NerfLog 1.0


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
I just really sat down and read this thread for the first time since its conception...
Thothie, since when were you so god damn paranoid? Nobody is out to get this mod and kill it. Nobody is out to get you. If they are misunderstanding changes you have made, then explain the changes to them; don't rile against those questioning you and lash out.

You yourself have tried using the "Community Mod" argument to turn people against those you dislike, but let me ask you this... if this is indeed a "Community Mod," then should the community not have a voice in changes made to it? Is it not the gaming community's right to give their input on changes you wish to implement? Unless you have a phantasmal feeling of being the Almighty, I don't see why you would want to shut out the community's voice.

So, screw all this bitching and claiming that people are out to get one another on a gaming website. It's something we do in our free time to relax - nobody gives a shit when it comes down to it because there are better things to do.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Nettrog said:
I just really sat down and read this thread for the first time since its conception...

Go back and actually read it, you'll see that I've already addressed every single issue you've just brought up - multiple times in some instances, which you'd know, if you had actually read it.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Except I didn't bring up any issues... at all. I didn't even reference to an issue. I just asked when you became so paranoid, let you know that nobody is out to get you, and voiced an argument for the community to have a voice in changes to the game. Start to finish.
Did you read my unusually short post, at all, Thothie? Would you prefer I make one of my usual rants, where there is no end in sight?


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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Netrogor said:
Except I didn't bring up any issues... at all. I didn't even reference to an issue. I just asked when you became so paranoid, let you know that nobody is out to get you, and voiced an argument for the community to have a voice in changes to the game. Start to finish.
Did you read my unusually short post, at all, Thothie? Would you prefer I make one of my usual rants, where there is no end in sight?

Or, you know, you could not stir up sh!tstorms that are said and done.


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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You are here --> X
Sabre said:
Netrogor said:
Except I didn't bring up any issues... at all. I didn't even reference to an issue. I just asked when you became so paranoid, let you know that nobody is out to get you, and voiced an argument for the community to have a voice in changes to the game. Start to finish.
Did you read my unusually short post, at all, Thothie? Would you prefer I make one of my usual rants, where there is no end in sight?

Or, you know, you could not stir up sh!tstorms that are said and done.
Truth. Now everyone please stop posting in this thread, as nothing good has/will/can come of it.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Ahh, but that isn't entirely true, Jelly. This thread could easily be turned into one of positive discussion - rather than bitch and moan about who is out to get who, and what was nerfed in MSC and what wasn't, people could discuss genuine nerfs from other games, and essential "nerfs" of good movies that were good before they were either "remastered" or "continued" (Seed of Chucky - something that should never have been made).

Of course, I highly doubt some of you are capable of being positive... fools are out to destroy my diabolical plan of global kindred spirits! But my plan will come to fruition... BUWAHAHAHAH!


New Adventurer
Socialist Guild
Aug 22, 2008
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Noes! the happy people are taking over D:

Srgnt Rehab

New Adventurer
Nov 7, 2009
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Even I don't know...
Netrogor said:
Of course, I highly doubt some of you are capable of being positive... fools are out to destroy my diabolical plan of global kindred spirits! But my plan will come to fruition... BUWAHAHAHAH!

Umm? Hypocritical much? "You guys suck! lets all get along..."

You are definately not helping anything with posts like this, sir. I highly recomend you think before you press "Submit"


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
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My information.
Srgnt Rehab said:
Netrogor said:
Of course, I highly doubt some of you are capable of being positive... fools are out to destroy my diabolical plan of global kindred spirits! But my plan will come to fruition... BUWAHAHAHAH!

Umm? Hypocritical much? "You guys suck! lets all get along..."

You are definately not helping anything with posts like this, sir. I highly recomend you think before you press "Submit"
I lol'd. 4 real. :oldlol:
I'm assuming you were being sarcastic about it, since I didn't say anybody sucked. In-case you weren't, start looking for a word-by-word quote. ^^


New Adventurer
Mar 9, 2008
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A land Down Under
Netrogor said:
I just really sat down and read this thread for the first time since its conception...
Thothie, since when were you so god damn paranoid? Nobody is out to get this mod and kill it. Nobody is out to get you. If they are misunderstanding changes you have made, then explain the changes to them; don't rile against those questioning you and lash out.

