coded by element.
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_archer
- Elite Dragoon Archer, Random Element (can tri-shot arrows, periodically)
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_axe
- Elite Dragoon Axeman, Random Element (can jump and land for a stunning burst, periodically)
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_mace
- Elite Dragoon Berserker, Random Element (can hit the floor for a stunning burst, periodically)
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_rand - Same as furion/dragoons/dragoon_elite
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_spear
- Elite Dragoon Lancer, Random Element (periodic charge attack, increased attack range)
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_sword
- Elite Dragoon Lancer, Random Element (Can freeze opponents with Ice Blade)
• furion/dragoons/e_rand_unarmed
- Elite Dragoon Martial Artist, Random Element (Can stun with jump kick or sweeping kick)
Select specific weapon and specific element, as follows:
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_archer
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_axe
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_mace
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_rand
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_spear
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_sword
• furion/dragoons/e_fire_unarmed
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_archer
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_axe
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_mace
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_rand
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_spear
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_sword
• furion/dragoons/e_ice_unarmed
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_archer
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_axe
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_mace
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_rand
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_spear
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_sword
• furion/dragoons/e_psn_unarmed
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_archer
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_axe
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_mace
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_rand
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_spear
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_sword
• furion/dragoons/e_zap_unarmed
• There is also a random Bone-Blade wielding Dragoon known as a "Elite Dragoon Rogue", but he can't be called up individually. He can regen via the vampyric blade, and periodically do the fast-attack secondary smallarms effect.

• furion/dragoons/dragoon_boss - Demetricus the Dragoon Leader [High]
- Unlike the other Dragoons and the bandit bosses, this guy comes in only one flavor: Dragon Lance.
- Has all the abilities of a standard bandit boss (ie. potion madness), plus increased attack range, and a periodic burst o flame.

Spoiler Section End (okay, save maybe that screenshot, sorry. ^_^)

Ye Download (61.5MB):
MSC Official Downloads Page

(PS. The RKS Texas servers have gone down in a blaze of glory, but should be restored shortly, and the rest are up.)


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Forgot to add mapper toy (will go back and edit):
• Additional Parameter: set_no_avg
- Self adjusting monsters (set_self_adj) with this parameter won't count their death against the global average. This is handy if you have a weak monster near the spawn who maybe slain before all the characters connect.

Should explain how the game calculates your treasure on self-adjusting maps. It does so by averaging the level monsters boosted themselves to against the number slain. The downside to this, is that if you started with some weak characters, and the epic-hero-squad-of-death joins later, said epic-hero-squad-of-death may not get quite as good a treasure layout as they would have, had they been there from the beginning, for their average will be dragged down. (This also prevents folks from sliding through the map with low level characters, and reconnecting with their mains for better treasure afterwards.)

Much like the monsters, the treasure chests names are suffixed with their level. With some crappy rolls, a level II chest maybe better than a level III, but your odds are certainly better at III, and more than two tiers removed more or less eliminates such issues. In the case of orc_for, the number of chests you have found is also a factor, and the uniques only spawn on the last few chests at tier 4 and higher (you must find 7+ of the 9 chests, though the order the chests are found doesn't matter).

The two Great Boars in the front of Orc_for both have the set_no_avg param, so they aren't counted against the average. You can feel free to whack on them while you wait for folks to connect, if you feel the desire.

One final note for mappers: You can only stick so many additional parameters on the same monster (I think the limit is about eight, including any sub-setting). Parameters after that get ignored. (Ran into this on the giant skeleton in idemarks_tower - ext_scale's parameter getting lopped off the end.)


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

make_superjumper is for Orcs only... Gives them jump capabilities similar to the goblins and bludgeons - so they can reach the cliffs and such. (Vs. make_jumper - the standard orc jump which is much shallower, and doesn't adjust based on height, but, on the other hand, looks much less unnatural.)


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Would it be possible to release a small side patch next month that actually fixes the lvl cap issue? I consider this patch to be extremelly boring when i can only use polearms and spellcasting (excluding fire) to get experience... I'm pretty sure people who have most skills capped at 40 would agree with this.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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J-M v2.5.5 said:
I disagree.

But only to annoy you XD
(and I don't really care about leveling past level 40)

As expected, couldn't care less what you think though since i already knew you would disagree xD

(J-M is just being selfish in this case...) :roll:


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Think we've fixed it, as expected had the level cap instilled in more than one place, but it was an iffy idea to begin with, and really not worth the chaos of putting out another patch just now. There'll be enough chaos caused by the RKS transition as it is.