You yourself have tried using the "Community Mod" argument to turn people against those you dislike, but let me ask you this... if this is indeed a "Community Mod," then should the community not have a voice in changes made to it? Is it not the gaming community's right to give their input on changes you wish to implement? Unless you have a phantasmal feeling of being the Almighty, I don't see why you would want to shut out the community's voice.

So, screw all this **** and claiming that people are out to get one another on a gaming website. It's something we do in our free time to relax - nobody gives a **** when it comes down to it because there are better things to do.

I think you've got the wrong forums mate. Either that or you've been in a cave for the last 8 years.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
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Hemeriodius said:
Netrogor said:
I just really sat down and read this thread for the first time since its conception...
Thothie, since when were you so god damn paranoid? Nobody is out to get this mod and kill it. Nobody is out to get you. If they are misunderstanding changes you have made, then explain the changes to them; don't rile against those questioning you and lash out.

You yourself have tried using the "Community Mod" argument to turn people against those you dislike, but let me ask you this... if this is indeed a "Community Mod," then should the community not have a voice in changes made to it? Is it not the gaming community's right to give their input on changes you wish to implement? Unless you have a phantasmal feeling of being the Almighty, I don't see why you would want to shut out the community's voice.

So, screw all this **** and claiming that people are out to get one another on a gaming website. It's something we do in our free time to relax - nobody gives a **** when it comes down to it because there are better things to do.

I think you've got the wrong forums mate. Either that or you've been under a bridge for the last 8 years.

Fix'd...Couldn't resist xD


New Adventurer
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
A land Down Under
Sabre said:
Hemeriodius said:
Netrogor said:
I just really sat down and read this thread for the first time since its conception...
Thothie, since when were you so god damn paranoid? Nobody is out to get this mod and kill it. Nobody is out to get you. If they are misunderstanding changes you have made, then explain the changes to them; don't rile against those questioning you and lash out.

You yourself have tried using the "Community Mod" argument to turn people against those you dislike, but let me ask you this... if this is indeed a "Community Mod," then should the community not have a voice in changes made to it? Is it not the gaming community's right to give their input on changes you wish to implement? Unless you have a phantasmal feeling of being the Almighty, I don't see why you would want to shut out the community's voice.

So, screw all this **** and claiming that people are out to get one another on a gaming website. It's something we do in our free time to relax - nobody gives a **** when it comes down to it because there are better things to do.

I think you've got the wrong forums mate. Either that or you've been under a bridge for the last 8 years.

Fix'd...Couldn't resist xD

Was that aimed at me or Netrogor?


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Netrogor said:
Except I didn't bring up any issues... at all.

Not only do you lie about what you've read, you lie about what you wrote...

*sigh* I shall enumerate and re-re-respond to the issues you brought up.

Netrog said:
Thothie, since when were you so god damn paranoid? Nobody is out to get this mod and kill it.


Hemeriodius said:
Thothie said:
I dunno who put you up to it (although I can narrow it down to one of two folks determined to end this mod)

Brian4 was going around asking people to post a "nerflog" not long before this thread showed up.

Thothie said:
Brian4 "I'm going to release my MSC memory editor and instructions to use it when MSS beta comes out" Cornholio (damn that's a long middle name), yes, that'd be the other of the two. Using propaganda charts from the first leaves the first just as much to blame though. Where the first has tenacity and persuasion, however, the second has l337 skills (that caused me to recommend him for MSS) and fewer inner-conflicts, making him much more of a direct threat. Together, quite a hard combo to beat indeed.

May Felewyn help us all. ;)

Cornholio has bragged, in some cases to the wrong folks, about how he's going to "get MSC out of the way" by releasing his memory editor when MSS beta is released. Thanks to those folks, we've managed to get a copy of that memory editor and MiB is working on ways to defeat it (that hopefully won't add ten minutes to server load time...)

So the list itself is made by someone who intends to end the mod - not that you couldn't tell by reading it:

Thothie said:
You've played this game enough to know that the vast majority of the entries in that "log" have no merit. A good portion of them are actually complaining about advantages that they've been given, and deliberately framing them as nerfs. Many are complaining about things that were just plain broken, and several others are just plain wrong. It's not a list put together by someone concerned about nerfs or game balance, it's clearly a list put together by someone determined to inflame folks and put an end to the mod.

Sadly, Brian4 is just one of many folks determined to harm the mod. Code releases have 3 out of 7 times resulted in code getting into the hands of anti-dev team folks, spawning new cheats, and more than once anti-dev folks have been caught spreading them. Back in the day we had regular DOS attacks against FN from followers of team whine and banned players.

...More sad still, however, is the fact that members of team whine who claim they aren't out to destroy the mod, have done more damage to the mod than any of the folks who openly want it dead.

Thothie said:
Team Whine has already won. They've managed to stop all patches for well over a year now. Revel in your victory Team Whine, you've destroyed MSC... Breath in the ashes.

...and that's not good enough for you guys. You still make threads like this, or blindly defend the folks who do (even those times when they are clearly out to destroy the mod). The head of this particular snake, that's put its fangs into MSC's throat, would be nothing without its body.

Hackers at least give us something to fight against. The gratitude of "community members" like you though, just make us ask ourselves why we bother trying.

Thus folks like you, who are just here to ride the bandwagon of hate these jerks start down the hill, without even bothering to read the arguments, are much more dangerous to the mod's survival than the hackers actively seeking to destroy it.

I know I'm not getting any developing work done today, because I feel the need to respond to some fool who refuses to read the thread that addressed his issues, while pretending he did, so he can start a flame war. Yet another example of why our fight is a hopeless one - unlike developing, whining doesn't take much work.

Netrog said:
If they are misunderstanding changes you have made, then explain the changes to them;

As your generation so often says... "Hello!?"

PAGE 1: (very first Thothie response)

Thothie said:
Tradion said:
- The greater ice blade used to be a good weapon. Now it requires 10 mana for the ice encasement charge, causing the weapon to be completely overshadowed by its "bigger brother", the hoarfrost shard.
So, adding a better weapon is a nerf, good to know, don't add better weapons or Team-Whine will do what they do best - whine.

In anycase, the old system was leading to some really nasty exploits. 5-10 Mana to hold a creature in place and helpless for 5-10 seconds, without the need to draw a spell, is not too much to ask.

- The dark sword now requires mana, the sixth charge was removed, and the damage was reduced a bit. It got nerfed because it was supposedly way too powerful, but the people who nerfed it never realized that it actually takes time to charge the weapon.
Sixth charge was not removed by me, if at all (although, IIRC, there was an additional charge in there that did nothing but delay reaching the max charge). The charge time for the weapon has not changed - in fact, you can't change the time it takes to charge weapons. But yes, the damage was nerfed, when it became the one-and-only weapon ever used against anything with more than a smidgen of HP, or any sort of resistance.

- The bBlood drinker no longer heals you when you hit undead/unholy creatures. You'd say this is logical, but it's a DARK weapon, so why can't it heal you when you hit undead/unholy? Also, sources tell me that the regeneration rate will be reduced in the next patch.
Undead creatures are not supposed to be affected by vampiric weapons, for the same reason that all other games have that same feature - undead have no life force to drain. The regeneration rate has not changed.

You're neglecting to mention the nerf that you can no longer punch while the BD is in flight, but this was an effort to reduce the chance of the weapon mysteriously vanishing.

- When the golden axe was first put in-game, people started acquiring it. Because MS:C and logic do not combine, and because, therefore, weapons are not supposed to be acquired, every golden axe was 'cursed'. Golden axes now break, requiring you to go on a painful, boring quest to fix them.
75% of the active characters in the game had the golden axe within two days of its instillation, and this thing can slaughter any but the mightiest of undead in a single blow. Did not predict the ease of which it would be acquired (or that someone would spill the acquisition method in the forums on the first day). Figured, midas well make a use for all that gold that all the various exploits have flooded the economy with.

The cost will be reduced if/when we have an economy reset.

- The lightning rod third charge no longer auto-aims. Given the fact that most monsters in the game have garbage hitboxes, this is a disgrace.

People complained that the weapon was useless in the presence of other players, as it would always auto-lock on the nearest target, regardless of where you were actually aiming, or the friendliness of the target. The damage has been increased, and the mana drain reduced,

- The phoenix armor used to give back HP every time you got damaged by fire magic. Then the HP regeneration rate got nerfed, and now it gives back mana instead. Talk about a double-nerf.
Which made you not only absolutely invulnerable to fire, but to any creature using a fire effect, killing the half-dozen fire-based map concepts various mappers were looking into making. The introduction of PA cost us at least six maps, probably more.

- The bone blade heal rate got severely reduced. I recall it being two or three times as good when it was first in-game.
Which rendered you invulnerable to all but the mightiest of bosses. It's also a lot easier to get than it was when it was first introduced.

- The demon claws soul drain attack is no longer ranged and the damage is now 3*(mana/2) rather than 2*mana. A lot of people thought that the change in damage calculation was a good thing, but anybody with even half a brain knows that 3*(mana/2) = 1.5*mana, which is LESS than 2*mana.
It does 3*mana used. It never did 2*mana, but now it never drains all your mana in a single blow. It also no longer drains mana when you miss nor when you inadvertantly hit a player. The range hasn't changed, but for the same reason as the lrod, it no longer auto-aims. It also now does Dark damage instead of Piercing (which all undead were resistant to.)

- The lightning storm mana drain rate and damage are now not as good as they were before. Back in the days, the lightning storm was a potent spell. Now it's just garbage.
Lightning storm used to cost a lot more mana, couldn't be sustained for nearly as long, and failed to pass XP... The old method also crashed servers a hell of a lot. However, there does seem to be some sort of bug in regards to how the lightning storm is acquiring targets. You are neglecting to mention the additional nerf: Lightning storm used to cause monsters to wander randomly for brief periods, simulating disorientation. This often broke the AI though, especially on bosses. In the next patch, Lightning storm (and all DOT lightning effects) will reduce monster's chances to hit.

Additionally lightning no longer has the movement-related drunk effects on players, instead favoring reducing your own hit chances until the effect fades.

- Chain lightning barely hits nowadays.
This is a bug of which I was unware, but the target acquisition method has never changed, only the client side effect.

- Healing circles can no longer stack, yet monsters CAN stack their death circles, for examples.
Monster's death circles do not stack, you can only be affected by one at a time. Otherwise the game would crash whenever you were struck by two at once.

Healing circles stacking lead to complete invulnerability.

- Rejuvenation no longer passively heals for a short time, and rejuvenation can't stack either anymore.
1) This caused MASSIVE lag.
2) This healed almost nothing, you got 1hp per second for each stack. The spell was all but useless.
3) You can heal any level character in mere seconds now, as opposed to the old way, which wasn't much faster than sitting.
4) It passively heals for as long as you have it drawn (without even casting the spell, and at no mana cost!). It did not do this before.

- Blizzard spawn location got nerfed (keledrosprelude2 -> keledrosruins).
(looks at chest) It's still available in KP2. :\ Hasn't changed in ages... It's never been 100% though. On a side note, Blizzard is a hell of a lot more effective than it was... Especially if you go back to the early days - when it did nothing at all, save for spawning snow flakes, and only two players in the entire community managed to get enough SC to actually cast it (mind you, the same SC level as it is now, and everyone can easily reach - which should tell you something).

- Torkalath blade spawn location got nerfed (mscave -> highlands_msc).
When the Torkaloth blade was in mscave it was THE EXACT SAME BLADE as the lowest elven blade.

I could return it to that state and put it back in MSCave, if that's what you desire.

- Rune shield spawn location got nerfed (mscave -> ms_snow).
When the Rune Shield was in MSCave it did NOTHING - not even parry, not even add to chances to parry, and certainly had no chance of freezing opponents. It was the same as all the other shields at the time - ie. totally useless.

Again, I could return it to that state and put it back in MSCave if you really want.

- Demon claws spawn location got nerfed (demontemple -> skycastle).
Also still there, still spawn chance.

- Calrian, the Ice Lord and Keledros have all been made more resistant to holy damage just because high-level players (who don't even bother with these bosses anymore) got way too strong for them.
Calrian's not resistant to holy. Since holy damage was introduced, he's always had the same level of vulnerability. He's never been as vulnerable to holy as the lesser skeletons - none of the bosses are...

That is, except Keledros, who is EXTREMELY vulnerable to holy, and always has been. The only thing that's changed with him, is that he'll retaliate with very nasty spells when struck for Holy damage.

- Atholo gained passive HP regeneration.
Something about what was, at the time, the meanest boss in the game being slain in under three minutes by two players.

- Just about everything in Lodagond got nerfed. It's so bad, I can't even describe it. Instead, I'll link to J-M's Lodagond chart.
The only thing removed from Lodgond are the ridiculous XP multipliers. The treasure artifacts that were in Lodagond-1, have been moved to Lodagond-4 - and there are now a LOT MORE OF THEM. This is because there WAS NO TREASURE for Lodagond-4 when it was first introduced. The XP bonus was slowly reduced, and the treasures slowly added and moved, until the lynch mob went after Shuriken, proving to us that slow-changes were a bad idea. (Treasure list shown there is also entirely wrong.)

- The demon blood + vampire blood stack got destroyed.
Odd... Should work. Of this I'm not aware - I've made no efforts in this regard.

- Some weapons now use unrealistically high amounts of stamina (such as the dark maul), and this wasn't the case before.
The dark maul has not been modified since its creation. Most weapons have had their Stamina drain reduced. No weapon has had its Stamina drain increased SFAIK.

I've been wanting to remove Stamina drain entirely, for those weapons you have proficiency with, to put a greater focus on action and dodging manuverability.

- The aluhandra2 final reward got nerfed drastically.
Lies. Alaundra2 has only gotten more and more treasure over time. At the moment it is the exact same chest found in Lodagond-3 that has been called "the most over-stacked chest of all time", and is a hell of a lot harder to reach.

- The XP in old_helena got HALVED for no good reason at all.
Beacuse folks kept restarting the map in the middle to take advantage of the huge concentration of XP from the Orc horde. Even with the nerf, you can still get more XP per second there than almost anywhere else, with the steady flow of easy kill elite orcs.

...Any others for me to debunk before I delete this and add you to Team Whine? :)

...also do you wish me to list all the ADVANTAGES I've given you since I came on board? Cuz that list is a HELL of a lot longer than this one. Indeed, few, if any, of the "nerfed weapons/spells" you are complaining about here even existed before then.

Been there, done that. No complaint here, or anywhere else in the forums, has ever gone unaddresed or unexplained. But of course, you wouldn't know that, because despite your claims, you've not read the thread.


Netrog said:
You yourself have tried using the "Community Mod" argument to turn people against those you dislike, but let me ask you this... if this is indeed a "Community Mod," then should the community not have a voice in changes made to it? Is it not the gaming community's right to give their input on changes you wish to implement? Unless you have a phantasmal feeling of being the Almighty, I don't see why you would want to shut out the community's voice.


Thothie said:
In response to that, I should point out, that if I hadn't been listening to this community, and indeed fighting for you - all your characters would have been deleted by the subsequent team (and by the gods do I regret taking up that charge). 90% of everything I've put into this game has been a direct result of community input.

When you are "expressing opinions" about "game balance" you don't complain about things being removed that rendered characters invulnerable. You don't call items in MSCave being upgraded to some of the best of the era, and moved as a result, a "nerf" (especially when we upgraded the ones you already acquired, free of charge). You certainly don't go comparing a single player game's "balance" (Oblivion) to an MORPG. And you very most certainly don't concentrate exclusively on things that took power away from your character, when things that added power to your character outnumber them to better than 1000 to 1.

Not that I don't get sick of hearing folks who do care about game balance complain that the h4xbow or blooddrinker is overpowered, or what not, but since they actually have the items in question, at least I know their concerns are genuine, and not a simple grab for power nor for the support of the lowest common denominator. These folks, at least, actually care about MSC, and aren't lead by folks determined to end it.

The only folks we've been shutting up are those directly responsible for the fact that you've had no patches for nearly a year and a half now. These folks do not generally give "input on changes [we] wish to implement", but in those ever-so rare cases where they do, they are not censored. Most of the time though, they just start rage and hate threads, like this one, start fires, or make personal attacks against the devs, or rage on about some change that's been addressed about 10,000 times before, and they know it, being responsible for about half of them. Barring that they put up protest signs in the forms of obnoxious animated sigs, giving the big "FU" to the devs with every post they make, try to plant such efforts into the game itself (re: a recent bit of fun), or actively seek to have a particular dev team member removed after a disagreement (re: less recent bit of fun), thus costing us yet another dev member and making patches that much less likely.

Nettrog said:
So, screw all this **** and claiming that people are out to get one another on a gaming website. It's something we do in our free time to relax - nobody gives a **** when it comes down to it because there are better things to do.

If only you did have better things to do - but quite obviously you don't, or you wouldn't have taken the time to revive this. Sadly, it's reminded me, and all our coders, scripters, mappers, and modelers, that we do have better things to do today than spend hours of it working on behalf of folks like you.

I know you love to start flame wars - but if you must do what you do best - go start an abortion or health insurance debate, or some crap. Something, anything, that just pisses folks off, without harming the mod.


New Adventurer
The Dragonknights
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
... so much time and effort put in this silly thred, let the devs work with the real things instead of people complaining on every small detail that dosent even matter.
I rather see the devs working on the path than giving so much effort in answering to all these complains.

Thothie answeard to all the nerfs in first page with had a reson to get nerfed(changed)so no reson to bring everything up again.

Lets all be friendly to each other now so the devs can get some work done. And just post a thred in suggestions if you think something should change. :wink:

PS, i havent read all this thread, dident see any need for it.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
I noticed the "1.0", will they update the log? has been a while and no update

Srgnt Rehab

New Adventurer
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Even I don't know...
FER said:
I noticed the "1.0", will they update the log? has been a while and no update

I would like to have there be no versions any higher... With this thread alone, so much time has been wasted.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
My information.
Has anybody seen the remake of "Children of the Corn," from this year? That movie is awful. Now that is something that was nerfed from the "devs" touching it. I won't go into detail, as it would spoil its awfulness for you guys... just watch it, and remember the original, which was so much better (although kind of... dare I say it... corny, as well ^^).


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Netrogor said:
Has anybody seen the remake of "Children of the Corn," from this year? That movie is awful. Now that is something that was nerfed from the "devs" touching it. I won't go into detail, as it would spoil its awfulness for you guys... just watch it, and remember the original, which was so much better (although kind of... dare I say it... corny, as well ^^).


there's the original

go play it for a while


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
My information.
Did you know Obama nerfed the US Army? Under our last president, Bush Jr. (damn that traitor), we rapidly expanded the military and there were benefits fucking everywhere. Now we're just maintaining what we've got, and cycling it out for better people who can't find jobs in the civilian sector. On the day I was sworn in, I was one of four people, nationwide, who's Enlistment Bonus got through processing, and made paper contract ($10,000).
So Obama nerfed the fuck outta the military. And because I'm in the Army National Guard, I'm constantly busy doing PT and studying. God knows I'm dieing for more free time, like what I used to have this summer. I wish I could hump the forums all day, with no life, and make witty replies like in the old days.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
By all means, make a thread about it and debate it out. Just don't do it here. This thread is about "nerfs" to MS:C 1.11, not the U.S. Government its military, or the President of the United States of America, even if you name it "nerf" by proxy.